Chapter 0044 Lynch: In my eyes, consider agreeing!

Lin Qi’s eyes were full of disdain after hearing this, as if that’s it?

“Come on, do you think I’m short of money?”

Xueino couldn’t help but fell silent after hearing this. As far as he knew, this guy was a phenomenal light novelist and he really wasn’t short of money.

“I have nothing else I can promise you except this.”

Xueino thought for a while and decided to pretend to be crazy. After all, this guy looked like he wanted to eat her. She really didn’t dare to face this guy.

After hearing what the other person said, Lin Qi stretched out her finger and shook it.

“No, no, no, you can give me what I want.”

“Actually, I’m not that greedy, a kiss is enough.”

Xueno couldn’t help but fall silent after hearing what Lin Qi said. This guy had the nerve to say that he wasn’t greedy enough. You should know that he had never had close contact with the opposite sex since he was a child. And this guy asked for a kiss?

This was simply too much!

“Don’t you think your request is excessive?”

Xueino thought for a while and said this sentence, but what he didn’t expect was that he didn’t feel that it was too much after hearing this. Instead, he said in a matter-of-fact tone:”Excessive? Sorry, I really don’t think my request is too much.”

“Don’t you think that with your family’s background, you won’t be able to hire any top-notch people to help you?”

“And if that thing is the kind of thing that is more difficult to deal with, I will help you solve it in disguise, which is equivalent to saving the lives of your whole family. I want you to kiss me, is that too much?”

Xueino also fell silent after hearing this. She is not a fool. If this problem is really so serious, it is not too much!

It’s just that he can’t accept it when he takes the initiative to do this to me, which leads to her cute face now. There was a very tangled look on his face.

Lin Qi was not in a hurry about this, and said that he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

In the end, Xueno looked at the leisurely looking guy and said,”If the problem is real. If it’s that serious, I can think about it after the matter is over.”

Lin Qi couldn’t help but curled his lips after hearing what the other party said. This is insincere. What do you mean you can think about it?

But he didn’t say anything more. Instead, he nodded to express his determination. It would be better for Xueno to wait until he said this. She breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she thought about it, and she didn’t have to agree. These were two different concepts, okay?

Xueno couldn’t help but praise her own wit when she thought of this, but although she was complacent, she didn’t think about it. Has anyone ever thought about considering this factor for her?

After all, in someone’s eyes, this so-called”considering it” equates to him.

After all, the initiative is in his hands. She is the one who holds the power.

A girl like Yukino, who has never experienced social beatings, is a little naive and thinks that Lynch will abide by the agreement. Lynch said that you think too much, and I will give it to you when the time comes. You learned the lesson!

Just like that, the two people with evil intentions came to the school gate, and then they saw a luxury car appear. The door was opened and a man with short hair looked very similar to Yukino, and he was also rich. The extra-large lady appeared in a small suit

“Xiao Xueno, get in the car quickly”

“And this new student, please come up quickly.”

Lynch sat down without saying anything, but the seats were a bit awkward, so with Yang No’s help, Lynch sat in the middle. The two sisters sat on the left and right sides respectively.

Yukinoshita Yang No looked at Lynch, who had blond hair in front of him. Having heard some things from her sister, she knew how to communicate with her at this moment. She smiled sweetly on her face and said,”Lin Chi-kun, I’m Yukino’s sister, Yukinoshita Yang No, nice to meet you.”

Lynch looked at the expression of the oversized Yukino in front of him, and Lynch said that the acting was too fake.

Lynch also put on a smile on his face, and it looked like a very innocent smile.

“My name is Lin Qi, and I’m glad to meet you, Sister Yang Nai.”

“Unexpectedly, Yukino’s sister is actually a beautiful woman.”

Yukinoshita Harano looked at Lin Qi’s expression and had to admit that there was no flaw. She almost thought that the other party was really this kind of person, but after so many years of wallowing, her intuition told her that the other party was completely different from this kind of innocence. It’s not related.

Yangno feels like she has met her opponent.

“oops! Thank you Lin Qijun for your compliment.”

“You are also a handsome guy.”

Then with smiles on their faces, the two of them began to brag about each other’s business.

But Yukino, who was sitting on the edge, felt a little unbearable!

After all, she still prefers real things, and such hypocritical bragging between the two made her She felt a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, Yukino said that she never expected that her deskmate, who usually looked like a little bit, could turn into an old fox in an instant, especially who her sister was. Didn’t she know. Really? It turned out that my sister didn’t take advantage of her just now, and then the two exchanged blows and got into the topic.

“Lin Qijun, first of all, I want to thank you for being willing to help after discovering this problem.”

“And there’s one thing I need to make clear to you first.”

Lin Qi was a little surprised after hearing this.

“Sister Yang Nai, if you have anything to say, you can tell me directly.”

Yukinoshita Harano took a deep breath after hearing Lin Qi’s nonchalant words, and then spoke in a business-like tone as if she had entered work mode:”I have just contacted my mother and learned that The other party also has this situation.”

And he sensed something was wrong and had already called in professionals who were rushing to his home.

“She originally wanted to solve the matter directly, but she didn’t expect that I would know about it. And after she understood the cause and effect of the matter, she said that she had hired professionals to handle the matter.”

“So there is no need for us to worry.”

Yang Nai said this with an apologetic look on her face.

After all, Yang Nai didn’t expect that her mother had actually asked someone to do this, which meant that there was no need for Lin Qi to come to help!

And there were some things she didn’t say, that is, her mother expressed her disbelief in the other party’s ability after learning that the other party was also a student.

So Yang Nai planned to tell the other party about this matter in a tactful tone. After all, the other party is her sister’s classmate, and she came to help because she saw that the other party had problems.

So no matter what, the attitude must be in place.

And I just fought with the other party for a while, and after the fight, I knew that the person in front of me was not simple, so there was no need to leave a bad impression! Before

Lin Qi spoke, Xue Nai spoke first.

“Sister, you said that mother has already asked someone to get rid of this thing.

Yang Nai nodded after hearing what her sister said.

“Yes, I heard it’s on the way”

“The other party is a professional onmyoji”

“Let’s just say that he is still a little famous in the circle.”

Yang Nao’s tone was full of emotion and a little envy. After all, who doesn’t want to have this kind of power?

Xue Nao never expected that things would turn out like this. Then he glanced at Lin Qi, whose face did not change at all. Thinking of the other party’s appearance at that time, he made a decision in his heart.

Xue Nao looked at Lin Qi and said in an apologetic tone:”Mr. Lin Qi, I am very sorry for this situation because we did not communicate well.”

“But I hope you can go back with me.”

That’s right! Compared to those less famous Onmyojis, Xueno is more willing to believe in Lin Qi, who gave her a feeling of being like a god at that time.

And Yangno also felt interesting after hearing this. Her sister actually believed in the other party so much?

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big men! If you pass by, don’t miss it, and beg for collection, recommendation, Amway, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click on the collection. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big men!

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