Konoha Village, the Tang En family compound.

Tang En was sitting under the eaves, smoking a cigarette, looking at the beautiful snow scene, a little lost in thought.

Kushina, Mikoto, Konan, and Hinata were sitting by the window in the house, warming themselves by the stove. They didn't know what they were talking about.

Looking carefully, one person actually had a scarf in his hand.

Well, this is obviously knitted for myself, Tang En... haha.

Mikoto, do you think there will be any problem with Sister Tsunade? Looking at my husband's dazed look, is something going to happen?

Mikoto put down the needle and thread in her hand, thought for a while and said:

It should be so. After all, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Payne, has been defeated, and there are only a few people left. Everything is as Tang En expected.

Xiao Nan thought for a moment and spoke softly:

That's right, the Red Sand Scorpion, Deidara, Kakuzu, Hidan, and Pain were all killed in battle. Itachi is with us, and the only ones left are Zetsu and Fei. And, I know, Fei Talent is the mastermind behind Xiao, and that Zetsu...

There is still one shark alive.

It's probably going to be soon.

At this time, Tang En walked in, leaned on the door frame, and said:

After the Five Shadows Conference ends, the curtain will rise. I'm looking forward to it too!

The curtain has been raised, and what else do you know about the inside story?

Well, didn't I tell you about the Eye of the Moon plan?

Yes, isn't it that Ah Fei who is hosting it?

How is it possible? There is Uchiha Madara behind him, and behind Madara, there is another person... that black and white Zetsu.

I said that the hidden secret is so deep, so it turns out to be him.

Ha, let's just watch the show. Someone will solve the other problems. The child of destiny is about to awaken!

Hey, it's really boring. It's better to go and see the scene. It's more enjoyable to see it with your eyes than to feel it. Are you going?

It's boring, go on your own.

Uh, okay.

Five Shadows Conference.

Let Hokage be the leader of the coalition this time.

Raikage is furious!

He actually asked the Hokage to be the commander!

Tsunade smiled slightly.

I am willing to accept this task.

Raikage was dissatisfied...

Why Naruto!

Mifune turned his head and glanced at the Raikage.

Should I let you be the leader? The leader needs a calm mind. If you were the leader, I guess the entire coalition would be like this table, right?

Raikage made Mifune speechless, grinning and gritting his teeth, his black face turned red, he was so happy.

And Mr. Kazekage is obviously too young to convince the public. He must be under a lot of pressure to take on the important responsibility of Kazekage.

As for the Tsuchikage, he has a history of taking advantage of the Akatsuki organization, and he is too old.

Mizukage, the birthplace of Akatsuki is Kirigakure...so.

Hokage is the best choice. Senju Tsunade is a member of the Senju clan and the granddaughter of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama. She is also the strongest medical ninja in the world today and one of the legendary three ninjas. Her strength is, Identity and status can convince everyone. Isn't it right, Raikage-sama?

Finally, although I don't know the purpose of the Akatsuki organization's collection of tailed beasts, I must not hand over the last tailed beast, the Nine-Tails, to them! And the Nine-Tails belongs to Konoha, so I think it is appropriate for the Hokage to be the one.

at this time.


With Tsunade's current strength, she can feel how powerful it is, not to mention that this enemy actually uses the same Wood Release Ninjutsu...

Tsunade gave Kakashi and Akai a look on their faces. Their expressions tightened, and they stood beside Tsunade with a few swipes.

What's going on, Fifth Generation Fire...?

Suddenly, the scene suddenly changed!

In the middle of the conference table, a white creature appeared, unfolding like a flower blooming, revealing its true body!


Kakashi looked at the figure solemnly.

Is this... Xiao?

Tsunade replied:


Bai Jue doesn't care where this is.

Hohohoho, Uchiha Sasuke has invaded! So, where is he hiding!?

What did you say????

That rascal……

That Sharingan guy...

A small hotel for Naruto and his party.

Hey, Uzumaki Naruto, let's have a good chat?

The person who spoke was none other than Ah Fei.

Five Shadows Conference Room.

Humph, damn guy!

Raikage couldn't ask anything, so he strangled Bai Zetsu's clone to death.

Let's go! Sasuke is right outside!

Seeing Lei Ying angrily kill him, several people looked at each other.

Tsunade didn't care about that and sat as steady as a rock, while Kakashi and Kai gradually lowered their guard when they saw the Hokage being so calm.

In the main hall.

Raikage and his party finally found Sasuke and his party.

Hmph, Raikage-sama, let me do it!

Water Escape·Water Formation Wall!

Thunder Release·Grateful Wave!

Sasuke was still rushing forward, but was suddenly knocked back by a sudden ninjutsu!

The Raikage and his party were so angry that they didn't waste any time and started fighting Sasuke directly!

On the other side, hearing the sound of fighting, Gaara stood up with Temari and prepared to go.

The reason, of course, goes without saying, based on the relationship between Gaara and Naruto...

Lord Tsuchikage, where are you.

Idiot, what should I do if my back injury gets worse?

Tsunade-sama, don't we need to help?

Tsunade didn't even open her eyes and replied:

No, we can just wait here...

After hearing Tsunade's words, Terumi Mei and Onoki glanced at her, and then sat here.

On this side, Jugo launched his transformation into the hard-cylinder Raikage, but it was obviously not strong enough, so the Raikage flew away with a big elbow and was embedded in the wall.

On this side, Sasuke used the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan to eliminate one of the Raikage's auxiliary guards.

The Raikage turned around and stared at Uchiha Sasuke, who was holding a Kusanagi sword and flashing thunder-attribute chakra.

The next one is you, Uchiha Sasuke...


As in the original work, the Fourth Raikage had an arm burned off by Amaterasu. Gaara arrived and at the same time arrested Uchiha Sasuke.

But obviously, their attacks cannot break Susanoo, who has super defensive capabilities.

Gaara, this is the strongest defense on top of your absolute defense, Susanoo.

Tang En curled his lips when he heard these words in the void.

I'll wipe it? Can this thing be called Susanoo?

Chapter 161 Uchiha Madara?

In the void, Tang En was lying in the air, supporting his head with one hand, crossing his legs, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and watching the battle below.

When Uchiha Sasuke said, This is the strongest defense beyond the absolute defense of my love, Susanoo.

He chuckled.

I'm confused. This half-body skeleton monster can also be called Susanoo. Damn it. I'm not afraid of making people laugh when I tell you.

The Fourth Raikage gritted his teeth and looked at the purple skull covering Uchiha Sasuke's body.

Is that the one who resisted my attack?

The medical ninja beside him thought to himself.

This chakra is just like the genjutsu of that time...

This thing looks a bit scary.

Then...what is that?

Gaara stared at Uchiha Sasuke.

The power of darkness...

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke's strength has been raised to the limit, the corners of his mouth turned up, and one eye shed tears of blood.

This is the power that can only be obtained by those who have opened the kaleidoscope in both eyes. The third power, Susanoo!


Is this the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan?

Uchiha, there is always something hidden.

Sasuke gave an evil smile, twisted his neck, and made a snap.

I am coming!

The next moment, Susanoo was seen holding a purple chakra sword and swiping it horizontally!

A gust of wind pressure blows! It can be seen that it is very powerful!

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