A new school day of the week.

Liu Chen, as usual, met my wife, Yuno, at the station where he was going to school and taking the train.

The two went to school together.

Walking on the road to the campus, Liu Chen looked in one direction.


"What's wrong, Tatsu-san?"

"Yuno, you go to the classroom first. "

My wife Yuno nodded, and after watching Liu Chen leave, she also went to the classroom.

And the direction that Liu Chen is going in is a grove.

Because he saw a familiar pair of blonde hair with double ponytails.

The other party wears a pink shark waist bag around his waist, and his hands are behind his back.

The blonde hair with split ends and double ponytails swayed in the air with the girl's brisk steps.

Inside the grove, Matsushima looked left and right, as if he was looking for something.

"Do you have any hidden secrets in this grove?"


Matsushima was taken aback.

After looking back and seeing Liu Chen, he suddenly said angrily:

"How do you walk without a sound, it scares me to death. "

"It's because you're too involved, right?"

Liu Chen came to Matsushima and looked at his surroundings.

"So, are you looking for it?"

"Hmph, I didn't look for anything...... Meow~"

Matsushima crossed his arms and snorted a little arrogantly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a cute cat meow coming from behind him.

"Kitten Meow!"

Matsushima's eyes were full of surprise, and he looked back at the owner of the voice.

"I see, you're here for this cat. "

Liu Chen looked at the little black cat who came to Matsushima Man with kitten steps and was not much bigger than a slap.

It looks cute, and its tail is dangling behind it.

"Ninety-eighty-three" is not, it's just a coincidence that I came here, I didn't expect there to be a kitten here......"

Liu Chen's voice also made Matsushima come back to his senses, and he quickly restrained his expression and pretended to be normal.

But the performance just now has already exposed the purpose of this blonde girl with two ponytails.


The little black cat came to Matsushima's feet and rubbed Matsushima's shoes with his body with some affection.


Matsushima glanced at Liu Chen quietly, but he still couldn't help but take out a small cookie from his pink shark waist bag.

After breaking it, put it in the palm of your hand, squat down and feed it to the little black cat.

The little black cat came up and ate it directly, and did not sniff carefully with its little nose.

It's as if it's not the first time this is the first time.

The girl looked at the little black cat who was concentrating and eating the biscuits in her hand with cute movements, and her eyes showed love and happiness.

The other hand touched the little black cat's head.

The latter also arched Matsushima's palm with some enjoyment.

Liu Chen looked at this somewhat warm and beautiful scene, and after the little black cat finished eating all the biscuits, he tilted his head slightly and asked:

"I haven't seen it before, is this a feral cat that has recently entered the school?"

"I don't know who was so ruthless and abandoned the cat meow. "

Matsushima patted the cookie scraps on his hands and stroked the skirt of his school uniform.

Looking at the little black cat lazily lying on the lawn, revealing its small belly, smiling and stroking the little black cat's belly.

"The cat Meow I met outside the school a few days ago fed me a little biscuits, and seemed to like me, and followed me all the way to school. "

"If you find out, you'll be kicked out, right? Pets seem to be forbidden in schools. "

"Hmm...... Indeed, but it would be too pitiful to let this child go. "

"Since you like it, don't you think about taking it home and adopting it?"

Liu Chen looked at the blonde girl with two ponytails.

"I shared a room with a couple of girls, and ......"


At this time, the girl seemed to be a little less energetic, and her expression showed an inexplicable look.

But it was gone in a flash.

Matsushima smiled at Liu Chen again.

"No, nothing. "


Looking at the latter, Liu Chen did not speak.

A flush appeared on the girl's white and immaculate cheeks, and she said in a little panic:

"Why, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Look at you, you shouldn't be short of meat, and you usually spend a lot of time watching me. "

Liu Chen said calmly.

"W-what, I don't have it!"

Time passes.

There wasn't much time left before the morning class, and after Matsushima touched the little black cat, he left here with Liu Chen with some reluctance.

And the little black cat also turned over and ran away from the grove.

A math lesson in the morning.

Because it has just passed the first week of school, the content of the teaching has passed the initial introductory stage.

After the last question, the bell rang for the end of class.

The math teacher assigns the content and homework for the next class and leaves the classroom.

And Matsushima, looking at the math textbook on the table, only felt that the world was spinning for a while.

She didn't understand the question that the teacher had just finished.

Not to mention doing it all over again.

With a pen in his hand, Matsushima looked at the math problem that made her brain smoke, and both eyes almost turned into mosquito coil eyes.

A voice brought her back to her senses from the sea of math problems.

"Man, didn't you drink vitamin C drinks today?"

"What, Vitamin C ......"

As he spoke, Matsushima's cheeks began to turn red.

Because last time I drank vitamin C drinks desperately in front of Liu Chen, I also said that I must impress Liu Chen.

Later, I was told by Yona Amano that it wasn't vitamin C that made people smarter.

In the brain of fish is DHA

At that time, Matsushima was so ashamed that he couldn't do it, and he couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground to drill into.

Fortunately, there was no Liu Chen at that time.

Then she couldn't hold back on vitamin C drinks anymore.

"Wow, ramble!"

Looking at the tsundere girl who has regained her life, it seems that the inexplicable complicated look she saw in the morning is just an illusion.

Liu Chen propped one hand on his waist and said:

"If you drink a little more, maybe you can solve this problem. "

"You ......"

Matsushima could see that this guy was playing tricks on himself again.

Some glared at Liu Chen angrily.

"Well, after all, it's full, and this question should be done. "

"Hmph, what do you mean it's me after all......"

Matsushima looked at Liu Chen, who came here and wrote out the steps to solve the problem with a pen, and hummed arrogantly with his arms crossed.

"I didn't ask you to help me...... Still, thank you. "


Time flies like a white horse, and soon the day passes.

Liu Chen, Tsubasa Hanekawa, Hina Amano, and Mitsuru Matsushima walked out of the classroom together.

In the back, Kirishima Dongxiang also left the class after packing her schoolbag.

Several people said this, chatted, and came to the school gate.

And at the school gate, there seems to be a bit of commotion.

There were a few girls talking.

"There was a gentleman outside the school, who looked like a nobleman. "

"Yes, why did you come here, are you a relative of someone's family?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"But although that person is very handsome, he still can't compare to my family Chenjun. "

"Although that gentleman is indeed not as good as Chenjun, but what is your Chenjun, it is my Chenjun!"

"We are good sisters, you actually say that about me? In this case, I gave you the gentleman at the school gate, and Chenjun belongs to me!"

"You are the body of Chenjun, you sword down, Chenjun belongs to me, and that person belongs to you!"


Matsushima was full of dead fish eyes, listening to the discussion of the plastic sisters pinched up next to him.

Immediately, I was a little curious.

It's not that I'm curious about how handsome the person at the door is, or how good a gentleman is.

I'm just curious who the person who caused the riot at the door is waiting for.

As I got closer, I was able to see the gentleman man among the girls who were surrounded by a few girls asking for their contact information.

She suddenly noticed that the other party seemed to be looking this way.

And he smiled gently.

Matsushima Man followed the other party's gaze and found that the other party seemed to be looking at Liu Chen in the middle of them.

"That can't be looking for you, right?"

"Well, it looks like the ...... came to me."

Liu Chen knew that he was being targeted by the other party since yesterday.

But I didn't expect the other party to be so impatient, and came to the school the next day to wait for me.

Since this gentleman-like aristocratic breed can't wait to die.

So, just get rid of the other party today.

"Huh, do you know anyone like that?"

The man in the red suit gave himself an indescribable strangeness.

Matsushima looked at Liu Chen in some surprise and said.

"I don't know. "


At this time, several people also came to the school gate.

Yueshan Xi walked out from the encirclement of several girls and came to Liu Chen.

"Chen-kun, I think we may have had some misunderstanding yesterday. "


Liu Chen would not treat the swarp in front of him like he did with a few girls beside him.

He said in a flat voice.

"In order to express my apologies, I took the liberty to come here to wait for Chenjun, and I want to invite Chenjun to my restaurant for dinner together. "

"I see. "

Seeing that Liu Chen did not refuse this time, Yueshan Xi's eyes flashed with excitement and desire.

His throat rolled, but he suppressed the desire for a delicious meal.

Bear with me, bear with me a little longer!

You'll soon be able to enjoy this beautiful feast!

He opened his arms a little emotionally, and seemed to strike a posture of aristocratic etiquette with some solemnity and some honor.

"Great, I'm still worried about what I'll do if Chen-kun refuses again. "

"In that case, the car is over there, and we ......"

At this moment, a girl's figure walked over.

Noticing the visitor's Yueshan Xi, an accident flashed in his eyes, and then greeted with a smile:

"Oh, did Kirishima-sama-sama go to school here too, it's been a long time. "

"What are you doing here?"

Kirishima Dongka knows the other party.

Gourmet, Tsukiyama Xi.

Sometimes I go to the antique to drink coffee.

But for this pervert, she has no good attitude at all, and even a little disgusted.

"I just wanted to invite Chen-kun to my dinner as an apology for yesterday's rudeness. "

Yueshan Xi said elegantly.

Kirishima Dongka looked at Tsukiyama Xi, who had a desire to eat that could only be detected by meows.

I just think the other party is a funny clown jumping off the beam.

It's not good to find anyone, but to find a super existence that no longer belongs to the combat power specifications of the CCG industry as a target.

She didn't believe that Liu Chen hadn't discovered the face of this disgusting guy.

In her eyes, the end of Yueshan Xi was already doomed.

"Hmm, is there anything you would like to say?"

"Nope. "

After speaking, Kirishima Dong Xiang glanced at Liu Chen without a trace.

Then bypassed the Yueshan Xi and left.

"Then, Chen-kun, let's go too. "

Yueshan Xi put on a gentleman's invitation etiquette, and the people behind also made way for Liu Chen, and went straight to a luxury car parked opposite.

Liu Chen said hello to the girls and sat in the back.

And Yueshan Xi sat in the passenger seat.

With this car drove away.

Matsushima Mitsuchi spit out:

"Wow, that person just now felt so weird. "

"He is the young master of the Yueshan family, Yueshan Xi, and there are also close-ups of his covers in some fashion magazines. "

"What is that?"

Yona Amano looked at Tsubasa Hanekawa with some curiosity.

"The Tsukiyama family is a family that has been inherited in neon for a hundred years, and it is very powerful in both the financial world. "

"That's amazing!"

Matsushima was a little shocked.


Wolsan Restaurant.

As a fine dining restaurant, the location is not a bustling street, but a somewhat remote area.

With an investigation into the high-end restaurant under the name of Tsukiyama Xi, there is an action of 0.2 Ibingiri and Mato Aki.

It's right outside of this restaurant.

Through thoughtful advice that is truly known.

Both Ibingiri and Mato were in a nearby hideaway, observing the diners who came in and out of the restaurant during the day.

Both of them were dressed in civilian clothes, with portable Kuinks hidden on their bodies.

After all, CCG's clothing and suitcases with Kuinke are too conspicuous.

If it is discovered by the meow seed, it will inevitably startle the snake.

And after a day, they didn't notice anything unusual.

The number of diners coming in and out is not large, and it is also in line with the rules of dining.

But it came to the late afternoon.

They noticed that one after another, some men and women dressed in formal clothes walked into the restaurant.

Mato noticed something was wrong:

"Is there going to be a banquet here today?"

"Let's just go in and have a look. "

Yi Bingjin said.

Mato Xiao is a little hesitant, after all, there is a high probability that there is a kind here.

And it is likely that there will be more than one, and it may even be a gathering point of the meow species.

She's going to send a message to CCG first.

If there is an abnormality in the restaurant, support will be provided immediately.

However, just then, a high-end black sedan drove up and finally stopped at the entrance of this high-end restaurant.

There are guards to greet you.

A figure that came out of it was quite familiar to Yi Bingjin.

Her eyes widened slightly:

"Ah Chen?!"

ps: Thank you for the 1000 VIP point reward of the 3 big guys who played the first bird, and continue to ask for the first order to ask for everything! (The picture is Matsushima Man).

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