Chapter 0082 He Xi: Damn it! If there is emotional support, then I will still be busy!!

Only now did the people in the chat group realize that their feelings were for this guy Lynch.

The future empress:”Holy shit! Uh-huh, fellow, what are you doing? We all thought Xiaoli had met a pervert.”

Gentle Sister Hua:”It’s really scary from our perspective, giving people the impression that they were directly kidnapped. The feeling is the same.”

Cute little Linglong:”I guess this little fox thought he had encountered a pervert just now, and he was so scared.” Princess White Eyes

:”Indeed, the sight just now was quite scary.”

:”I have to say that it just looked like the plot in some limited series.”

Playboy:”Mingfei, do you want to experience it? If so, I can help you arrange it in any style.”

The arrogant god Zhi Tongue:”A bunch of big perverts!”

Lu Mingfei saw that he was included in the scope of the equipment, and he felt like crying because he had done nothing.

Su Xiaoli didn’t struggle after knowing who was coming, and Lin Qi also put down her hand. Then she turned around and jumped directly on Lin Qi’s body, hanging like a koala:”Brother Lin, you’re here.!”

“Woohoo, finally I don’t have to become a dead fox.”

When Su Xiaoli saw Lin Qi appear, she knew that her backbone had come, and all problems were no longer problems.

Lin Qi felt the other person’s fragrance and softness, and said that he really deserved to be a person with fairy genes.

Lin Qi touched the other person’s head, and said in a smiling tone:”Okay, okay, come down first, anyway, I’ll hold up the sky if it falls, let’s watch the show first.”

Su Xiaoli came down obediently after hearing this, but she held 07’s hand tightly, feeling that this way she felt safe.

“Okay, Brother Lin, you have the final say on all this.”

The little fox said that he would follow Lynch’s lead.

Lynch and the other party secretly got trapped in the Earth’s lineup, quietly, or in other words, they didn’t even notice that he abducted the person and brought him back.

No one counted them anymore. Familiar, and now I can only take care of myself.

Then I will draw lots again after resting. This time it will be interesting. The angel will fight the devil, and the monkey will die.

Everyone on this side of the world was wailing crazily.

The little fox originally wanted to ask Lin Qi what he was going to do, or if he was going to do it, but when he saw that there was no expression on the other side’s face, he knew that he didn’t intend to continue. Watch the show.

The little fox didn’t say anything and chose to shut up.

This time, even Sun Wukong’s face was not good at all, or he himself was a bit pessimistic.

After all, the opponent’s strength was too strong..

But as the backbone, he couldn’t show any timid expression. Instead, he had to pretend to be relaxed and calm down the mood of the people on his side.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I have many tricks up my sleeve, it’s impossible for him to defeat me easily.”

Although it sounds nice, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the other party himself admitted that he couldn’t beat him.

The rest of the people looked at the monkey with a look of silence because they all knew that the monkey was dead.

He Xi also felt helpless. He didn’t expect that this bug monkey would confront the other party so quickly. He had the urge to ask the other party to change people.

After all, this monkey has the inner combustion girl to support the physical attack. The strength is not to be underestimated, so this is an important combat power.

However, when he saw that there were two people in the pessimistic scene there, they were still flirting with each other.

This moment made her eyes almost fall out and her eyes widened.


You know, she has lived for so many years, and there are not many things that can make her show such an expression, but this time she was really shocked, and she couldn’t help but swear.

The angels were all shocked when their own Tianji King suddenly burst out such an uncivilized swear.

After all, the other party can be said to be the synonym of elegance. But no one knows what happened to make the other party lose his composure like this.

“Hexi, what’s wrong with you?”

Holy Kesha couldn’t help but frowned, feeling very confused. Did something happen again? Otherwise, her best friend would not be so rude.

And He Xi did not answer after hearing the other party’s words, but entered the chat. After seeing that there was a mission in the group, the whole person suddenly felt numb.

Damn, if I had known this, I wouldn’t have been worried about how to escape from death..

The skinniest angel:”@小黄毛的小黄毛”

The skinniest angel:”You bastard, you are messing around, aren’t you here to deal with the enemy? Hurry up.

Playboy:”Miss Hexi finally has time to watch the chat group.””

Cute little Linglong:”Sister Hexi, don’t you know that Brother Lin has gone on a mission just now?

The skinniest angel:”Isn’t this nonsense?” You need to know that I’m very busy, okay? Regarding the information obtained from the last battle, I need to make new calculations, arrange troops, and so on.”

Xiao Huang Mao from the Comic World:”You’re in a hurry. I won’t take action until we reach the finals. I want to watch the show.”

The skinniest angel∶……

The most naughty angel:”Is your dick poisonous?”

The naughtiest angel:”You want to trick a lot of people to death with your feelings!”

Xiao Huangmao from the comic world:”What does it mean to want to trick people to death ? If I really want to trick someone, I’ll just wait until he’s almost finished killing you, and then I’ll take action.……”

The little yellow-haired man in the anime world:”Although this is a bankrupt martial arts tournament, at least I can experience it.”

The most naughty angel���”Okay, you are awesome, you have the final say.”

The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”I have worked so hard to come here, shouldn’t you give me two guardian angels as a token of your appreciation?”

The most naughty angel:”Haha, how long can you stay here, don’t you have any idea?”

The most naughty angel:”Anyway, do you want these little angels to be widows?”

The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”How is that possible? Take the Angel Banquet for example, doesn’t he want to observe the other party for 1,000 years? It just so happens that we can occasionally make an appointment within these 1,000 years, and I can come here anytime after 1,000 years.”

The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”So my requirements for male gods can be said to be perfectly matched with each other.”

Playboy:”How come it is translated into a date from time to time within 1,000 years?”

Dead kid:”You didn’t translate it wrong, it really seems to me that way.”

The most naughty angel:”Damn! You are really a cheap guy, you can solve this problem yourself.”

The most naughty angel:”If you have the ability, just lure the other party in. Anyway, I don’t bother to care about this crap.”

The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”Okay!”

The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”By the way, do me a favor if you have time.”

The most naughty angel:”Oh, I’m really flattered that you actually need my help with something.” The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”Don’t be naughty 5.0, prepare a martial arts uniform for me.” The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”I always feel that it’s a bit uncomfortable or a bit weird to fight with the other party in such an occasion without a martial arts uniform.”

The future empress:”Others’ martial arts uniforms are of the Kame-sennyū style, why are you wearing them? You are not from that school.” The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”Is there a possibility that I am practicing the Kame-sennyū style?”

The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”After all, this is the enlightenment school of the protagonist. Seriously, I dare to learn all the schools in it, and I still like this one.”

The little yellow-haired man in the anime world:”You can say that the old man is lustful or something, but you can’t say that the other person’s genre is not good.”

PS: The new book is launched, and it urgently needs the strong support of all the handsome men, beautiful women, and big men! If you pass by, don’t miss it, and beg for collection, recommendation, and Amway. Beg for everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click on the collection. Thank you everyone! I kneel down to all the big men!

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