There was a hint of ridicule on Tang En's lips.

Why, didn't you hear it clearly? Let me repeat it. The body of the King's Treasure, including all other Noble Phantasms, was taken from the Noble Phantasm Palace in the Hall of Heroes. That is to say , reaching the root, or the root itself, is a toy to me, as for you...

Seeing Tang En's playful expression, everyone finally understood that the gap between them was insurmountable!

This man named Whirlpool Tang En is not a human at all!

Oh, I know you are thinking, am I a human?

Yes, I am still human in nature, but my strength is not in the human category. You can call me... God!

Emiya Kiritsugu cried, laughed, and laughed.

God, God! God...why would a person like you be a god? Shouldn't God be a righteous partner?

Tang En turned his head and looked at this tragic man named Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya Kiritsugu, God is not omnipotent. God is also a human being. God has what humans have, so don't think too wonderfully. And your ideal, a righteous partner, only exists in Fantasyland. In reality, It doesn’t exist!”

Chapter 23 Leaving

Your ideal, a partner of justice, cannot exist at all in reality. It is just a wish, or an ideal. It only exists in Fantasyland.

Tang En's last words broke Emiya Kiritsugu's heart.

He got it!

As a life, energy is not unlimited. Just like you saw in the Holy Grail, if you want to save some people, you have to kill other people. In essence, there is nothing wrong with this. And the relationship between me and you The difference is strength.

I think you should also understand this truth!

From ancient times to the present, the eternal principles and strength are the foundation of everything!

And I, in your eyes, am a god-like existence!

After saying that, Tang En raised his arm and said in a low voice to Jin Shining:

The fifth method: decomposition!



There was a loud noise, with Jin Shining as the center, and all the air, including the air, was evaporated by Tang En!

The terrifying mass explosion appeared again.

But obviously, we can also see the strength gap between Tang En and Jin Shining!

He didn't even have a chance to release the king's treasure before he was killed with one strike.

Okay, we have one last task, which is to destroy these black muds!

You do it or I do it.

Well, let's do it.

After saying that, the girls started to transform while Emiya Kiritsugu, Mapo, and Saber were stunned!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Tang En Family·Shinto Mode!

Pairs of pupils of various colors caught their eyes!

One by one, they slowly flew up like Valkyries!

Saber is already stupid! Seeing the terrifying magic power gushing wildly from the girls, they were completely stunned.

You...who are you?

We, we are just a leisurely family, passing through this place and traveling.




At this time, all the girls raised their hands at the same time and shouted softly:

Shinto Mode·Great Seal Technique·Holy Mirror Gate Barrier!

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

In an instant, the dark and deep hole was sealed from all directions!

And Tang En...

Shinto Mode·Ten World Divine Wheel Eye·Fifth Method·Decomposition·Mass Explosion!

Boom! ! ! ! ! !

A loud noise echoed in everyone's ears!

This is just a sound that has been weakened countless times through the barrier seal. One can imagine how powerful this blow that caused a huge mushroom cloud would be in the barrier!

Even if a planet hits the earth, it’s nothing more than that!

Looking at the barrier that firmly blocked the explosion, Tang En smiled at the girls.

Then he turned his head and said to Saber:

Do you want to see the outside world?

outside world?

Yes, this world is bigger than you think. Do you... want to see it?

Saber was silent.

I am a heroic spirit.

Oh, don't talk about heroic spirits. Even if you are the source, I don't take it seriously. The contract between you and the inhibitory force is just a blank piece of paper to me.

Is it like this?

Tang En tilted his head and looked at the hesitant Saber amusedly.

What do you think?

Three months later.

During these three months, the girls went crazy and started shopping all over the world, buying whatever they could!

I’m not afraid that I won’t be able to fit it in, but I’m afraid that I won’t be able to finish it all!

And Tang En also started various plunders.

For example, weapons and ammunition from developed countries, seeds of some food ingredients, etc.

All the seeds of the food are cultivated into the abode of God, enriching the species there, from vegetables to fruits, from flowers to trees.

Tang En also stole the world's most advanced aircraft carrier manufacturing blueprints, and he planned to use the shadow clone to rebuild a super battleship of his own.

The Battleship?

What could be cooler than owning your own big boat?

As for the materials, they are all readily available in the Golden Realm and are the strongest metals that are indestructible.

A few days later, the family gathered in the castle.

Looking at Saber dressed in white clothes, blue skirt, stockings and boots, Tang En smiled proudly.

It's almost time to play, let's start the rest of the trip!

Yeah! Let's go!

After speaking, Tang En smiled slightly, and the whole family swayed slightly and disappeared into the castle, and their presence will become history.

But, who knows?

Is this the abode of God? It's so beautiful.

Saber, this is our temporary home. We say we are on the road. In fact, you only need to live here, and I need to enter the passage of all worlds to find the next world. Each world has a different culture, world view, and history. Observation. Including various magical abilities used by people. For example, magic this time. Now we have collected two systems, chakra and magic, and have achieved mutual transformation, and magic circuits, although engraved It is not as real on human beings as it is on one’s own cultivation, but what if it is engraved on objects? For example, weapons or something like that, so that their attributes can be greatly improved.

Then, I'm off.

After saying that, Tang En stepped forward and entered the passage of all realms under the gaze of the girls.

He smiled as he looked at the starry sky, void, and space flow flying by around him. It's this feeling again.

After a pause, Tang En turned into a silver stream of light and disappeared in a flash!

The abode of God.

Saber, Ellie, these books are what you need to study. They contain the knowledge of this world and all the knowledge we collected in the previous world. After you store a certain amount of knowledge, you can start practicing. What we practice is It’s Shinto, which means we are now considered to be out-and-out gods, doesn’t it feel incredible?”

Are you gods? Well, you guys do make me feel divine.

Kaguya closed the book at this time and said:

Divinity? In Ellie's arsenal, the thing called the Lock of Heaven, doesn't it restrain divinity, but it's of no use to us?

It must be because your divinity is too high...

So that's it.

Time flies, years are like water.

For the Tang En family, time is just a timer. They have jumped out of the long river of time and are no longer in reincarnation.

Decades have passed, and the Residence of God is as peaceful as ever. The beautiful wives have their own things to do.

Knitting, reading, researching, practicing, eating, etc.

Even cleaning the mansion is a pleasure.

But I will feel bored if I stay here all the time.

Just as they were expecting, Tang En finally came back.

Next to the stream, a family is drinking tea.

Honey, how are you? Did you find a fun place?

Hey, don't tell me, this time I picked and picked again and again, and finally found a huge world!

Really? What kind of world is it?

I dress from the void. 90% of this world is sea water! There is only one ring in the continent.

If I remember correctly, this is...

③One Piece

Chapter 1 A new trip

The realm of gods·the abode of gods.

In the deep forest where the green jade rushes, a breeze slowly blows.

Occasionally you can hear the names of some birds and animals in the woods.

Beside a large sparkling lake in the forest, some figures were sitting on the soft grass, drinking tea and chatting.

One of the beautiful women with long white shawl hair smoothed her hair around her ears and asked softly:

Twain, what kind of world is that world?

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