Chapter 0072 Jie Jie Jie, you don’t want Jing Keai!

Dojima Gin quickly calmed down his emotions, and then spoke in a respectful tone:”Lin Qi-kun, can you point out the flaws in my cooking?”

Lin Qi thought that the other party was also from the little tsundere’s side, so give him a chance. Just give me some advice, it’s just a matter of two sentences.

Lynch started with the appetizers.

“It will taste better if you turn it over a little more.”

“Also, it is obvious that the salt is added slowly. The best time is to add it two seconds earlier.”

Lin Qi explained his steps perfectly as if he had done it himself, and also pointed out the shortcomings in the steps.

Dojima Gin’s eyes were shining at this moment, because these are extremely precious knowledge.

Dojima After hearing this, Yin felt that he had benefited a lot and immediately bowed to Lin Qi.

“Mr. Lin Qi, I have another dish here which is the best dish I can make so far. I hope you can try it.”

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi nodded and said let him do it. Anyway, he doesn’t care if he has food to eat. As for letting him be the chef, that doesn’t matter.

Hiratsuka Shizuto left, and I realized it later. After reacting, he looked at Lin Qi with disbelief and said,”You are really a chef in your emotions, and a very powerful one.””

“Otherwise, please remove the word”very powerful” and say”the strongest”.”

Lynch’s spirit changed instantly when he said this. It was like giving Shizuka Hiratsuka a feeling of invincibility.

Although Shizuka Hiratsuka wanted to say that you might be very powerful, it was a bit far-fetched to say whether you were the strongest, but she always felt that what he said was true.

Lynch also knew that the other party did not believe it, and immediately said in a grinning tone:”Jingkeai, have you forgotten? I am the one who is qualified to grade the chefs in this world. I am the real grade, not those stars or something like that.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka also remembered what he had just said, and the other party did not refute it, which made him feel a little bit of a toothache. It turned out that this guy was really awesome.

When she was about to speak, she saw someone not being serious again.

“Jing Keai, if a top chef like me came to your house to propose marriage in this world, would your family just pack you up and send you to me?”

Hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka felt a little annoyed. Even if this guy wasn’t a top chef, his family would be eager to pack him up and send him over, not to mention that he had this identity.

Shizuka Hiratsuka had serious doubts. Even condoms, no, this thing was not necessary. After all, they were eager for her to get pregnant with his child. It should be said that a series of plans for the child’s future, such as milk powder, education, etc., had already been made.

“Ahem, calm down, you have to calm down”

“After all, some things still need to be considered carefully. You have to know that my personality is very bad.”

“And my living habits are also very bad.”

Hiratsuka Shizu was crying in her heart when she said this. After all, a man with such outstanding qualities actively pursues himself, but he is his own student. How can he reason with this?

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi used He said with an indifferent attitude:”It doesn’t matter. Anyway, bad habits are bad, and even if they are like that, you can hire someone to sort them out. Anyway, to be honest, I am not short of money. If 10 maids are not enough, just 100.”.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka felt a little helpless after hearing this. Come on, this kid really doesn’t intend to let her go.

“I said, what do you like about me?”

After hearing this, Lin Qi said without hesitation:”First of all, it must be my appearance, which cannot be deceived.”

“In other words, if I say it’s your personality or something, you probably won’t believe it yourself, right?”

Hiratsuka Shizuka felt her fists harden after hearing this, but he couldn’t deny this. If this guy says he likes her personality, there must be something wrong.

“Then I felt like, after all, there are so many beauties, some even prettier than you, why don’t I pursue them? I can even guarantee that for some, as long as you give them enough, you can do any pose.

Hiratsuka Shizu blushed after hearing what this guy said, and then said in a helpless tone:”You are your class teacher after all, can’t you say these things more tactfully?””

Lin Qi also reacted after hearing what the other party said, and immediately said with a smile:”Sorry, sorry, after all, who would remember such a thing in this occasion and atmosphere?”

After Hiratsuka Shizuka heard this, she found herself speechless, or she felt that there was nothing wrong with what she said. After all, who would remember that kind of thing at this time? To be honest, he didn’t even think about it just now. I feel conscious, I really feel like I’m on a date with this guy

“Okay, let’s get back to the topic. As for why it has to be you, the third point is, have you forgotten our unexpected contact that day?”

“The first two points are met and the third point unexpectedly leaves a mark. Do you think I will let you go and let you fall into the arms of someone else?”

After hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka felt like she was shooting herself in the foot. To be honest, that day was a real accident, but she didn’t expect that this guy misunderstood her. At the same time, she secretly cursed herself, why did she have to do that kind of posture?

But now she can only say in a very dissatisfied tone:”You are really domineering.”

Lin Qi didn’t care about what the other party said. Instead, he spoke in a nonchalant tone:”To be honest, I’m not going to refute what you said, but don’t you think about it, I’m not interested in money at all, so what’s wrong with me picking up girls?”

“And I’m not one of those playboys who play around……”

“But the one that actually gets the certificate, okay?”

After hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka had to admit that if this guy really got the certificate, then everything would have a different meaning. This guy was serious.

But now she doesn’t want to continue this topic. , after all, many things are uncertain, so this topic must be stopped.

“By the way, what kind of dish do you think Chef Dojima will serve later?”

Lynch saw through the other party’s trick at a glance, but he didn’t care. After all, there is a saying that goes”Warm water boils steam”. I’m not in a hurry. I’ll take it slowly. Anyway, the other party will not escape from my palm, so there is no need for me to be as impatient as a beast.

Lynch thought for a while and spoke in an uncertain tone:”Seriously speaking, I’m not sure about this. After all, I don’t even know what ingredients you uploaded, but it’s most likely Japanese.”

But when the other party brought the things up, Lynch couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

The other party actually came to watch a pie.

Lynch saw that the ingredients on the pie were all fish meat. A pie made of fish meat?

Then he helped him cut it open and ate it. To be honest, he didn’t enter the hallucination either. He could only give the other party a normal evaluation after eating it expressionlessly.

But Shizuka Hiratsuka was pulled into the illusion by the other party with a look of enjoyment, and she looked very happy.

Shizuka Hiratsuka took out her mobile phone without saying a word and took a picture of this, thinking in her heart that she could be so cute in the future, and you don’t want to be so cute~

And Dojima Gin felt 4.8 a little disappointed, after all, he didn’t pull the other party in.

Looking at the disappointed look of the other party, Lynch couldn’t help but comfort the other party:”When the food exists, it must be at least a level 4 killer dish for me to barely go in.”

Dojima Gin couldn’t help but twitch his mouth after hearing this, and then asked a presumptuous question

“Well, I would like to ask you something.”

“In your mind, or in other words, what level does Senzaemon-sama belong to on your evaluation scale?”

After Lin Qi heard this, he thought about it and decided to tell the truth.

“I just passed the CET-4 passing line, and I am about to drop out if I take a step back.”

PS: The new book is about to start, and I urgently need the strong support of all the handsome men, beautiful women, and big brothers! If you pass by, don’t miss it, and beg for collection, recommendation, and Amway. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click to collect it. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big brothers!

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