Everyone stopped and turned around to look up at the mysterious man above.

Is this man finally going to take action? Let me see what you are capable of!

Saber, you better not underestimate this man. You saw that terrifying magic burst last time, right? It was with bare hands and no weapons!

After hearing the emperor's words, Saber finally became more serious.

In the heroic spirit's inertial thinking, the Noble Phantasm is the heroic spirit's most powerful weapon.

And Tang En...

Under the gaze of everyone, Tang En closed his eyes.

Haha, it seems that you want to see my strength with your own eyes. In that case, I will let you evaluate it.

The next moment, Tang En opened his bright and mysterious eyes, which seemed to hold the entire universe. The mysterious pictures and texts in it rotate slowly, and a deep light flows in the depths of the pupils.

He...what's with those eyes?

The emperor shook his head.

This is the mystery of him. He seems to be human but not human, and his huge suffocating magical power... I can't even evaluate it!

Under the silent attention of everyone, Tang En raised an arm.

Open your palms slightly.

In an instant, the space around him vibrated!

Like a gorgeous grand theater, the curtain of the dark space opened behind, and what was revealed in front of everyone was a huge space with bright golden light!

Chapter 20: The Eye of the Ten Realms, the Golden Realm, and the Rhinoceros of God

The sea breeze blew the hem of Tang En's clothes, and he stood tall and tall at the highest point of the pier.

With a faint smile on his face, he looked down at the huge monsters, servants, and masters.

Then, let me show you my strength. How about giving me a score?

After the sound fell, Tang En opened his eyes!

It was a pair of bright and mysterious eyes, like a pair of pupils that contained the entire universe. The mysterious pictures and texts in it rotate slowly, and a deep light flows in the depths of the pupils.

I saw him slowly raising his right arm under the shocked and silent attention of everyone.

With a flick of his wrist, he gently raised his palm and spread his fingers facing the sea.

His lips moved, as if he was pronouncing a name. At this moment, everyone thought of Tang En's clear voice.

The Eye of the Ten Realm Divine Wheel, the Golden Realm, and the Rhinoceros of God, open!

It was as if a voice came from the depths of the distant universe, recalled from the void.

With Tang En as the center, the space around him vibrated!

Behind him, it was like the opening of a stage play in a gorgeous theater. A mysterious force opened the curtain of the dark space and slowly spread to both sides.

After the space curtain, what is displayed in front of everyone is a huge space with bright golden light!

There is a world of metal! The whole world is like pouring gold.

Golden stone roads, golden ancient buildings, golden mountains, golden lakes, and golden plants!

Everything in this world is made of gold! And their materials are all made of supreme metal! They are indestructible!

In a canyon in a huge mountain range, it is full of the vicissitudes of the prehistoric times. There is a faint golden powder floating in the air. The energy in the sky has gradually produced spiritual wisdom, forming an oriental dragon shape!

And in the canyon, there is no end as far as the eye can see on the ground, and there are all kinds of swords, guns, swords and halberds densely packed everywhere!

The cold light flashing on their bodies, the surging magical energy emitting, and the clear light of the swords all told everyone who saw this scene that those things were real!

When everyone was immersed in the shock brought by these supreme swords, Tang En's voice resounded throughout the battlefield.

This is one of the abilities I possess...Rhinoceros of the Golden Realm God!

He is a world. Everything in this world is made of mysterious gold and iron. They are indestructible and are the hardest things in the universe. They are unparalleled. And those weapons, haha, come and test their power!

As he spoke, Tang En waved his hand, and a strange weapon sprang out from the golden world behind him.

He is like a key, the blade is slowly rotating, and the surrounding area is like a mosaic, which is extremely strange.

Jin Shining's eyes almost bulged when he saw this thing! Isn’t this horse riding his EA? ! ! !

Just this distraction caused him to be hung up by Berserker's tail.

Damn it!

Tang En glanced at the two people operating the Sky Show playfully, and then stretched out his hand to hold the most powerful artifact!

Some of you should know this thing, right? This is what I've been through since... Well, the full name of this thing is the Star of Creation. The level is EX. It's one level higher than Saber's weapon! It's an anti-realm weapon. , known as the sword that cuts the world apart!

When everyone saw the strange-looking sword in Tang En's hand, they were shocked!

It turns out...it's actually an EX level Noble Phantasm!

No wonder he is so arrogant...

Webb, Saber, haven't you noticed that this thing is this man's improvisation? In his eyes, I can't see the importance of this weapon at all. It's as if he is not holding the most powerful weapon of EX level. Tools, but… toys.”

After hearing the emperor's words, the two of them looked at Tang En's face at the same time. As expected, Tang En just held the most powerful anti-realm treasure and looked around curiously.


Tang En smiled faintly, held the Oblivious Sword, and said softly:

Then...die, Caster!

Heaven and earth are separated from each other and open up the star!!!!

Buzz! ! !

As Tang En whispered like he was stroking his hair, the Guili Sword began to spin rapidly!

At the same time, strange phenomena appeared around Tang En! ! !

The entire space turned scarlet, and at the same time it turned into grid after grid, extremely complex, like mosaic-like patterns!

The Oblivious Sword is activated!


The next moment, Tang En flicked his wrist and pointed the divine sword in his hand at the huge monster on the sea!

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

A scarlet light covered the sky, and the shock wave from the Guili sword was like a ray of light, for an instant!

Then it shattered the monster’s huge body!

Puff puff!

The monster's body was like a huge blood bag, and exploded with a pop!

Crash la la la, when the Guili sword stopped rotating and was sent to the Golden Realm by Tang En, a rain of blood fell from the sky...

No one heard even a trace of Caster's scream. It was obvious that he was turned into a spirit child by Tang En's estimation before he could make it.

All the servants and masters were soaked in this dirty rain of blood, silent. They raised their heads and looked at the tall and slender figure that seemed to be out of reach.

Tang En, this time, completely demonstrated his strength under the eyes of everyone.

He chuckled:

I don't know how you are going to rate me!? Then... you play, I will dodge first!

After saying that, his body slowly turned into a shadow, and finally disappeared completely...

Not only is he powerful, but his mobility is also so high!? Did any of you see clearly that he left just now?

Saber shook her head.

That is obviously beyond the scope of magic, and it is not a dimension we can know. This man is the last obstacle to me obtaining the Holy Grail! It must be.

Just listen to what Saber said solemnly.

Haha, as you know, I originally thought that this war could be won easily, but I didn't expect that the people who appeared were more monsters than each other. The King of Knights, the King of Heroes, and that Berserker, plus this Caster, each of them was incredible!


Before Tang En left, he fired a shot of 3.8 mass, which knocked Ryuunosuke Ubu out of sight.

Haha, as the saying goes, those who kill will always be killed. Although I am very moved by the relationship between you and your Caster, but... what you did went beyond my bottom line of morality...

No one was seen, but a soft word was left behind, which rang in Ryunosuke Yusei's ears...

Really...it turns out that this is what I'm after!

On the other side, despite being disrupted by Tang En, Tokiomi still defeated Kariya with his sophisticated and proficient magic.

After returning to the place of residence.

Hahaha, let me be frank, there is a problem in my eyes. If you voluntarily participate in the Holy Grail War, then Tokiomi Tosaka will be your enemy.

That means you are now in the same room with a servant from the enemy without any defense.

Chapter 21 The game is almost over

Faced with Jin Shining's ridicule, Mapo looked very calm.

Haha, you can't say that. I have also prepared a good strategy to beg for mercy with my life.

Oh? Tell me.

Mapo slowly walked to the sofa and stood.

Let me tell you the truth about the Holy Grail War that you don't even know.

Then, sat down.

What did you say?

Jin Shining was stunned. Look at Mapo.

Originally, Fuyuki's ceremony was an attempt to sacrifice the souls of seven heroic spirits to clear the cave leading to the source. Then the 'Great Holy Grail' was activated by killing all the named servants. All seven, you know.

That's why my teacher is so reluctant to consume the Command Seal. He plans to use it after all the battles are over when his servants commit suicide.

Jin Shining smiled.

Are you saying that Tokiomi's loyalty to me is all an act?

I mean, judging from the results, my teacher is a 'magician' right down to his bones.

My teacher, even if he worships heroic spirits, he has no illusions about idols.

Mapo's words made Jin Shining lower his head, sullen, thinking about something26.

Then he said:

Damn Tokiomi, he finally showed his... strengths, hahaha, it seems that boring man can finally please me!

After saying that, Jin Shining's face turned dark.

Mapo’s expression remained unchanged and she asked:

So, what should hero Wang Hui do? Do you still want to be loyal to my teacher and regard me as your enemy?

After saying this, Mapo's expression finally changed a little, and she seemed very...pleasant!

Well, how should I put this? Even if Tokiomi is disloyal to me, he still provides me with magic power. If I give up that he is my master, it will affect my limits. Oh, talking about this, I seem to remember that there is a master. The master has obtained the Command Seal but has no servants... He is looking for a servant to escape from the contract, right?

There seems to be such a person...

The two of them were so good at each other's acting that they looked like Oscar winners.

Not only did they show off their acting skills, they also brainwashed each other!

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