Countless White Zetsu clones, plus the clay reincarnation army, began to attack the ninja villages of the five major countries!

At the same time, the five major countries fulfilled their commitment to this alliance, and each village sent the most powerful ninja troops. Together with the warriors of the Iron Country, they formed the largest coalition lineup in the history of the world. A fierce battle started on the central battlefield of the Ninja Continent!

People suddenly began to panic. The ninja world, which had been calmed down for more than 20 years, was once again stained with the blood of war. The smoke of war had begun to spread from the center of the continent. Depending on the situation, the scale of this war was actually Better than every previous battle!

In a yellow desert and a rugged plain, there are high and raised rocks of strange shapes everywhere. The wind sofa makes a shrill sound, blowing continuously, echoing across the land...

Along with the whistling sound of wind and sand, there was a constant sound of gold and iron clashing.

Looking around, I saw only a few hundred ninjas, three levels inside and three outside, surrounding one of the figures. It seemed that this was a battle with many enemies. Such a huge disparity in the number of people was unexpectedly lost in the middle. One person fights and loses ground! I saw silhouettes flying backwards all the time. They were obviously defeated by the person in the center!

These ninjas, the forehead protectors on their heads are not the symbol of any ninja village, it just has the word nin engraved on it. Although they have different clothes and uniforms...but strangely they are fighting together with each other.

In the invisible void in the sky, several figures wearing gorgeous kimono robes with white bottoms and black edges quietly appeared. They lowered their heads and watched the fierce battle here.

These 4.1 were the Tang En family who had just arrived at the main battlefield from their own compound.

Tang En finally complied with the wishes of several disciples and allowed them to join the war. After all, they were considered Tang En's direct descendants, and it was the right choice to contribute.

My dear, is this the Bai Zetsu one hundred thousand clones you are talking about? And that Yakushi Kabuto, so many elite ninjas have been reincarnated from clay. It seems that the ninja coalition of the five major countries cannot resist the powerful enemy.!

Kushina beside her tilted her head, looking at the battlefield below, and asked softly.

Hey, you guys are too weak. Who is the Kazekage now? How did he train you guys?

Well, it's not that we are too weak, it's that you are too strong, the Second Mizukage-sama.

PS: A friend’s book: The God of Entertainment Country

Chapter 164: Ancestor Shadows

No, you are too strong, Mr. Second Mizukage.

One of the ninjas wearing the costume of Hidden Sand Village had a wry smile on his face and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Is this the strength of the previous generations of Kage? It's simply not the same dimension. It's too powerful!

Facing the second-generation Mizukage who was one level stronger than the current fifth-generation Mizukage Terumi Mei, the ninjas present were frightened and looked deathly gray.

This is not a ninja they can rely on to suffocate people to death!

But a legendary strong man with the title of Shadow!

The illusion technique is so superb that it is hard for people to guard against it!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Black hair, girl-like appearance.

It was Tang En’s disciple, Bai!

Tang En in the sky smiled slightly, and now he wanted to compete.

The second-generation Mizukage Ghost Lantern Huanyue was stunned.

Boy, it seems you are very strong.

The other ninjas also looked at this unknown ninja without a forehead protector.

But some of the Konoha ninjas recognized him, the waiter at the ramen shop, the man's disciple.

Phew, I'm saved this time26.

The second generation Mizukage looked at Shiro who was getting closer and closer with some doubts. The eyes of some ninjas around him told him that some of them should know the ninja in front of him, so he was his enemy.

And the oppressive feeling emanating from Bai's body that could resist him made him even more stunned when he was just reincarnated from clay. This was a powerful enemy.

Just listen to Bai stop after walking to a certain distance.

Why don't you tell the secret? I know everything.

Bai said dangerous words, but he still had that gentle expression on his face, which was completely different from his previous behavior!

Hmph, since you know my weakness, let's try it!

When Tang En and others saw this, they basically knew the result. Bai's Blood Succession Limit completely restrained the second generation Mizukage. What's so good about this!

However, at this moment, Tang En let out a soft sigh.

Huh? What's going on? Why are these guys here too?

The girls followed Tang En's gaze, and sure enough.

I saw four figures galloping from a section of the golden desert at an incredible speed, or beyond the imagination of ordinary ninjas. Almost as soon as everyone took a breath, four more oppressive figures appeared in front of the ninja coalition. figure.

One of them looked like a mummy, with only one pair of eyes exposed. One has dark skin all over his body, and his white hair is spread upright on the back of his head.

There was another man who was dressed plainly, but no one could ignore the dangerous aura coming from him.

Bai was also very surprised when he saw the figures of several people clearly.

According to the teacher, these people should be the shadows of his predecessor, so Bai alone is not enough to deal with them.

The second Tsuchikage: None. The third Raikage: Ai, the second Mizukage: Ghost Lantern, and the fourth Kazekage: Rasa.

Bai pondered for a moment and finally read out the names of several people.

Apparently someone in the Ninja Alliance also recognized the identities of these people, and they were immediately shocked.

No, I didn't expect that even our ancestors have become puppets in the hands of the enemy. Damn it!

Now is not the time to talk about this, and you don't want to think about it. The second generation Mizukage is already so difficult to deal with, let alone three more enemies like this. We have already contacted him quickly to request support.

At this time, the Third Raikage Ai spoke:

Have the level of ninjas dropped to this low level now!?

Stop talking nonsense, come on! Let me see if the strength of this strongest ninja coalition is enough to defeat us!

I asked you guys, have you noticed this kid?

Hmph, I'm not blind. This kid is very dangerous. His strength is as good as ours, or in other words, a little stronger. I didn't expect that today's ninjas also have such talents.

Bai smiled slightly.

I'm sorry, fellow Kages, I'm not from the Ninja Alliance. Don't get me wrong.

What? Then what is your purpose in joining the war?

It's for practice. Let's see how much progress we have made. It's been a long time since we've done anything. It's also considered homework given to us by the teacher.

Boy, are you crazy?

At this moment, a figure came from behind the ninja coalition.

Crazy also has the capital to be crazy, hee hee!

As soon as he finished speaking, three black shadows came to the center of the battlefield at a speed that was not inferior to that of the previous generations of shadows.

Needless to say, they are Shiro's senior brothers, Izumi Uchiha, Kimimaro Kaguya, and Uzumaki Koso.

Among them, the ninjas of Konoha were overjoyed!

It's them!!

Yes, with them here, the ancestors of the Kages should be able to fight!

The ninjas in other villages were confused. These people seemed to be famous? Then why don't they jounins know?

Hey, brother, who are they? We haven't heard of them? Are they ninjas from your village?

The Konoha ninja straightened his back and said proudly:

Although they are not considered ninjas in our village, they still live in our village. Well, they are half of them. However, they do not obey the orders of Lord Hokage. They are a rather special group.

Huh? What a strange group. They are not the village's ninjas.

Yes, they are all disciples of the same master. Well, in fact, they are actually waiters at a ramen shop...

When the ninjas from other villages heard this, they were stunned!

What the hell? Waiter?

The waiter is like a god. At 150, he obviously has film-level strength. Is it really okay for you to ask a waiter like this?

Well, this is true... Actually, we can't figure it out. Maybe it's a prank by that adult.


Look at the modern movies in front of you.

Kimimaro said to the other three people:

Bai, you come to cover me and Quan, Xiang Phosphorus is ready to seal.


Hmph, these little brats, they don't know how high the sky is, they want to seal us when they open their mouths, they are really crazy.

I wonder if the Raikage likes to talk like this?

Anyway, Kimimaro didn't care about him at all.

Instead, we use practical actions to tell him whether we have the qualifications to be crazy.

I saw Kimimaro make a sound and move towards the four shadows in an instant!

At this time, before Kimimaro could rush forward, Uchiha Izumi and Shiro's attacks followed closely behind!

Fire Escape·The Great Fire Extinguishes!

Wind Release·Tornado Hurricane!


The next moment, a super large ninjutsu suddenly appeared that stunned the coalition forces!

The sea of ​​fire and the tornado distorted the air at a speed that was difficult to avoid, and rushed towards the four modern figures!

At the same time, the two ninjutsu became one in the middle!

This is obviously a combination ninjutsu, wind assists fire attack!

Chapter 165: Nothing more than that

Looking at the combination of ninjutsu coming at high speed, the four shadows raised their eyebrows. Ninjutsu of this intensity was also dangerous for them.

But now that they are clay turned bodies, there will be no problem even if they are hit, unless they are sealed!


Ninjutsu: Thunder God Armor!

Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Defense!

next moment!

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The crazy burning flames engulfed the four shadows.

The attack hadn't stopped yet, Bai Yuquan quickly formed seals!

Water Escape: Super Waterfall Technique!

Thunder Release Qilin!

Another combination of ninjutsu!

With the raging fire and water vapor rising, Quan used this trick!

And the foreshadowing of Bai's Super Waterfall Technique can just assist Kirin and become a carpet attack!

At the same time, it can restrain Feng Ying's magnetic escape!

On the other side, the Third Raikage, who escaped from the ninjutsu attack range, also started a fierce battle with Kimimaro!

Which one is stronger, your ninjutsu or Kimimaro's?

Rub rub rub rub!

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