Chapter 0053 My requirements are not high, just want to taste the lollipops I made!

Yukinoshita Haruno knows very well that force is indeed a good thing, especially in a world like the present, but it is not omnipotent.

Many times, it is indeed possible to get countless conveniences, but it must be subject to constraints, otherwise the world would have been in chaos long ago.

You must know that once it goes too far, it will be destroyed.

After all, no matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to fight the whole world alone, not to mention that there are all kinds of high-tech weapons that are hard to defend against.

You can’t crush the whole world alone.

So Haruno believes that with Lin Qi’s strength, it is indeed necessary for him to bring great help to their family, and she doesn’t even have to face others with a fake expression as before.

It’s just that things like doing whatever you want, don’t even think about it.

So Haruno’s statement about Lin Qi, at most, thinks that the other party’s age is the same as her sister, and he also has power, so he can’t see clearly some things, so she plans to persuade the other party not to die!

After all, their family is now tied to the other party. Although it has not been announced to the public, because this matter needs to be dealt with, her mother will definitely tell about it.

So the announcement will be made within a few days!

Precisely because they are in a situation where everyone prospers and everyone suffers, she doesn’t want Lynch to really commit suicide.

After hearing what the other party said, Lynch also understood why the other party thought so. After all, their horizons are only within the planet, so it is normal to have such thoughts.

So it can be said that Lynch really doesn’t care about this matter at all.

After hearing what the other party said, Lynch said in a grinning tone:”Just tell me what will happen if I hit this country just now?”

Yang Nai originally wanted to persuade the other party, but her face froze after hearing this.

Uh… the aftermath of that attack just now was able to cause such a great power. If it was hit directly, this country would most likely be gone.

Seeing that the other party’s face was speechless, Lynch continued to speak and finish off.

“And why do you think I used so much strength in that blow just now?”

“How much strength did you use just now?”

Yang Nai couldn’t help but ask subconsciously.

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi pretended to think about it. After all, he really wanted to think about how to describe it.

“Well… it’s hard to describe, after all, it’s a bit insignificant.”

After hearing this, Yukinoshita Haruno had the urge to complain. Although I know you are amazing, isn’t your description a bit exaggerated? This is still insignificant, why don’t you go to heaven?

“If I have to compare it, I can only compare it to a drop of diluted water in the ocean.”

After hearing this, Yang Nai said that this guy was bragging. After all, if you really think like this, wouldn’t it be possible for you to destroy the planet with all your strength?

“Ahaha, husband, stop joking, how is this possible? It is simply impossible for human beings to have such a powerful force.”

Yangno said that she has yelled it twice anyway, and now she doesn’t talk around the word husband anymore. It’s just that she was just joking. After all, if this situation really happened, wouldn’t the plot be too magical?.

You must know that although there are spirits, demons and other things in this world, it is still based on science, and even these things are not that powerful at all. Strength.

When Lin Qi heard the smile on the other person’s face, he didn’t panic after saying this. Instead, he decided to show off. After all, he was invincible and not an ancestor.

He was not one of those old people. To be honest, a guy who hides himself will not have any impact if exposed to one or two people. After all, he is destined to be his own person, and if it is really spread by word of mouth, he will use a little ability to tamper with the thoughts and ideas of this person’s world. Just remember.

Now I want to do whatever I want while keeping the last bit of conscience in my heart.

Lin Qi looked at Yangno, whose face was full of disbelief. Lin Qi said with a smile on his face:”It’s better to do this. , I’ll let you see if I’m bragging. If I’m not bragging, you satisfy one of my requirements.”

Yunoshita Harano saw Lin Qi’s smiling expression, and the intuition she had honed over the years made her feel bad.

But she was really curious.

Could the other party really have the power to destroy the world?

After all, people are curious creatures, let alone the relationship between the two. After all , the height that Lynch can reach will also determine how she will do things in the future.

Yingying said with a smile on her face:”Okay!”

“But if you ask for something, a person like you, my husband, who is upright and upright, will not embarrass a little girl like me.”

Yangno knows very well how eager boys of this age are in certain aspects.

After all, she has many suitors. Although she has never been in love, she knows very well what kind of virtue these guys are.

So she decided to use this

Lin Qi looked at the other person with a worried look in his eyes, and understood that the other person was afraid that he would go too far.

“Yangno, first of all, you are my person and cannot run away, and I have to go home tonight, so the thing you imagined will definitely not happen.”

Yang Nai blushed when she saw that her idea was exposed, and then she started to look careless.

“Ah ha ha”

“What are you talking about?”

“You really believe in your character, right?”

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi gave her a look with contempt in his eyes, and then said in a bad tone:”Come on, I’m not a fool like your sister.”

“I can clearly see what you said and your expression just now, okay?”

Yang Nai fell silent after hearing this.

“Then tell me what you want?”

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi kept scanning the other party, which made her feel a little uncomfortable and scared.

Then what Lin Qi said next scared her.

“Well, you just need to eat the lollipop I made.”

Yukinoshita Haruno was a little confused when she heard this. What the hell is a lollipop?

The request was so simple that she couldn’t believe it.

“My dear, can you make candies?”

Yukinoshita Yono suddenly blurted out the question, but then Lynch said with a malicious smile on his face:”Of course I can do this stuff, × and there are ready-made ones.”

“If you don’t believe me, you can try it!”

Yukinoshita Haruno felt a little confused. What on earth was going on? But his bright eyes turned and he immediately understood what was going on.

“You are such a shameless pervert.”

“How could he learn so much at such a young age?”

Based on Lin Qi’s malicious smile and the things this guy has, Yukinoshita Haruno immediately figured out what he was talking about. He originally thought that this guy just looked like those yellow-haired gangsters, but it turned out that he was also the type of perverted and frivolous person.

This guy turned out to be an old frivolous guy, an old hooligan.

When Lin Qi saw that the other party understood, he did not hide it, but admitted it openly.

“if not? Except for one person, do you think I would be interested in other things like money?”

After Yukinoshita Harano heard Lin Qi’s honest words, he couldn’t help but have an expression of shame and anger on his face, and said in a gritted tone:”Then do I want to thank you for your consideration?”

Although I said thank you, my tone was full of joking.

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the strong support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. I want to collect it, recommend it, and ask for it. Amway, please give me everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you!

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