Psychiatry? Sanhua Remi? Su Yang's heart tightened.

Is she not depressed anymore?

It rained continuously for several months in Sakura Country.

The environment of a conglomerate family suppressed her ideals, making her depressed and frustrated.

Under such circumstances, depression is really possible!

"Sister~" Su Yang called softly in Qiongmei's ear.

Qiongmei raised her head in doubt and agreed softly:

"Um? elder brother?~"

"I see an acquaintance~"

"Can you go on a date with me later?"

"Why! ?"When Qiong Mei heard Su Yang mentioning an acquaintance, she didn't understand what it meant, but when she heard that Su Yang was actually going to take her on a date with other girls, an exclamation came from her mouth.

Looking at Qiong Mei, she was shocked. Su Yang gently rubbed the top of her head. Her long silver hair swayed with Su Yang's palms.

"Don't you find it exciting?"Su Yang seduced Qiong Mei.

""443" looks very much like a fraudster who abducts children.

Qiong Mei feels wronged.

Her possessiveness towards her brother is definitely the strongest.

But...My brother said it just now.

She will become her brother's only sister. He also has other women. If she doesn't cooperate with him,...Possible loss of current status? You are more likely to lose your brother's love.

She didn't want to gamble.

After struggling for a while, she endured the pain and nodded:

"Ugh...then what should I do?"

Facing Qiong Mei's inquiry, Su Yang blurted out:

"Just be my sister~"

"Hum~" Qiongmei heard Su Yang's request and snorted coldly:

"So cunning."

This is clearly leaving the scale and propriety to himself.

After Sanhua Reiya came out of the psychiatric department,

Su Yang loosened his arms holding Qiong Mei and took the initiative to step forward.

"Classmate, can I get to know you?"Su Yang stepped forward and greeted Sanhua Reiya in Sakura dialect.

Sanhua Reiya tilted her head in confusion when she heard Su Yang's voice.

Her brain was thinking.

Does she know the man in front of her? ?

If you don’t know him, why would he keep staring at me in the vast sea of people?

And he can immediately identify that he is a Sakura?

It seems that he has not communicated with anyone in the hospital, and even the communication in English has only stopped. Communication with the doctor?

People outside don’t have a chance to hear what I say.

"Wondering if we know each other?"

"Still thinking...Why did I recognize you as a Sakura guy?"Su Yang sat next to Sanhua Reimi and asked softly.

This close approach made Qiong Mei, who was sitting far away, feel disgusted.

How disgusting!

He actually had such intimate behavior with another woman..Can

...Or he acquiesced. While eating, Qiongmei thought about it, and her eyes showed sadness. was my own acquiescence.

Sanhua Reiya's face showed surprise.

The surprised expression on his face seemed to be asking Su Yang: Why do you know?

"I can read minds."Su Yang once again took out his skillful words.

"Do not believe?"

Looking at Sanhua Reimi's confused eyes, Su Yang asked.

This time, Sanhua Reimi nodded.

"Then try to think of something"

"Think of something you most want to do"

"See if I can guess right?"Su Yang guided Sanhua Reimi step by step.

As long as this thing is induced, he can directly maximize the first sight score!

If not, the first sight score may be reduced a lot.

But Su Yang doesn't feel that he I can't guess.

After all, Sanhua Reiya is also one of the heroines that she knows well.

When Sanhua Reiya heard Su Yang's request, she really closed her eyes and did it!

In imagination, she was a happy person. High school girls don’t have so many worries.

Talking about an ordinary, happy love.

Chasing and running on the beach?

Standing by the sea in a swimsuit, splashing water on her boyfriend on the shore?

Just thinking about it.

A charming male voice Appeared in her ear, a shocking word:

"You are imagining an ordinary love"

"an ordinary family"

"You are imagining unknown lovers."

Three, Su Yang felt that he was right no matter what.

But unexpectedly, all three hit Sanhua Reiya's fantasy accurately.

Sanhua Reiya was shocked, and finally couldn't help but tremble and said:

"you...Have you investigated me?"

Facing this kind of question, Su Yang would definitely not answer that he knew her well!

Su Yang said very seriously: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Mind reading"

"It was explained from the beginning."

This time, Sanhua Remi somewhat believed Su Yang.

But the next moment Su Yang opened his mouth, he was so speechless that he couldn't stop talking!

"So, do you want to start an ordinary and happy love relationship with me?"

"Love me, your father will never be able to trace you..........."

"How about it?"Su Yang spoke seductively.

What she said hit Sanhua Reiya's heart again.

But when it comes to falling in love with a stranger, it can be seen that she is still a little resistant.

Looking at Sanhua Reiya who is a little resistant , , Su Yang was not in a hurry.

Because he knew that

Sanhua Reiya, who grew up in such an environment, could not find a second love target except herself.

As expected, after the two were silent for just a minute.

Sanhua Reiya took a deep breath[]

Nodding in agreement:


Looking at Sanhua Remi's solemn look, Su Yang gently rubbed her head.

"Now, I don't know your name yet."Su Yang's gentle look once again gained some favor from Sanhua Reiya.


"Sanhua Limi."Sanhua Reiya introduced herself somewhat unaccustomedly.

She never dreamed that this kind of love-first-recognition thing would happen to her.

However, it seems that this experience is a bit exciting?

Wait for Qiongmei's physical examination. After the results came out and it was confirmed that there was no problem,

Su Yang took the two of them to a cafe.

Four or five kittens kept surrounding Sanhua Remi, making her face keep smiling.

As for why Su Yang How could Yang take away Sanhua Remi so easily?

His driver worked hard!

Not to mention the driver who helped stop Sanhua Reimi, he now sent a message to Su Yang saying: 0.9 has been dealt with.

Just do this. Su Yang was very satisfied with the method

"Yangjun~" Later in the evening, Sanhua Reimi suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Yang, with a touch of joy in his eyes:

"Very happy today~"

"However, there is bad news."As he said this, Sanhua Remi's voice changed.

"My driver has lost contact"

"I'm afraid there's no place for me tonight"

"Aren't you worried about your driver's safety?"Su Yang looked at Sanhua Reimi's understatement and asked in confusion.

Sanhua Reimi tilted his head and asked in confusion:

"Should I be worried about him?"

"He is the person my father placed beside me to monitor me."

"actually...Is it Yang Jun?"

"Um?"Su Yang was confused.

"Did Yang Jun send someone to stop him?"Sanhua Reiya said, he came close to Su Yang's ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"Or...kill him?".

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