“...... What the hell is going on?".

Maki Nishikino heard the sound of the radio and told people to evacuate as soon as possible.

But because of the dense flow of people, she was knocked down by a fat aunt in a hurry and sprained her foot.

I had to stop at the corner of a shopping mall first.

Wait for the pain above your ankle to subside before you get up and leave.

It's just that it seems to be a little hurt, and the pain in my foot has been relieved for a long time.

And this time.

The entire mall was empty.

The silence and emptiness of the environment make people feel uneasy.

Nishikino Mahime couldn't help but grab the corner of her skirt with her hand, barely allowing the uneasiness in her heart to weaken a little.

She stood up against the wall, her left foot still hurting.

He propped himself up on the wall with his left hand, and limped forward with his right foot on the ground.

Suddenly, a creepy voice rang out in the quiet mall.


"Yes, is it someone who hasn't left yet, you ......".

This strange voice that suddenly sounded made Nishikino Mahime's little face a little pale.

She asked out loud, holding back the fear in her heart.

Then, before she could finish speaking, she felt a chill on the top of her head.

And the strange voice sounded again.

It's just that this time it's not resounding throughout the mall, so people can't find the source of the sound.

It's more specific, right above the head of Maki Nishikino.

She couldn't help but look up.

A gray-purple monster resembling a spider was lying on the roof of the shed.

The monster's face was a hideous human face, the size of an adult.

And there are three pairs of blood-red eyes on the human face, all staring directly at Nishikino Mahime.

The big mouth, which is located under the eyes and reaches the edge of the face, is grinning widely.



Maki Nishikino was suddenly so frightened that her face lost her blood.

She tried to escape, but the injury on her left foot caused her to stagger and fall to the ground.

She looked at the spider monster above her, like a spider preying on its prey.

The tail of her body is attached to the spider silk, and the body slowly descends towards her.

Nishikino Mahime was in despair in her heart, her hands and feet were cold, and she seemed to be about to fall into a dark world.

She still has a lot of things she wants to do that she hasn't done, and she doesn't want to die yet.

"No, don't, help, save me, who can save me......


The desire to survive caused Nishikino Maki to look up at the spider monster above and close her eyes.

He shouted out with the only strength he had.


The crisp sound of the windows breaking was evident in this quiet place.

Immediately after, Liu Chen fell to the ground from the shattered window fragments.

Nishikino Mahime looked at Liu Chen, who had entered from the window on the third floor, with a stunned expression.

This movement also attracted the spider spell spirits that were slowly falling from the roof of the shed.

Liu Chen glanced at Nishikino Mahime, and then looked at the spider spell spirit.

"It's not surprising that a quasi-second-level curse would appear in a place where there is a first-level curse. "

The spider spell spirit seemed to sense the danger, and the target shifted from the original Nishikino Mahime to Liu Chen's body.

It roared and spat out a large cobweb at Liu Chen, and everything it touched in its path was rapidly corroded.

Seeing Liu Chen, he didn't seem to have the idea of dodging.

The spider spell smirked.

However, before it could be happy, it felt a flower in front of it.

Liu Chen's figure occupied all of its field of vision.


The body of the spider spell spirit hanging on the roof of the shed was kicked by Liu Chen.

Then, Liu Chen landed steadily in front of Nishikino Mahime on the ground.

Nishikino Mahime's eyes widened, and she looked at Liu Chen's handsome face in a daze.

Such a terrible monster was actually wiped out by Liu Chen so lightly!

"Can you still walk now?".

Liu Chen's voice brought the girl back to her senses, and she wanted to stand up.

However, the injury on his foot was caused by a fall when he tried to escape, and the pain that had been reduced by a few points has worsened.

She blushed a little and said hesitantly

"That, that, I sprained my ankle, maybe ......."

Even if the latter words were not spoken, Liu Chen also understood the girl's embarrassment.

"I see. "

After speaking, before Nishikino Mahime could react, Liu Chen picked her up from the ground in a princess position.


Nishikino Mahime was subconsciously a little flustered, and wanted to break free, but he heard Liu Chen's voice again.

"I'll send you out. "

"Okay, okay...... Thank you. "

Nishikino Maki immediately quieted down, stayed in Liu Chen's arms, and stopped moving.

It was the first time she had been so close to a boy.

Feel the temperature of the broad chest, and the light but good smell of the young man.

The palpitations and fear of encountering a life-threatening crisis gradually subsided.

A strong sense of security filled the girl's body and mind.

She buried her cheeks in Liu Chen's arms, and her hands couldn't help but grab the clothes on Liu Chen's chest.

"Hoo ......


The sound of the rushing wind sounded in my ears.

Broke the girl's thoughts.

She couldn't help but look up curiously and look to the side.

I saw buildings passing in front of her quickly, but the wind pressure caused by the excessive speed did not touch her body.

This is the first time she has experienced this feeling.

Then, the girl raised her delicate cheeks and looked at the handsome side face of Liu Chen, who was hurrying above.

A touch of red glow climbed onto Nishikino Mahime's blown-up face.

She just looked at Liu Chen's face, out of concentration, not knowing what she was thinking.

Even Liu Chen fell from the air to the ground, she didn't realize it.

"Once you get here, you can take a taxi and leave. "

This place still belongs to Akihabara.

However, it has already been evacuated by Yidi Zhijiegao, and it will not be restricted, and vehicles can also come here.

However, the girl in her arms did not move.

Liu Chen looked at the latter and spoke again

"It's here. "


Nishikino Mahime, who came back to his senses, happened to be staring at Liu Chen's gaze, and hurriedly looked away from the peeking gaze in a little panic.

cooperated with Liu Chen to stand on the ground from his arms.

And in leaving Liu Chen's warm arms, the girl's heart couldn't help but feel empty.

"Even though we have encountered this danger, we still have to go on with our lives, so let's forget about this incident as soon as possible. "

Liu Chen looked at Nishikino Mahime and said.

Then he turned around and was about to leave, when a girl's voice came from behind him.

"That, my name is Maki Nishikino, and your name is ......


"Liu Chen. "

ps: Ask for a monthly pass and ask for data~ (the picture is Maki Nishikino).

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