Chapter 0068 Jing Keai, you don’t want to either!

Lin Qi directly handed over the bright rose with a smile on his face.

“”Jing’ai, are you free to go out for dinner together?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at the bright roses in front of her, and didn’t know what to do for a moment.

At the same time, she was a little confused. Where did this guy come from? When he saw this guy come in, he had nothing in his hands, but in the blink of an eye, he produced such a large bouquet of roses.

Is this a magic trick or something else?

And the point is that she said she couldn’t solve this problem.

To be honest, there are people who give him roses, but they are all people with ulterior motives, and it is the first time that someone like her own student gave her roses.

The point is that the two of them had a little too close contact yesterday, which led to a moment of confidence. She didn’t know whether to accept it or refuse.

In the end, Shizuka Hiratsuka took the roses with a complicated look on her face, and then spoke in a persuasive tone:”I said that you don’t have to spend your time on me. We are a teacher and student.”

“You have to know that in this country, it is easy for people to misunderstand things like teachers and students.”

Lin Qi curled his lips after hearing this, and then said in a nonchalant tone:”It is true that misunderstandings may occur in other places, but do you think there will be misunderstandings here?”

“Although many ordinary people are recruited here, it is still essentially an aristocratic college, but the classes are clearly differentiated.”

“Even though they are all glamorous, in fact their family members spend more time having fun than we do.”

“Don’t tell me these things, you don’t know”

“So what’s the relationship between teachers and students?”

After Hiratsuka Shizu heard what Lin Qi said, she was speechless for a moment and could not refute. After all, the problems that occurred in those chaebols or big families were indeed more serious.

Especially this polygamy system, it can It is said that some even go beyond the limits, even the little girls, and there are indeed many in her family who are more playful, including her father, and her mother is the only wife, so he is used to this kind of thing. Yes, it’s just that she can’t pass the test in her heart.

After all, this guy is still her student.

At this moment, Hiratsuka Shizu is competing with herself.

“Little boy, first of all you have to understand one thing. I am so much older than you. Do you really think we are suitable for each other?”

“So I suggest you keep looking for your little girl.”

The second problem that Shizuka Hiratsuka had to face was the age issue, so to be honest, she really didn’t think of agreeing to Lynch’s pursuit.

But it was a pity, it was rare to have such a handsome guy, and he didn’t pursue her for her family property or something like that.

But what she never expected was that this guy suddenly came to her side, and then put his arm around her waist, and then kissed her on the lips. When Shizuka Hiratsuka reacted, they were already stuck together, because Lynch’s movements were too fast just now, causing her to not know what to do for a moment, after all, Lynch handed a big bouquet of flowers to her, which means that she was holding the flowers in both hands now.

Once she let go, these flowers would definitely fall to the ground, causing her to not know what to do at this time, and at the same time she was thinking in her heart that she might have been tricked by that guy.

Shizuka Hiratsuka seriously suspected that Lynch deliberately made him hold the flowers with both hands, unable to move, so that he could do whatever he wanted, seeing that she was reluctant to throw away the flowers.

But after the two separated, Shizuka Hiratsuka immediately spoke in a gritting teeth tone:”You bastard, do you know? This is an office? What if someone sees us?”

“And you must have planned it on purpose. You asked me to hold the flowers and couldn’t do anything, and then you did it yourself! Hiratsuka

Shizuka seemed to have turned into a famous detective at this moment, telling Lynch’s plan all at once.

But after Lin Qi heard what the other party said, he looked confused.

Hiratsuka Shizuka saw the other party’s posture Then he couldn’t help but frowned and said,”Isn’t what I just said wrong?”

After Lin Qi heard what the other party said, he hurriedly opened his mouth to clear himself up.

“That’s right, it’s not what you think.”

“Listen to me, I really didn’t think that way this time. It’s just that after hearing you reject me, I thought of shutting your mouth so that you can’t reject me.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at the sincere face of the other party and knew that he didn’t mean anything. After all, she had taught him for half a year, and she knew very well what kind of person he was, not to mention that he was a problem child. The two of them often dealt with each other.

“Damn it, do you think this can shut me up? Who taught you this?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka didn’t expect that this was the reason that made her burst out in anger.

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders and said with a proud expression on his face:”Why do you need to teach others about this kind of thing? I figured it out by myself.”

After hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn’t help but spit out the word” get out”.

“Damn it, you just forced a woman, you are committing a crime, I don’t know where you got the nerve to look so proud.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka felt that she had to give this problem child a good ideological education lesson, lest this guy really go astray.

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi smiled and spoke with a nonchalant look on his face.

“Ahahaha, just kidding.”

“I can’t help it, my sister is so attractive that I can’t help but kiss her.”Hiratsuka Shizuka blushed because of her calmness just now and Lin Qi’s explicit words.

Seeing her like this, Lin Qi couldn’t help but strike while the iron is hot.

“Jing, are you interested in going out for dinner with me? After all, from my observation of you, you are most likely thinking of going out for a drink. Drinking alone is boring, so I’ll drink with you.”

After hearing what Lin Qi said, Hiratsuka Jing felt like swinging an iron fist of punishment.

“You bastard, you are still underage, but you told me to drink with me, are you sure you are not causing trouble? Hiratsuka

Shizu said this in a tone of gritted teeth.

Lin Qi sighed after hearing what the other party said and didn’t take it seriously.

“Come on, that’s just for ordinary people.”

“Just one sentence, if you want to go or not, I will continue to kiss you.”

“Although there is no one around now, who knows if someone will come later?”

“If 253 sees the two of us kissing each other passionately, I guarantee that this matter will spread throughout the school tomorrow.”

“Jie Jie Jie, Jing Keai, you don’t want the whole school to be gossiping about the two of us tomorrow.”

After Hiratsuka Shizu heard what Lin Qi said, she had the urge to punch this guy in the face, but she still held it back forcibly, and warned herself that she couldn’t beat the opponent, and she would give this guy a chance as soon as she made a move. You’ve done something bad.

If someone comes in and sees it, you probably won’t be able to wash it out if you jump into the Yellow River.

Hiratsuka took a deep breath, calmed down, and said with gritted teeth:

“OK! I agreed.”

Although the two seemed to be going on a date, the woman’s attitude was as if she wanted to kill someone. It was completely impossible to tell that this was a sweet date.

Lynch didn’t care about the other party’s attitude, as long as he could go anyway, once There were two times when he wasn’t in a hurry.

After all, this violent female teacher was unexpected, so he didn’t mind taking the time to take down the other person. label, then don’t even think about running away. As for saying that this is a domineering behavior, Lynch said that he is already worthy of his morals even if he doesn’t have the crescent moon rising to the sky.

PS: The new book is about to start, and we urgently need all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys. Great support! If you pass by, please don’t miss it. Please add it to your collection, please recommend it, please add it to your collection, please add it to your favorite list, thank you all!

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