Lin Qi looked at the other party’s panic and couldn’t help but laugh. After all, it was so fun. This old girl of mine will show the same expression every time she does this.

When Sagiri saw Lin Qi like this, she knew that she was being played again, and she immediately puffed up her face. Staring at Lin Qi with such big eyes, he looked like I was unhappy.

Lynch then teased the other person like a pet.

After some rough and tumble, the two regained their composure, and then Lynch began to instruct each other in painting again.

Sagiri listened quietly like a primary school student.

Sagiri looked at Lynch’s paintings and had to admit that what he said was very good.

“Onii-chan, have you ever thought about becoming a painter or something like that?”

“A famous painter is better than a light novelist in some aspects.”

Lin Qi shook his head after hearing what the other party said:

“You should know very well that I don’t have much interest in this aspect”

“What I want to do most is to lie down and eat soft rice”

“So Sagiri, you have to be good. After you develop your painting skills, let me feed you.”

After Sagiri heard this, her fair little face turned red again. Then she spoke in a very low voice:

“Onii-chan, what a lazy idiot!”

To be honest, Sagiri never thought that this unrelated brother living with her was so talented in painting, or that his own strength was so strong.

At first, Lin Qi taught him to paint. At that time, he expressed disbelief. After all, she knew that the other person was good at writing novels, but that was not the case when she saw the illustrations in the other person’s novels. Once , she asked the other party if he could let her meet the illustrator.

What she never expected was that the other party actually said that the illustrator was him. At that time, she expressed total disbelief.

After showing him a little bit, she realized one thing. She really didn’t know that her brother had this kind of ability, so she hoped that the other party could guide her.

Because of this, she had a lot of chemistry skills. She has grown so much that even her famous teacher Pamu Eri was suddenly outclassed by her, but her pervert Oni-chan also took the opportunity to take advantage of her, or to put it another way, she took the opportunity to attack her!

Unexpectedly, he was defeated by Haga Hentai Oni-chan, who was not related by blood and wanted to open a harem!

After Lin Qi gave the other party some guidance, he then brutally abused the other party. Then he left with satisfaction.

After watching Lin Qi leave, Sagiri ran to the door and locked it, fearing that he would turn into a big bad wolf and attack him, after all, like those pornographic comics and manga. There is relevant content!

After all, the other party kissed her while she was being tortured.

According to the plot of the manga, the other party should have chosen to lock the door, but Sagiri just in case the other party regretted it. , so she closed the door very quickly.

After closing the door, Saguru immediately pressed herself against the door, put her legs together, put her hands on her legs, and buried her face in it with a blushing face.

“Onii-chan, this bastard!”

As a teacher of yellow comics, Sagiri has more knowledge than Ruiye in some aspects.

So she is a little afraid and looking forward to the next step.

Fortunately, Lin Qi chooses to stop every time, otherwise she really doesn’t know how to face it! After all, she doesn’t dislike it, but it’s a bit too embarrassing for such things!

After Lin Qi left the other’s room, he had to say that it smells really good!

And when Lin Qi took two steps, Yue also came up with a teacup in his hand.

Lin Qi bumped into the other party, and then he saw the other party’s expression very clearly. The aftertaste of licking his lips just now was seen clearly by the other party, and he was instantly tripped.

Lin Qi had to scold himself, a little careless, and he didn’t have any perception at all when he was at home, or he was 100% relaxed when he returned home!

Ruiye looked at Lin Qi with an ambiguous look, which made him a little panicked, but the other party didn’t say much.

Ruiye held the teacup and spoke in a very calm tone:

“Onii-chan, I see you haven’t come out for so long because I wanted to give you a cup of tea.”

After Lin Qi heard what the other party said, he thought about it and was about to speak, but the other party spoke first:

“Since you come out, I will send it to your room.”

After Rui Ye said this, he walked into Lin Qi’s room on his own. Lin Qi also felt that some people had toothache. After all, he knew some of the other party’s attributes very well. After awakening his memory, due to Because it was too bad, he made it clear that Rui Ye liked him.

Then the other party entered the predator state, and Lin Qi finally spent three chapters with the other party to calm down. If the other person is a little older, he really doesn’t mind if the other person enters the state of a snake catcher. After all, it is also enjoyable for him, but how to say it? After all, after living for so many years, the conscience in his heart cannot be passed. That’s a hurdle!

So Lin Qi was holding back, otherwise it would be completely out of character for him to refuse to eat such a delicious girl!

Now that he had taken advantage of it, the other party discovered it. There was a high probability that something was going to happen. Lin Qi could only sigh and walked into the room obediently. Rui Ye had already done his homework, and Lin Qi also returned to his room and sat down.

The tea was handed to Lin Qi. Lin Qi took it and took a sip. After the other party also took a sip and put the tea cup down, he watched Lin Qi open his mouth and use his tea. It looked very ordinary, but in fact it contained danger. The radiant eyes spoke:

“Onii-chan, I want it too!”

After saying that, she directly moved her face towards her, giving the impression that she wanted to forcefully kiss Lin Qi.

Seeing how proactive the other party was, Lin Qi directly chose to kiss him on the cheek.

“Is this okay?”

“If nothing happens, you can go out.”

Lin Qi just wants to chase people away. After all, he has already been made angry by the arrogant young lady today, but he endures it with his willpower. After all, it is better not to go too far on the first day.

And the one who was fighting with Sagiri Although he took advantage at that time, to be honest, he almost couldn’t help it, so he chose to leave in a hurry, and now the other one came to the door. After all, he knew very well that although he had it!

He can be said to be invincible in this world, but his character is not worthy of it.

Normally, a strong person at his level can 100% control his desires, but the most important thing is that he cannot! The important thing is that he is just a young man with a strong temper. How can he stand this temptation?

He can endure it until now, but he feels like he is gradually turning into a loser like Asasi!

If the other party doesn’t leave, he won’t! Guaranteed something will happen.

However, Ruiye, the person who Lin Qi knew about entering the soul, noticed something was wrong with the other party.

Lin Qi usually interacted closely with him and would never show such a feeling that he wanted to swallow her up immediately. The look in his eyes. Because usually he would keep it down because the other party said that he would wait until she was 16 years old!

But the situation has changed, or maybe it was different tonight, but the look in his eyes was just like that. But it is full of aggression, as if it will turn into a beast and pounce at the next moment!

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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