Chapter 0049 If you can’t afford it, don’t come out to play!!

After hearing their mother’s words, the sisters Yukinoshita Yukino and Yukinoshita Harano also recognized their current situation at this moment.

It can be said that the life and death of all of them are in Lynch’s hands.

Xueno gritted his teeth secretly and cursed Yu Qu for being despicable!

After all, Lynch is very likely to have planned a saturated zero breakthrough.

You must know that this guy is too lazy to make things so troublesome, but he did give the old guy a chance to show his strength and let them understand how powerful the other party is!

This is exactly the trick!

And Black Soul has lived for so many years, and he has seen many things very clearly. At this moment, he didn’t understand that this guy Lynch deliberately allowed him to show his strength and make it easier to negotiate! This bastard used him as a stepping stone.

You must know that there is a saying that everything is better with peers!

Damn it, this is simply a shame and humiliation. Do you know when you have ever suffered such grievances?

At this moment, the black soul did not hide the snake and scorpion and threw some black talisman papers into the air, and then put two fingers in front of his mouth to practice the spell. Then the black talisman papers were burned instantly, and then the high altitude inside the barrier Suddenly something unexpected happened in the sky and the space split open.

And the crack that opened was quite big, and then a head full of ferocious teeth stuck out.

And it’s not that the head of the human heart is like a monster, turning its golden eyes while popping up.

Lin Qi knew at a glance that this was a spirit or monster, definitely not a cursed spirit or something like that.

Moreover, when the other party appeared in the sky, the depressing momentum directly suppressed everyone present, and even this sealed space was full of cracks.

Lin Qi couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this. This old guy is really desperate.

Black Soul is not a fool. Seeing where Lin Qi’s family is, he doesn’t know that the other party is not afraid of him at all, or that the other party is sure to hit him.

Those who can’t tell the difference between big and small kings will never appear here. After all, after all, they have been working together for so many years, and they can’t even see that these things are in vain.

It’s just something he doesn’t know, so what if he sees it? After all, the sky he saw was just like this

“Little ghost, this is my contracted spirit!”

“Because of you, I have to find another 100 people to eat. Lin Qi looked at this thing. Zhou Shen’s often wanted wronged souls didn’t know how many people this old thing was for, but he didn’t panic. Instead, he spoke in a curious tone:”I see you are doing this for a lot of people. Why are there so many people in this country?”

Black Soul:…

Black Soul was a little stumped, because what Lin Qi said was completely different from the script he imagined.

Can’t this guy show a look of fear or something like that? What’s the matter with this look of interest? Hey, if Lin Qi knew what this guy was thinking in his heart, he would only say one sentence, you think too much, what interest can this guy have for me?

Black Soul didn’t say anything nonsense, pointed at Ling Qi, and then stretched out the guy in the sky, suddenly stretched his neck long, just like those ancient monsters, rushed directly to Lynch, opened his bloody mouth, and planned to swallow Lynch.

Lynch looked at the other’s big mouth, and couldn’t help showing a look of disgust on his face.

Damn it! This dog with bad breath is putting his mouth close to me. Is he trying to cause trouble?

Lin Qi didn’t waste any words and hit the mouth as well. Then, under the eyes of everyone, the famous mouth was like a black hole, instantly sucking all the spirits, including the awesome thing in the sky, directly into the crack. Then, when it was close to Lin Qi’s mouth, it shrank into Lin Qi’s stomach.

Originally, it was a posture of a hundred ghosts parading at night and a big boss, but it was cleared in an instant.

Hei Hun was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. He sat down on the ground. It was not that he wanted to sit, but he was just weak.

At this moment, he felt that his concepts for so many years were broken.

You know, even if the strongest person in this country wanted to solve it, he would have to spend a lot of effort, not to mention the posture just now!

But this guy cleared the map with one click?

You know, there is no plug-in allowed in this world! Is this guy really not afraid of being banned?

Black Soul looked at Lin Qi as if he was looking at a peerless demon, and then he spoke in a stuttering tone:”You…are you a human or a ghost?”

Black Soul didn’t expect that he would be scared like this one day, and actually asked someone whether he was a human or a ghost.

Lin Qi couldn’t help but curl his lips when he saw the other party’s posture.

“I’m not a human, are you a ghost?”

Lin Qi’s words sounded like there was something wrong, but actually it seemed okay after thinking about it. After all, Dark Soul had been in the business for so many years, and although he felt scared, he knew very well that he had to escape at this moment. At the same time, he secretly remembered Lin Qi’s face, and said that he would stay as far away from this kind of monster as possible in the future.

You know, he didn’t brag when he introduced himself just now, but he was killed in seconds by the other party, and the other party waited until he had played all his cards and killed him in seconds.

He couldn’t help but doubt those people he knew, could anyone beat him?

You know, no matter how talented those guys were, they were all over 30 years old.

As a result, this guy… He is an underage high school student, how could he be so terrified?

As soon as Hei Hun reacted, several black talisman papers floated around him, and then the talisman papers exploded, and black fog appeared.

It was obvious that he wanted to run away, but Lin Qi disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye, and then a scream was heard, still in the black fog.

When Hei Wu went up, he saw Lin Qi holding the neck of Hei Hun with one hand, and Hei Hun’s crutches fell to the ground, and his legs were suspended in the air and kept struggling!

A smile appeared on Lin Qi’s mouth and he said,”I said that the old thing wanted to run away after pretending to be powerful. How could there be such a cheap thing in this world?”

Hei Hun felt desperate after being held by Lin Qi’s iron-like hand.

But he didn’t intend to give up. Although he was held by the throat, he slowly made a sound. After listening to it, Lynch couldn’t help but curl his lips.

At this time, Hei Hun did not forget to call Lynch to let him go, and he was willing to use Lynch as the master.

Facing Hei Hun who was begging for mercy, Lynch spoke with a contemptuous tone:”If you can’t afford it, don’t play it”

“If you are afraid of death, why do you still come out to mingle? If you do come out to mingle, you should be ready for the day when you will be killed.”

“After living for so long, don’t you even understand this truth?”

As soon as Lin Qi said these words, the humans present couldn’t help but retort in their hearts. Who wants to die if they can live?

But no one dares to speak now!

Lin Qi looked at the expressions of the mother and daughter who gradually became better. He said with a smile:”I’ll give you a fireworks display, are you interested in watching it?”

After the three of them heard this, they felt bad in their hearts.

Just when Yangno was about to speak to stop her, Mrs. Yukinoshita spoke first (Zhao Nuo Zhao).

“Then the little girl will be disrespectful.”

Ms. Yukinoshita spoke in a very respectful tone.

Mrs. Yukinoshita knew very well that it was useless to say not to look at it. After all, the other party had made up his mind to act like this.

She even thought that the other party might do this for Show off your muscles to show them how to understand!

Mrs. Yukinoshita knows very well that she can’t resist, so let’s appreciate it and see how far Lin Qi’s strength has reached.

The other party is scary, but he also wants to see what other methods or powers the other party has.

After all, it is certain that his family will be tied to the other party, but who doesn’t want his backer to be stronger..

PS: The new book is about to start, and we urgently need the strong support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please collect it, recommend it, amway, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your collection. , thank you! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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