Chapter 106: Damn it! Knowing so many secrets, I won’t be silenced, right?

After hearing what the system said, Lin Qi couldn’t help but speak in a puzzled tone:”Disaster?”

Lin Qi felt that there was something wrong with this statement?

“Ding! Are you stupid?”

“When a Chinese suddenly appears among a group of ordinary people, what do you think he will do?”

Lin Qi couldn’t help but speak subconsciously after hearing this:”Of course, he will do whatever he wants.”

Lin Qi stopped what he wanted to say after saying this, and then his face darkened, because he already knew the answer.

“Ding! It seems that you are not stupid. You should know that if a native suddenly appears, do you think your life will be better?”

“If we compare the universe to a society, then those who are the oldest and currently at the top can be regarded as the real rulers of society, while the others who are a little lower than them can be regarded as their subordinates, and so on.”

“As a result, suddenly an alien with the ability to rule the world appears. Who would want this guy to continue staying in this world? Everyone would definitely want him to get out as soon as possible!”

“Even the heavens themselves do not want such guys to exist, because they are too supermodels, so those who surpass the heavens will be expelled by the heavens and the worlds.”

“Of course, people like this don’t want to stay here, after all, they have higher aspirations, but Zhutian will still try his best to drive them away just in case.”

When Lin Qi heard this, a doubt popped up in his mind.

“First of all, are there many people like this? And then what will these people do after they leave?”

“Ding! You asked the right person. If it were any other system or powerful person, they would probably not be able to answer you. But this system is one of the earliest ones.”

“Even the chat group can’t answer your question.”

Lin Qi really wanted to tell him to stop showing off and answer my question, but he felt that the other party was showing off, so he had to cooperate silently. There was no other way, who told him to listen to the other party’s explanation.

The system seemed to have finished bragging and finally got to the point.

“Ding! First of all, you have to understand one thing. The universe we are in now is the most original universe.”

“And after the birth of the universe, forests began to appear one after another, and then one by one they began to become stronger. Then, as time went by, people who surpassed the universe began to appear.”

“And there are no more than 15 such people since the birth of the heavens.”

“Think about what this means. A world goes from birth to destruction. Some ancient worlds have gone through countless epochs.”

“But this time is just a drop in the ocean of the birth of the heavens and myriad worlds.”

“So you can imagine how difficult it is to find such a person.”

“After these guys transcended, they no longer knew which way to go, so everyone had different ways of going, but basically everyone would try to use their own power to open up a new world of the heavens and seek to explore how to go in the future!”

“But the myriad worlds they opened up are absolutely impossible for people to surpass those in the universe.”

“Some guys even build not just one, but countless”

“In pursuit of forming a myriad of heavens and worlds like the one farthest from us, but unfortunately all failed, so these failed products were also thrown aside by him.

Even if these acquired myriad heavens and worlds were allowed to develop freely, the energy contained in these myriad heavens and worlds would not exceed the energy spent by the person who opened them up.

Therefore, no matter how experienced the people born in them were, they would not be able to reach the step of surpassing the heavens.

Even if he refined the entire myriad worlds, it would not work.

After all, the energy was so little, so it was impossible for supermodels to appear in the acquired myriad heavens.

“So you should be thankful that you were born in this most original world.”

“Rather than in those opened up acquired heavens”

“Now that you have heard what the system has said, you should understand what those guys did after they surpassed this place, and you should also know how many there are.”

Lin Qi said after listening,”To be honest, I was really shocked. It turns out that there is such a secret.”

“Holy shit! How did you know that?”

“Ding! As the earliest existence, even many of those transcendents are not even as good as babies in my eyes, so is it surprising that this system knows these secrets?”

Lin Qi felt very complicated after hearing this. He said you are awesome, everything you said is right.

Damn! Is this really what he should listen to?

It’s just that he himself feels very lucky to be born here instead of being born in a place where he is destined to not go far.

“Damn! You told me so much, you don’t want to silence me, do you?”

“Ding! You think too much. This system has told you that it doesn’t matter.”

“After all, I’m always on your body, will you be a big mouth? Don’t I know that? And if you want to say something, this system can shut you up in time.”

“Anyway, remember this to the system. Don’t spread these things blindly.”

The system is thinking that this guy is overthinking. First of all, he has been bound to me. Unless he dies, I can change the host. In other words, this guy has been alive and I have been bound to him.

Then he can’t speak when I am here, and after I untie him, he is dead. How can a dead person speak? So it means that the advantage is mine…….

Of course, it is not hopeless. The novice gift package it gives to each host carries a hint of this possibility. As for whether they can really seize this opportunity and go out, it depends on themselves.

To be honest, the system said that Lin Qi is the luckiest host he has ever led.

It takes an ordinary person a year and a half to reach this point.

It can be said that he can write novels.

However, because of this reason, the chat group has suffered.

The system also knows some things about the chat group.

Originally, the chat group had a group owner, but the previous group owners became more and more unbridled as time went by, making the chat group full of smoke and miasma.

Later, the chat group cleared all these people and decided not to have a group owner.

Only administrators are needed, and administrators are actually the same as the group owners he selected. They are all people with great luck. Although the rest of the group members can join the chat group and get resources, they are just accompanying them to work.

It’s just that this time the chat group lost a lot because of the appearance of such an outlier. The people I selected didn’t get much benefit, but all the benefits were taken away by this guy.

And Lin Qi didn’t know these things, but thought that he had a chance to transcend?

But he quickly drove away these random thoughts. After all, he would talk about the future later.

Now he was just a little Karami, why should he think so much?

What he had to do was to integrate all these powers first, and then train himself after the integration to see how far he could go.

Then he would slowly seek a breakthrough.

“System, I have to admit, what you said made my heart collapse”

“Ding! Get out!”

“Do you really think I can’t feel your inner fluctuations? Except for the excitement at the beginning, now it’s back to normal.”

“To put it bluntly, you are just a guy with a big heart.”

“What you just said was nothing more than a way to make up for it. Do you really think this system doesn’t know?”

Lin Qi was not embarrassed to see that he was exposed, and then he spoke in a curious tone:”I said, if I want to go to the trilogy to dig out my eyes, what strength do you think is appropriate?”

“Ding! It will be more stable after the Almighty Universe!”

PS: The new book is starting, and it urgently needs the strong support of all the handsome guys, beautiful girls, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it, and beg for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click on the collection, thank you everyone! I kneel down to all the big guys!

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