After Lin Qi left the other party’s office, he couldn’t help but sigh that he was indeed Hirano’s nanny. He was really good enough to involve himself in this.

However, Lynch said that as long as the other party agreed to his request, he would give him some money. At most, he would treat it as friendly support from his deskmate.

After Lin Qi left the school gate and wanted to call and ask where the other party was, he suddenly thought of something. It seemed that he did not have the other party’s phone number.

Lin Qi didn’t waste any time and directly opened the chat group.

The little yellow hair of the comprehensive comic world:”@ The tongue of the god of pride”

The little yellow hair of the comprehensive comic world:”Erina, where are you now? I’ll go find you.”

The proud tongue of the god:”I’m far away This is the Moon Center Hotel.”

Arrogant God’s Tongue:”Do you need me to pick you up?”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”No, wait a moment, we’ll be there soon.

Xiao Huang Mao from the Comprehensive Comic World:”Let someone wait for me at the door.”

Arrogant God’s Tongue:”Are you nearby?”

Xiao Huang Mao from the Comprehensive Comic World:”No!”

Xiao Huang Mao from the Comprehensive Comic World Mao:”I’m still in school now, and I’ll leave immediately.”

The arrogant God’s Tongue:”???”

The arrogant God’s Tongue:”It takes over an hour and two hours to drive. You told me to leave now?”

Xiao Huangmao from the Comprehensive Comic World:”Although I can’t teleport, I can move at high speed! This The effect of going where I want to go on the planet is similar to the effect of teleportation, except for the universe.”

The future empress:”It’s really a convenient ability.” The cute little Linglong:”Yes, I have the ability to go there. You can travel anywhere.”

Cute little Linglong:”The point is that you can eat big meals everywhere.”

Dead kid:”You can definitely make a fortune by running express delivery and delivering food with this ability.”

Playboy:”Why Mingfei. Why is your idea so novel?”

I’m not a vixen:”I’m going to deliver food by express delivery.”

I’m not a vixen:”Why don’t you just rob the vault?”

The most naughty angel:”Have you ever thought of a possibility? This guy’s high-speed movement is not about ability, but pure strength?”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”Yes, high-speed movement is only due to strength, and it has nothing to do with ability.” Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World. Huang Mao:”Why do you need to work part-time when you can do what I am doing and someone will give you money just lying down?”

Lin Qi didn’t know what to say about that bad boy’s brain circuit. You have your own strength and ability, but you still want to run express delivery? Lynch could only say that this guy’s brain circuit is really novel.

Lin Qi didn’t waste any time, found a deserted corner and immediately ran away.

In less than a minute, I arrived around the hotel, found a deserted place to bubble, and then walked slowly to the door of the hotel.

And although Lynch felt out of place with everyone in his school uniform, no one said anything.

After all, plots like that where someone jumps out and pretends to be a slap in the face can only develop in novels. How can there be so many cases in reality?

Not to mention that the wages of the waiters here are very high. Who would lose their job because of a quick talk? It’s better to provide serious service. Anyway, if you really can’t afford it, someone will solve it!

After Lin Qi came to the door, he happened to see a familiar figure appear.

When he was about to walk over to say hello, the other party walked over first.

“Excuse me, are you Master Lin Qi?”

Feishazi asked in a very respectful tone.

After hearing what the other party said, countless question marks appeared in Lin Qi’s head.

Master? What the hell?

Lin Qi was stunned for a moment, and then he spoke with a sunny smile on his face:

“There’s no need to call me sir or not, just call me Lin Qi.”

Hisashi looked at the smile on Lin Qi’s face and couldn’t help feeling a little surprised.

You know, her own eldest lady said that the other party was a very difficult person to serve, and asked her to communicate with him as little as possible.

But now it seems that it’s a little different from what Miss Erina said.

After all, the way the other party was smiling now made her feel pretty good.

What Hisashi didn’t know was that Erina could tell from the short time she had chatted with Lin Qi that this guy was a super playboy.

Moreover, female supporting roles like her own secretary were also very popular, and this guy was very likely not to let go, so she cashed out and gave the other party a shot of prevention, so that the other party would stay away from this guy.

As a result, she had been instilling the idea that this guy was not a good person into her own secretary before, which led to this scene.

And what just now were just her personal opinions, and now there were things to do, so she put these thoughts aside for the time being.

“Mr. Lynch, etiquette cannot be abolished.”

Lin Qi felt a little helpless after hearing what the other party said.

“Come on, since you said that, I will let the little tsundere tell you personally and let you correct me.”

“To be honest, she is obviously a beautiful girl, why do you have a stern face all day long? Why don’t you smile more!”

When Feishazi first heard Lin Qi say the three words”little arrogant”, her brain didn’t react for a while. But when she reacted and was about to correct the other party’s way of calling her, she heard the other party call her a beautiful girl.

Feishazi suddenly became a little uneasy.

“Lin… Master Lynch, please don’t talk nonsense about beautiful girls. I am not one of them.”

Feishazi said this with a red face.

After all, she usually stayed with Lady Erina, and the brilliance of the master she served was too strong, so she had never been noticed by anyone, let alone a beautiful girl.

She didn’t expect that the friend of the young lady in front of her would say this to her, which made her feel flattered.

Then he also felt a little strange. Since the other party and his young lady were friends, why would his young lady describe the other party like this? Are there some misunderstandings between the two of them?

Feishazi was given extra points because of Lynch’s attention to her and Lynch’s handsome face, which led to the little secretary being very interested in her. The other party had a very good impression.

Erina would never have thought that this guy, Lynch, was very good at picking up girls, especially when dealing with her secretary who had always been overshadowed by her. He knew how to hit the nail on the head.

If she had known, she would never have sent the other party down alone. She did not choose to come down, mainly because as soon as she showed up, she would be surrounded by countless people, and she also wanted to avoid this kind of trouble.

But what she never expected was that someone would start to steal her house.

If Erina knew that this guy had gained favor in such a short time, she would probably be so depressed that she would vomit blood.

When Lynch saw the secretary like this, he continued to pursue her without saying a word.

“No, no, no, you are belittling yourself too much. There is no need for this.”

“I am a person who always says what I mean.”

“If you don’t believe me, you can just ask anyone.”

“You can be more confident, you are no worse than anyone else!”

Lin Qi said this in a very sincere tone, which made people believe that he was telling the truth.

The secretary blushed when she saw Lin Qi like this, and then chose to escape:

“”Mr. Lynch, the young lady is waiting for you upstairs. I’ll take you there.”

The secretary took the excuse of leading the way and ran ahead first, not letting the neighbors see her face as red as an apple.

Lynch said it was a very good start.

And Hisako, who was running ahead, blushed, and her heart was beating very fast.

You know, it was she who helped buy the love comics of Miss Erina.

And she was not as innocent as their own young lady.

Of course, Hisako didn’t know that their eldest lady had become not innocent at this moment because she had joined the chat group and there were many improper people in the chat group!

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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