A group of mortals dare to attack me, a god. It seems that I want you to feel the pain.

Shinra Tenzheng!

Bang bang bang bang bang!


The next moment, everyone was asked by Tiandao Payne to decipher their tricks.

But Kakashi still noticed a detail. Although he deflected all the attacks, he did not continue to use ninjutsu in the last wave of kunai, but avoided it... This shows...

What is this? There is a force that blocks my ninjutsu!

After being knocked away, everyone was scattered everywhere in embarrassment. At the same time, some unlucky Chuunin were killed by the powerful repulsion of Shinra Tenzheng!

Xiao Li and others struggled to stand up again and gathered together again!

What a power this is, the gap between us... is too big!

For them, the experience of fighting against the Akatsuki organization is only once, Kakuzu.

Even Kakuzu beat them all so hard that they were unable to fight back, let alone the leader of the Akatsuki organization who dared to challenge the entire Konoha Village alone!

From those weird eyes, we already know that this person should be the leader of the Akatsuki organization and the strongest person, Payne!

They learned from various intelligence that everyone in the Akatsuki organization was very strong, but this time it was different. It was one thing to know that they were very strong, but after fighting in person, they realized that the naked strength of the crushing force was almost overwhelming. They were disheartened.

Can this really be called the power of a ninja?

Kakashi used his Sharingan to observe Pain's skills just now, and at the same time analyzed:

This guy can center on himself and release unparalleled repulsive force to bounce everything away. Everyone has seen it, even ninjutsu! But his technique cannot be invincible. In the end, he evaded Kunai, so there should be some weakness, this technique cannot be released continuously, there is a certain interval in between.

However, the next moment, Kakashi and others were confused.

Tap tap tap...

All the other five Penns were present.

This time, no one was able to resist. 5.9

This gap is really huge, a world of difference.

One Payne is already so powerful, if there are five such existences at the same time...

Thinking of this, Kakashi made up his mind and said:

We are preparing to retreat. If we stay here, we will die.

Then, Kakashi said something that made them very confused.

Hurry to the leisurely ramen shop, don't ask why, just go.

Uh... Ino, Choji, Shikamaru and others were all dumbfounded. At this moment of life and death for Konoha, what order did you give, Kakashi-sensei? Leisure Ramen Shop, isn’t that Uncle Tang En’s shop?

Just as Neji was about to speak, Akai waved his hand to stop their questions.

Go. That's an order.


Stop asking, Tiantian, let's go!

The junior nodded and began to retreat.

Chapter 149: Nuclear Konoha

Payne's Six Paths looked at everyone's retreat and didn't want to pay attention. Instead, he turned his head and looked around.

In that case, let's find someone who knows the information, Hokage...

After saying that, Pain ran towards the Hokage Building!

In the Hokage Building, Tsunade is using psychic techniques to treat the ninjas in the village on a large scale.


Hearing the sound, all the ANBU members reacted instantly.

This guy, with orange hair and seven earrings, that's him.

Tsunade saw Pain's eyes and was finally convinced.

I remember you were...

Tsunade-sama still remembers me when I first arrived.

Uzumaki Naruto...where is the Kyuubi?

Sa, who knows!?


At this moment, Payne got the information from the other side.

So that's it, Miaomu Mountain!

This guy... Payne, do you know what you are doing? Even if we lose to you, don't you still know who is in this village?

Ha, knowing that I don't violate their bottom line, they won't take action. They are not saints!

Tsunade 26 gritted her teeth. She knew that Payne was right.

Now that we have got the news, there is no point in being here. Oh, by the way, I want to ask, is the chakra on your feet used to deal with me? It seems that you already know my ability. Konoha's The efficiency is really terrible.”

However... in the face of powerful power, all of this is in vain. This has been proven by big countries like you. Of course, it has also been proven by those people. You also know it.

Haha, you think you are the protagonist of this world, and you also think that the protagonist's halo is far away from death, but... as long as you kill people, you will be killed. Don't you understand this truth?

It's too superficial for you to indulge in this false peace.

Killing and being killed, hatred will closely connect the two and make them related to each other.

Hehehehe, what is the so-called battle? A battle will of course be accompanied by the death of both parties, and scars and sore spots will appear!

Tsunade was angry!

Stop talking nonsense, big countries like us are also suffering! Stop looking for excuses to blame us!

Pain slowly turned his head and glanced at Tsunade coldly.


Then, in a low tone, he slowly said:

Feel the pain! Think about the pain! Accept the pain! Know the pain!

“He who does not understand pain does not understand true peace!”

At this time, the other five Pain scattered around Konoha were all channeled out of Konoha, leaving only Tiandao Pain.

His body began to slowly fly up against the law, facing the sun, flying higher and higher!

Tsunade frowned and looked up at Pain flying in the sky.

Damn it, what on earth does he want to do!

Just as Tian Dao Payne slowly rose into the sky.

the other side.

Leisurely ramen shop.

Under the leadership of Kakashi and Kai, Xiao Li, Neji, Tenten, Ino, Choji, Shikamaru and others all walked in here.

Tang En, who was smoking, was stunned when he saw this scene, his mouth opened wide, and he didn't know it even the cigarette butt fell on his pants...

Kushina and Mikoto looked at Kakashi and Akai who were sighing in a funny way.

The two women came up politely, wiped their hands with their aprons, and asked:

Dear guests, what would you like to eat? This shop is not a refuge!

After saying that, Kushina raised her eyebrows at everyone.

Kakashi and Kai quickly bent down to apologize.

Hey, Kushina-sama, let's order, order! One hundred skewers, no! Two hundred skewers of meatballs!!!

Kushina suddenly beamed!

Oh, you are taking care of our business so much. Just wait, it will be ready soon!

Seeing Kushina leaving, Kakashi and Kai secretly wiped their cold sweat.

The two of them felt that facing Kushina and Mikoto was more stressful than facing Pain just now!

This aura, this pressure... you are worthy of being a Valkyrie...

Thinking of this, a question appeared in both of their minds at the same time. They quietly looked at Tang En, who was lying on the table in a nonchalant manner, smoking and eating melon seeds with his peripheral vision, and immediately complained:

Why is it that Mao, the strongest man, has no decency at all? Not to mention his aura, he is simply a ruffian!

Hey, hey, are you two boys thinking about something bad?

Tang En looked at Kakashi and Kai with a half-smile but not a smile...

Uh, no, no, how is that possible!

Shikamaru, Sakura and others' faces twitched, are you here to make fun...

While everyone was chatting, Payne had already flown to the highest point!

Everyone else in the store was watching Payne, wondering what he wanted to do!

They nervously looked at Tang En, Kushina, Mikoto, Konan, Izumi and others in the store, and found that they all had relaxed faces, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The smart Shikamaru immediately thought that although the strength of this enemy was like a divine punishment to them, looking at the faces of everyone in the store, they knew that this family did not take him seriously, so there was no problem.

Payne in the sky lowered his head and looked at Konoha, which was mostly destroyed by him, and then looked at the location on the commercial street.

Humph, since you are hiding there, there is nothing we can do! Let's destroy it together! I am a god now, not the same me back then!

I saw Payne in the sky, carrying the 977 sun on his back and spreading his arms!

Facing the sun, he could only see the strange pair of reincarnation eyes emitting a faint purple light.

Cold sweat broke out on Tsunade's forehead, she had an unknown premonition! This is very bad.

Penn, what on earth are you going to do!

Leisurely ramen shop.

Xiao Nan put down the man in his hand, wiped his hands with his apron, walked to the door of the store, looked up at the sky and murmured to Payne.

Nagato, are you ready to use that? In the end, it's not you who is wrong, but the whole world...

When Tang En heard Xiaonan's murmur, the corner of his mouth twitched...

I complained wildly in my heart: No, why does this sentence sound so familiar? Is it not you who is wrong, but the whole world? Uh uh uh uh uh...

He took a puff of the cigarette, squinted his eyes, and saw through the Ten Worlds Reincarnation Eye the terrifying chakra that was rapidly gathering toward Pain, the Heavenly Dao...

Are you preparing to nuclear level Konoha? Boy, there's nothing wrong with you! But...did you forget something?

The corner of Tang En's mouth curled up, with a playful smile on his face...

In the sky, with the gentle breeze, Tiandao Payne's robe was blown up. He opened his arms and stared at the Konoha Village below...

Just listen to him speak slowly!

From now on...let the world feel the pain!

Super Shinra Tenzheng!

Chapter 150 Leisure Ramen Shop, Part 1

Payne in the sky looked down at the once prosperous Strongest Ninja Village with a pair of samsara eyes, and slowly spoke:

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