Lin Qi couldn’t help but start to reflect on himself. After all, he had to be more careful next time. You know, he didn’t show off his aura too much just now. After all, he didn’t even explode.

As a result, they were almost wiped out. If this really happened, Lin Qi said he wouldn’t know how to cry.

Lin Qi shook his head at the girls’ questions, and then spoke in a calm tone:

“I’m not that kind of trash.”

“Onmyoji or sorcerer, in my eyes, they are just a bunch of little Karami, so don’t mix me up with them.”

Lin Qi gave people a very arrogant feeling when he said this, but the momentum he showed before made the girls unable to refute.

At this time, Kawasaki Saki spoke in a puzzled tone:

“Aren’t those things urban legends or compiled? Could they really exist?”

She was just an ordinary girl, and Lin Qi’s words shocked her worldview.

The same was true for Kato Megumi and the black silk senior.

���Qi looked at Miku.

After Miku and Lin Qi’s eyes met, she whispered to admit that she knew these things, but she had only heard about them from her father and had never come into contact with them!

Yukino also spoke at this time, saying that she had also heard about them, but she had never come into contact with them.

The words of the two young ladies made these girls say that they had learned something. It turns out that there are such things in this world.

Kawasaki Saki seemed to have thought of something? Looking at Lin Qi, she asked:

“So you didn’t want me to work the night shift so late because of these things?”

Lynch nodded to this.

“Otherwise, why would I advise you to find a part-time job?”

“After all, as ordinary people, the probability of you encountering such things is smaller than those rich people, but there is still a certain probability!”

“Plus, I want to give you something to protect yourself. I can’t find a suitable carrier, so the best way is not to go out at night!”

Kawasaki Saki felt a little helpless after hearing what Lin Qi said:

“If you hadn’t told me I could have continued to work part-time, but you made me ready to quit.”

Kawasaki Saki said that the salary was high, but life was more important.

Lin Qi looked at the scared look on everyone’s face and felt a little helpless. Then he spoke in a reassuring tone:

“Don’t worry, I’ve probably found something that can carry my power. I’ll be able to help each of you get a piece of protective gear in a while. Even if you run into problems, you’ll still be blocked by that thing. Something happened.”

Lin Qi gave them a little bit of a pie, so that they don’t have to panic.

But just at this moment Yukino spoke:

“Could it be that you are a Taoist priest or monk from the effect side?”

After Lin Qi heard the other party’s words, it seemed as if a crow flew over his head. He continued with a helpless tone:

“Do you think I have anything to do with the word”monk”?”

Xue Nai thought for a moment and spoke in a very affirmative tone:

“You two are totally unrelated.”

“And what’s going on with me?”

Xueino didn’t expect that he would be in trouble, which made him a little panicked. After all, recent things have been too weird, and no matter how cold he usually seems, he is actually just a female high school student. Plus, she The reason for this was just to protect herself, so she panicked when this happened, and

Lin Qi didn’t hide it.

“You are indeed entangled by the dirty things, and there is a thread behind it. It is enough to prove that there is a source.”

“Ask your sister if she has ever been in the same situation as you? If so, there are only two possibilities”

“Either your family accidentally bought such dirty stuff and the whole family got caught up in it, or someone deliberately messed with you.”

After hearing this, Yukino immediately picked up the phone and called her sister. At this time, the other girls spoke:

“Qijun, can you solve this matter?”

“Well, junior fellow student, can I see those things?”

The first sentence was okay, but the latter sentence made him a little stunned.

What the hell? You actually want to take the initiative to look at that thing?

And the words of Senior Sister Heisi instantly attracted the attention of several girls. They never thought that someone would take the initiative to look at those things. It was so surprising that

Senior Sister Heisi also knew how strange what she just said was. Although she was a little embarrassed, she still said it. reason

“After all, you know that I am a novelist, so after hearing these things just now, I couldn’t help but think about whether I should write a supernatural love novel.”

“So I took this opportunity to see what these things are like.”

“Although these things are scary, aren’t you curious?”

When everyone who was originally timid heard this, their desire to commit suicide was aroused. After all, we are all adolescent girls. Who wouldn’t be curious about these things?

Lin Qi looked at a certain shady guy. After everyone’s desire to die was ignited, they couldn’t help but feel a little helpless.

At this moment, he had no choice but to speak in a helpless tone.

“Are you sure you want to see it? Let me make it clear, if you are really scared, don’t come to me to take the blame.”

Lin Qi felt that some things had to be made clear, so as not to be held accountable later.

Everyone nodded at the same time at this moment. As for whether there would be a real retaliation later, it was uncertain. After all, women are fickle creatures.

Lin Qi asked, who has a mirror?

Miku immediately took out a mirror box. Lin

Qi took it and cast a spell on it, and then pointed it at Yukino who was on the phone.

All���I came over with curiosity, and after taking a look, I suddenly thought of it.

She saw a puppet with a face full of blood, a ferocious expression, and evil intentions on her shoulder.

The point is that this puppet looks shabby, even one eye is missing, but the hollow part gives people the feeling of an abyss.

I have to say that it successfully scared them, and everyone screamed immediately.

Yukino was on the phone with her sister, and Yangno on the opposite side also heard the scream, and hurriedly asked her sister if something had happened?

Of course Yukino knew what was going on right here, so she immediately said there were cockroaches, scaring all her female members.

After Yang Nai heard what his sister said, although she had doubts, she just thought about it and let it go. After all, she was not here, so she couldn’t know what really happened. Even my own sister said that, so I can only take it as such.

Immediately after Yukino finished talking to her sister, her face suddenly became unhappy. Then he saw these girls all looking timid and unwilling to give up, and he couldn’t help feeling a little speechless.

Knowing what happened, she just wanted to say that everyone is addicted to food.

Yukino’s current state of mind was that of standing and talking without pain in her back, and the other girls seemed to have noticed each other’s eyes. We are all girls, how could we not understand the meaning in each other’s eyes? Then a shady guy immediately spoke:

“Alas, school girl, don’t you want to see what’s behind your own back?”

When Yukino heard this, her face suddenly froze. To be honest, she was also afraid of this kind of thing!

Senior Sister Heisi seemed to have discovered something was wrong with the other party. She did not choose to let him go, but pressed closer and closer.

“Oh, you’re not afraid, are you, Yukinoshita-san? You don’t even dare to look behind you?”

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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