The voice was high and excited.

This caused everyone to turn around and look.

The moment they saw it was Busujima Saeko, their mouths that were originally open to scold immediately closed! envy...It’s divided!

I want a woman like Busujima Saeko who is very powerful in her own right and has a very strong family background.

Even if they are jealous, they have no right!

Now that I've been scolded, I naturally don't dare to retaliate.

Kasumigaoka Shiha saw surprise in her eyes when she saw Busujima Saeko walking towards her with a big belly.

Before, she hadn't noticed that Busujima Saeko's belly was also swollen.

Now it seems that the month is almost the same as myself?

I'm curious, but now is obviously not the time to ask this.

Only Kasumigaoka Shiyu's cold voice sounded in the ears of the girls again:

"I'm quite dirty, but whoever touches me is just a robber."

"Even if I gave birth to a child, I still thought about the fact that the child is life and that I was a first-time mother. I couldn’t bear it, not because of the kidnappers."

"But you are different from me, I am completely forced"

"How many of you have taken the initiative to 01 commit yourself, take the initiative to go to other men, or go to the toilet behind your boyfriend's back, and trade once in exchange for food?"

"You know it well, and if you get angry and want to hit me, you must think carefully about the price of hitting me."

"I don't mind, I will die!"

In the last sentence, Kasumigaoka Shiu is just like a life-threatening lunatic. She threatens everyone.

It makes the girls who originally planned to intercept her in the evening give up.

Beating a pregnant woman is a crime, let alone a crime.

If you kill her, They cannot bear that responsibility!

The world has restored the rule of law!

Moreover, if they are killed by Kasumigaoka Shiyu, it will be more than worth the loss!

Pregnant women will not be punished by death or conventional detention.

Sitting in the seat, Kasumigaoka Qiu Shiyu softly thanked Busujima Saeko who was walking by him.

Busujima Saeko used her shoulders to forcefully push the two schoolgirls who looked more social and walked away.

Those two students The girl was pushed back by her shoulder, but she didn't dare to get angry, let alone say anything. She even lowered her head timidly, avoiding Busujima Saeko's eyes.

School bullying really divides people into families! Busujima Saeko's oppressive and contemptuous gaze was enough to scare the two of them.

How could there be other thoughts.

Sitting in his seat, Su Yang was also late.

He threw his schoolbag on the table.

Directly. He pulled up a chair and sat next to Saeko.

He asked softly:


"Did I just hear you yelling?"

"Don’t be angry during pregnancy, it’s not good for our baby"

"Um."Bujima Saeko heard Su Yang's concern for her, and her face turned red.

She kissed Su Yang gently on the face.


Looking at their sweet looks.

Some girls took the initiative to come over and fawn over:

"Wow! Classmate Su Yang and senior sister Saeko are so sweet!"

"This is so happy! We have a baby together since high school~ Wow, I’m so jealous!"

"I also want to have a love like Saeko-senpai!"


Listening to the double standards and compliments from the students around me.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu cursed secretly in his heart.

She was also pregnant, and her attitude was polarizing from that of Busujima Saeko.

Su Yang looked at their compliments and would not get lost.

He also heard the sound of Kasumigaoka Shiyu being besieged. What he had to do now was to vent his anger on Kasumigaoka Shiyu!

She is his own woman!

The child she is carrying is also her own.

What kind of bastards are these, who dare to ridicule their own women?

Still thinking about hurting her?

"冴子."Su Yang called Busujima Saeko dotingly, and gently touched her belly with one hand.

But the words he said next were bone-chilling.

It was chilling:

"Who made you angry just now?"

"Tell me a little bit~"

"You can secretly help them recall the memories of that night."

That night.

As soon as the three words appeared, panic appeared on the faces of the whole class!

That night!

Su Yang held a pistol in his hand and kept changing the ammunition quickly.

Crazy shooting and headshots!

That night!

Busujima Saeko held a katana and beheaded with a sword!

Each head rolled to the ground, bringing out a large amount of blood and spraying around. The blood was as bloody as hell!

Looking back now, everyone's heart trembled.

Frightened or stunned Sitting on the ground, or having trembling legs, or even...The girl who just wanted to bully Kasumigaoka Shiu just exploded!

There was a pool of water stains on the pants. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"Let me go!"

"Yes..sorry!"After reacting, the girls who had just surrounded Kasumigaoka Shiyu all knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

Their eyes were full of fear. They were afraid that Su Yang would not forgive them and they would turn into corpses in the evening!

They really believed that this guy who would shoot and kill so many people without hesitation would take revenge on them and help them recall the fear of that night!

But they didn’t want to recall it!

Even when Su Yang spoke and mentioned the three Words, they were all so frightened.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the girls kneeling on the ground begging, hoping to be forgiven by Su Yang.

A hint of joy appeared in his heart unconsciously.

If...The person Ruoguo falls in love with is also Su Yang.

It would be nice if she was also pregnant with Su Yang's child. When she was wronged, someone helped her to stand up for herself.

Thinking of this, her hatred for the kidnappers deepened! [ ]

She abided by the kidnapper's agreement and would give birth to and raise the child safely.

But the kidnapper just took possession of her body and then disappeared!

The unwillingness in his heart surged out crazily.

But when she thought about how dangerous the heavy rain was, she silently prayed for the kidnappers: Never, never die! 003Those students who were away at the time returned to school this time and all they got were death messages.

Therefore, she is worried that the father of the child is also...died

"forget it."Bujima Saeko waved his hand to Su Yang

"There is no need to argue with these people."

I heard Busujima Saeko saying to let them go.

These women���A touch of joy suddenly rose in my heart.

Just when I was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

Busujima Saeko’s voice sounded again.

Their hearts, which had just fallen to the ground, were grabbed again:


As Busujima Saeko's voice lengthened.

Their breathing became rapid!

"Whoever says something insulting to a pregnant woman again?"

"I don’t mind helping you reminisce some happy memories while you are still able to move freely!" Busujima Saeko said, with a malicious smile on his face.

The group of girls below have guaranteed it again and again!

"Don’t dare anymore!"

"Never again! I will definitely never say anything like before again!"

Listening to their guarantees, Busujima Saeko ignored them and happily stayed with Su Yang.

The reason why she said this was not only for Kasumigaoka Shiu, but also for the sake of Yang Jun's child in her belly. A safe birth!

Kasumigaoka Shiu looked at Busujima Saeko and showed a rare expression of gratitude! She said silently in her heart: Thank you!

At the same time, she reached out to touch her belly and silently said in her heart: My child, after you are born, I must repay you. We are kind people.

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