No matter it's Kakashi, Akai, Shikamaru, Sakura and others at the leisurely ramen shop.

Or ninjas from major families.

Or ordinary ninjas.

They used various methods, such as white eyes, perception, or various methods, to pay attention to the decisive battle between Uzumaki Naruto and Tendo Payne on the vast center of the ruins!

Just as they thought, when they could see it, Pain and Naruto had already started a fierce battle!

The same as the original work, although Naruto learned the sage mode, it is still very difficult to deal with Payne who has the power of six paths and the eyes of the sage, or he is not an opponent at all!

Hey, there's no Hinata coming out to save you this time. What else can you do except run away?

Our little Hinata is standing next to one of her senior brothers and sisters watching the battle.

Hey, Tang En! Hey, it's Kakashi Akai, you guys are really cunning...

Tsk, why are you here, dad?

Lu Jiu glanced at his son and said:

The home is gone, and the office is gone. Your mother is in the shelter and can't get out for the time being, and I don't have much work to do. If you ask me to deal with the enemy, I can't defeat it, right? I have to come here with your Uncle Hai and Ding Zuoshu It’s time for a drink!”

Kushina, give us some snacks and three pots of soju.

Tch, wait.

Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji opened their mouths, dumbfounded, and looked at their father in stunned silence!

I scratched my head, what is going on! Hey, Naruto is still fighting, hey, what are you doing!

Hai passed by his daughter and slapped her head to kill her.

My beautiful daughter! Don't worry, don't look where you are.

After speaking, he curled his lips in the direction of Tang En, Kushina, Mikoto, Konan and others.

With them here, why are you worried? The most you can do is make Naruto suffer, but he won't die!

Ino left her father speechless, and finally saw her father drinking happily and losing her virginity...

This is not over yet.

Hizu, Hizashi led Hanabi and followed closely...

Little Hinata hurriedly greeted him.

Father, father, why are you here?

Well, it's so nice here! You don't have to worry about enemies anyway, your teacher is here. Hey, you guys move really fast, join me and Hizashi, and let's have a drink together!

Under Xiaoqiang's speechless gaze, Hizashi and Hizashi walked to Shikaku's table and sat down naturally. The five of them started drinking and chatting, completely ignoring the children, even Kakashi and Ah. Kaidu looked at each other, dumbfounded.

Tang En raised his eyebrows.

I'm telling you, you bunch of die-hard fagots, you have to pay for your meal. If anyone dares to pay for it, humph.

Hey, Tang En, why are you still so stingy! Who doesn't know that you are the number one tycoon in Konoha, yet you have to open a ramen restaurant to pretend to be poor? Tsk tsk, look at your big mansion, that forest, that big The courtyard has mountains and rivers...

Tang En took a puff of the cigarette, then spit it at the five people, spraying them in the face!

You just can't eat the grapes and say the grapes are sour. Are you envious? Tsk.

Everyone was eating and drinking, and they didn't take the duel between Naruto and Pain seriously at all, as if they were watching it again...

When Naruto was sealed on the ground by the black rod formed by Pain using the power of six paths, it was basically the end.

Even if Kyuubi goes berserk, how could Pain, who possesses the Six Paths here, not be able to defeat Kyuubi who is not a complete body?

When everyone began to worry about Naruto, Konan wiped his hands on his apron and walked slowly to the door.

Tang En smoked and said softly:

Xiaonan, just understand what you need to know. Without your help, he won't be able to live much longer! Let him be freed.

Xiaonan turned her back to Tang En and nodded.

In full view of everyone, Xiaonan slowly walked towards Payne...

Uh, who is that person? He actually...

Shut up, don't you know she is that adult's wife? I've never seen her take action before. I'm really looking forward to it!

Konohamaru, Iruka, and Teacher Yi also looked at Konan in surprise as he walked towards Pain.

That is……

That's right, one of the three adults, is she going to take action?


That means... Master Xiaonan is going to take action.

Huh, since it's Master Xiaonan, then there should be no problem.

One day is enough for a table.

Twain, is there no problem?

Aren't you talking nonsense?


Tread, tread, tread, tread.

In the entire ruins, the only sound left was the sound of Konan's ninja feet stepping on the ground.

Ta, finally, she stood opposite Payne.

Xiaonan, do you want to intervene too?

Xiaonan showed no signs of fluctuation, and said in her unique cold voice:

I am the wife of Whirlpool Tang En.

Chapter 152 Xiaonan vs. Tiandao Payne

I am the wife of Whirlpool Tang En.

In the ruins of Konoha Village, Konan confronts Pain.

Said this sentence coldly.

This shows Xiaonan's current identity.

Marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog, no matter which world you are in, it will be useful, not to mention, Nagato is no longer the Nagato before.

Now he is just a terrorist, his purpose is to start a war!

How can such a thing be said to be for peace? It's nuclear peace.

You talk about controlling the tailed beasts and these wars, isn't this about controlling the world~?

After hearing this, Tang En just laughed it off. How can this be? ?

You, a pawn, still want to use war and force to usher in peace? You don't even look at how many people are standing behind you.

Naruto, who was sealed on the ground, turned his head hard and was a little stunned when he saw Konan wearing a goose-yellow dress and an apron.

This, isn't this one of the three beautiful sisters in the ramen shop!

Ah, big sister, run quickly! This guy is very dangerous!

Konan glanced at Naruto, said nothing, but looked at Pain.

Payne spoke coldly at the same time.

Since you prevent me from bringing peace, even if we have been friends for so many years, I will kill you. You know, how much effort I have put in to let the world feel pain, just to let the whole world feel pain directly, Feel the pain, so that when true peace comes, they will cherish it! And I, this God, am their savior.

In the ramen shop, everyone was paying attention to the confrontation between Konan and Payne. At this time, they heard a puff and someone started laughing!

Damn it, such a serious topic is so silly!

Everyone turned their heads angrily, and when they saw it was Kushina, a chill suddenly ran from their heels to the back of their heads. When they saw Kushina's eyes sweeping over them, their scalps all tingled.

Akai and Kakashi are even more experienced at adapting to the changing circumstances! I don’t even know that I have suffered a loss in Kushina’s hands.

Oh my, the boss lady smiles so well! What a pain! Isn't it funny! Li, isn't this funny!

Xiao Li's face twitched, but since Teacher Kai asked the question.

Yes, Teacher Kai, it's funny!

Well, Li, you are indeed my disciple.

Tang En watched these people being funny and laughed himself. But... Payne's words are really good!

I feel like I can compete with Erzhu, both of them are full of style.

Xiaonan looked at Penn silently and didn't speak.

Since you remain silent, the relationship between friend and foe has been established. Xiaonan, you should know my strength, so you should know clearly that you can't defeat me.

It's useless to talk too much, my subordinates will see the truth!


After saying that, Payne raised his hand, and with a 'whoosh' sound, a black gang formed by the power of six paths stretched out from his sleeves, his eyes widened, and he quickly came out towards Konan.

Konan remained motionless, looking at the attacking Pain.

At the moment when the two are about to collide!

Xiaonan's figure moved!

From stillness to movement, it only took a moment. Xiaonan raised his left hand and directly grabbed Payne's wrist holding the iron rod accurately. At the same time, with a shake of his right hand, a kunai appeared, flashing with cold light and quickly struck Payne's head!

Payne relied on the characteristics of the Samsara Eye to see through Konan's movements. He bent back and avoided the blow. At the same time, he lifted his feet off the ground and kicked Konan twice in the face!


Xiaonan had no choice but to let go of Payne's hand and take a few steps back!

Just when the two separated, something unexpected happened!

Payne raised one hand, and a miniature black hole appeared in the palm of his hand.

All things are attracted by heaven!

A huge suction force fell on Xiaonan's body and began to fly towards Payne!

Payne took out the iron rod at the same time, preparing to kill Konan with one blow!

The audience was worried for a while. Some of them had seen this skill before, but they couldn't figure it out!

But Xiaonan's expression didn't change, and she just flew towards Payne.

Blood is about to splatter everywhere!


Sister, get out of here!

Ramen shop.

This...Mr. Tang En! Kakashi said worriedly to the Tang En family. Even the little heroes on the side clenched their hands and their hearts rose to their throats.

But when Kakashi and Kai saw Kushina and Mikoto still smiling, Tang En didn't even look at Pain, and knew that their worries were unnecessary.

Sure enough, the moment he approached Payne.

Xiaonan moved her lips, and everyone could only tell that she seemed to whisper something, but they didn't know exactly what it was.

But they saw that Tiandao Payne, who had always been expressionless, suddenly changed his expression!

I did see Tiandao Payne switch positions in an instant and release his invincible skills!

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