Xiao Huangmao from the comic world:”By the way, if your family encounters any problems, you can come to me and I will give you a 10% discount for the sake of my group friends!” The arrogant God’s Tongue:

The arrogant God’s Tongue:”Then I really want to thank you for your kindness.”

The cute little Linglong:”10% off?”

The Pirate Empress:”Isn’t this the same as no fight?”

The dead child:” I don’t think he said that a 12% discount is already considered a discount.”

The future empress:”To be honest, fellow, you are also a talent.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”@ The Tsundere of God”

Zongman World. The little yellow hair:”How about helping you?”

The arrogant God’s Tongue:”What do you want me to help with?” The arrogant God’s Tongue:”I feel like there is nothing I can do to help you?”

Xiao Huangmao from the comic world:”Prepare a lot of food for me. I want to see how much food I need to eat to offset this hunger.”

Xiao Huangmao from the comic world:”Although under normal circumstances I can indeed press I’m just afraid that something unexpected will happen.”

The arrogant God’s Tongue said,”You are here now.���?”

The little yellow hair from the comic world:”Wait a minute, let’s go!”

The arrogant God’s Tongue:”OK!”

Erina did not refuse after seeing Lynch’s words. After all, this guy was very dangerous. If the other party really couldn’t suppress his appetite and went berserk, it would be a disaster.

Playboy:”Good guy, is this the time to eat soft rice?”

Dead kid:”It seems that the ultimate fate of Saiyans cannot escape eating soft rice.”

Dead kid:”I just don’t know why. Envy.”

The most naughty angel:”What’s there to envy? Don’t think about it. If Erina doesn’t let this guy eat soft food, it will be the end of the world if something goes wrong.”

Gentle Sister Hua:”Indeed. Once Lin Qijun goes crazy in the chat group, no one can stop him.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”Can’t you give me some confidence?”

The arrogant God’s Tongue:”For you, it’s an analogy, but for me, I don’t dare to bet!”

Xiao Huangmao from the comic world:”Then, Miss, please let me eat your soft rice, please!”

Arrogant Tongue of God:

I’m not a vixen:”Ahahaha, I don’t know why I suddenly want to laugh.”

The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”Yeah, yeah, I won’t let you suffer. I’ll use witchcraft to make some self-defense items for you. Is that okay?”

The arrogant tongue of God:”Deal!”

Erina immediately said the word”deal” after hearing what Lynch said.

After all, the things made by the other party are definitely fine products, or better than the self-defense items made by anyone in this world.

Playboy:”I feel that little sister Erina has made a fortune this time!”

Cute little Linglong:”It can be said that she has made a fortune.”

After all, they saw Lin Xi’s previous strength clearly, so the things produced by the other party are definitely fine products.

Lynch talked back to these people, and then left the chat group.

When he returned to the classroom, it was almost time for lunch break. When the bell rang, she leaned against his back, looking as if she was exhausted.

Miku poked Lynch with a pen and asked in a curious tone:

“Qi Jun, are you okay? I think you seem a little bit off today.”

Lin Qi immediately said with a grin:

“What do you think can happen to me?”

“My body is great.”

As soon as Lynch said this, Kawasaki Saki, who was sitting in front of him, spoke unceremoniously:

“I went to the toilet first, then attended a class for a while, and then claimed to go to the infirmary. You told me that your body is great?”

“Do you think you have any misunderstanding about the words”your body is great”?”

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi spoke in a tentative tone:

“Do you think there is a possibility that I just want to fish?”

“Come on, you want to catch fish and just lie down here and sleep, why don’t you run out?”

After Lin Qi heard this, he immediately coughed awkwardly:

“Ahem, well, let’s have lunch.”

Lin Qi’s behavior immediately earned him several eye rolls.

Lin Qi decisively said that he ignored them.

Then several people took out their things and planned to leave, and Xue Nai did the same thing, but she walked in another direction.

After seeing the other party’s behavior, Lin Qi couldn’t help but tease her:

“Hey, why does Hirano have to go eat alone? Why don’t you stay here and eat together?”

Xueno glanced at Lin Qi after hearing what he said.

This guy is really annoying. He only says his nickname all day long.

Doesn’t this guy know that he deserves a beating if he calls out such a nickname?

“snort! I want you to take care of it!”

“I like quietness, isn’t that okay?”

After saying this, Xue Nai snorted and left with a proud look on her face.

Lin Qi shrugged helplessly.

“Mr. Lin Qi, you have hit a wall again.”

Kato Megumi’s calm voice came out faintly.

Lin Qi couldn’t help but feel embarrassed after hearing what the other party said. After all, this Hirano is quite difficult to deal with.

“The other party is in this arrogant shape”

“Let’s go!”

Lynch then left with a few people, but because his combination was a little special, people who saw him on the road looked at him with envy.

When they arrived at the rooftop, Kato Megumi was very considerate and spread a piece of cloth on the ground.

Lynch couldn’t help but sigh that she was really a thoughtful little wife.

The others were used to it.

After everyone sat down, a plump beautiful girl with a pair of very seductive black silk thighs popped up.

“Hey, Shiyu.”

The others also greeted her.


Lynch said OK! All members of the lunch group arrived.

The reason why Lynch knew this senior with black silk stockings was actually quite simple. After all, you have to know that he is also a porter, so the two of them have met in the library.

Especially since he is the top star, and the other party is the kind of person who is about to be cut off, so in order to prevent his novel from being cut off, the other party came to invite Lynch at the suggestion of his screenwriter.

And because of this system, Lynch has a writing level close to the full level even if he is not a porter. So helping him revise and teach her something by the way is quite simple.

But At first, Lin Qi did not agree directly. Then, after the other party was assured that Lin Qi was a freshman, he took the initiative to come to him!

Lin Qi originally wanted to fish for the other party, but he did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to come to him. Then, after some tricks and persuasion,

Lin Qi successfully raised his favorability.

And because of his help, her novel was successfully saved, and her novel also began to sell well.

So now the relationship between the two is like this. The other party took the initiative to sit next to Lin Qi and came close to him, and deliberately whispered in Lin Qi’s ear in a very gentle tone:

“Junior brother, I’ve been waiting for a long time!”

Lin Qi felt the other party’s energetic breath, and couldn’t help feeling a little floating, but as soon as he floated, he immediately felt several eyes staring at him.

Lin Qi found that although these girls didn’t speak, their eyes meant everything.

Then several people secretly gritted their teeth. As expected, this senior sister was the most annoying.

You know, they are too shy to do such a thing in public.

But this senior sister didn’t care about these things at all, and often stuck to Lin Qi in public. It gave them a feeling of demonstration.

The thoughts in the hearts of several people were that I was here first.

Especially Miku! She and the other party are obviously childhood sweethearts!

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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