"It's really strong. "

Looking at the battlefield in the small square from afar, Fangcun Aite was amazed in his heart.

The terrifying sense of oppression on the savage spell spirit in the middle, if it encounters it himself, he will definitely retreat without hesitation.

Whether or not you can even escape is another matter.

The power of that spell bomb was too terrifying.

And the three sorcerers who are entangled with the savage spell spirits.

Maki Zenin, who has amazing strength and speed, Panda, who is very strong in attack and defense, and Dog Thorn, who can interfere and damage enemies when he spits spells.

Even if he becomes the Hither form of the 'One-Eyed Owl', he will not have the slightest chance of winning against those few people.

This time, he just wanted to see Liu Chen's strength, but he was the first to see this spell battle.

I thought that the spell battles I had seen before were amazing enough.

I didn't expect to learn about it, but it was only the tip of the iceberg!

"Fortunately, these sorcerers don't seem to be paying much attention to human society, just focusing on destroying these monsters called 'curses'. "

A bead of sweat flowed down Fangcun Aite's face.

Otherwise, ......

"Boom, boom, boom".

With the cooperation of Zenin Maki and the other three, there has begun to be a faint tendency to suppress the spell spirit of the savages.

A series of battle explosions could be heard in the small square.

The ground has become devastated.

Each of the craters was caused by the explosion of the spell bomb of the savage spell.

It constantly fires mana projectiles, which are dodged one after another by Zenin Maki, who moves quickly and nimblely.

The panda, in the form of a gorilla, rushes towards the Savage Spell.

A highly condensed mana projectile flies towards the panda.


A few meters away from the panda, the mana bomb exploded, and the mana was accompanied by thick smoke and dust that drowned the panda.

The next moment, the sturdy gorilla-like panda rushed out, grabbed the head of the savage spell, and slammed it into the ground.

Bang ——

"Get out of the way!".

Maki's voice came from above, and the panda immediately jumped to the side.

Zenin Maki danced a spear spell and stabbed at the savage spell, but was blocked by a barrier of the latter's mana.


The Savage Spell roared.

A thick black mana erupted from all over his body, shattering the ground around him.

The fluctuations of the shock also swept away Maki Zenin and the panda.

Maki Zenin adjusted her body in the air, and when she landed, she took several steps backwards.

The panda slammed on the ground and bounced up, sliding a few meters before stopping.

The two coincidentally returned to the front of the dog's curly thorns.

"Gurgling ......


Dog Curly Thorn took out another bottle of throat lozenge and drank it.

In the battle just now, he used the spell a few more times.

"You can win!".

This was the conclusion that the three of them had come to after previous battles.

And the savage spell, repeated attacks have not worked.

There is a dog curly thorn in the rear to observe the battle situation, and use spells to assist and limit at the right time, plus offensive spells from time to time.

Maki Zenin, and the panda that has become a gorilla and are even more aggressive, can constantly attack it.

Although it will not lose in a short time.

But in the long run, it will definitely be purified by these three magicians!

The Savage Spell became more and more irritable, his hands clenched, and his head bulged with knotted veins.

Fierce mana spread from its body.


"Be careful!".

Zenin Maki shouted, spear in hand, staring straight at the savage spell spirit.

The spell is going berserk, and the next thing they will face is the fiercest attack.

It is not impossible to be injured or even in danger in battle.

The other side.

"Looks like it's almost over. "

Looking at the battle, Fang Mura Aite thought to himself.

Even though she still doesn't know much about spell combat, she has experienced countless near-death and danger since she was a child.

Her combat experience is still not weak, and she can see that the battle should have come to the most intense moment.

"Looks like that person isn't coming. "

Originally, I wanted to see Liu Chen's battle.

But now it seems that it should not be visible.

However, it was not worth the trip to be able to see such a fierce spell battle.

And ......

Liu Chen's strength should not be stronger than these spell masters......


Fangcun Aite's pupils suddenly contracted.

She suddenly noticed that there was a familiar figure on the battlefield at some point.

"When did it appear!".

At the same time that this thought appeared in Yoshimura Aite's mind, so did Zenin Maki and the others, as well as the spell spirit in front of him.

None of the present were aware of its presence.

In this way, this figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the Zen Temple, Maki and the others and the savage spell spirit.

Looking at the back of the man, Zenin Maki was stunned for a moment, and a familiar feeling rose in his heart.

Then her eyes widened suddenly.

"Yes, it's you?!".

"Well, it's me. "

Liu Chen looked sideways at Maki Zen Temple behind him.

"See you again. "

The familiar handsome face with no fluctuating expression came into view, and the familiar voice without ups and downs.

Lingde Zenin Maki subconsciously clenched his fists.

Still, she knew that the most important thing now was to destroy the quasi-special spell spirit.

"You guy, I'll settle the last account with you later, and now we're going to get rid of this quasi-special spell spirit...... Hey, you give me wait!".

Before Zen Yuan Maki finished speaking, Liu Chen had already slowly walked towards the savage spell spirit in front of him.

"Without mana, ordinary people ......."

Although the savage spell spirit was surprised by the speed at which Liu Chen appeared just now.

But because of the inherent concept, Liu Chen was not taken into account, and the biggest threat was still the three spell masters in front of him.

The human in front of him and the female sorcerer seemed to know each other, as long as they caught this human.

You can use the latter to restrict those spellcasters!

Thinking like this, the savage spell spirit rushed in front of Liu Chen at an extremely fast speed.

With a cruel smile, his big plush hand grabbed Liu Chen's head hard.



His wrist was actually grabbed by this human?

The savage spell spirit was a little surprised, but it still didn't pay attention to it, and the power used in his arm began to grow stronger and stronger.

However, no matter how much it increased, it was never able to break free of Liu Chen's slender five fingers.

Liu Chen calmly looked at the other party's face and began to sweat, and said

"That's all. "

"Y-you bastard, no way!".


The expression of the savage spell became hideous, but it still couldn't shake the human palm that clasped his wrist like a vice.

The ground beneath his feet cracked with the force of its burst.

ps: Ask for data, ask for data, ask for data

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