Ministry of Ministry.

After the Nagi family left, the room became deserted again.

Under the snow, Xue Nai sat quietly and coldly in the corner of the long table reading a book.

But the afterglow of his beautiful eyes always glances to the other side.

Caught between two light on Shiraishi Asa in the middle.

Obviously, this should be the exclusive space for her and Xiao Qian......

Although she was unhappy, she couldn't open her mouth to say that she wanted to be alone with Xiaoqian.

"Xiaoqian,Today is a school festival?,Do you want my sister to take you to the campus to have a fun!"

Fujimine Yukiko occupied half of Shiraishi's body and said demagogically.

For her playful personality, it's too boring to stay in the ministry all the time.

When Fei Yingli heard this, she suddenly remembered something, and she also spoke.

"Let's go to Xiaolan's class.,They seem to be haunted houses at this school festival!"

Fei Yingli's gaze fell on Bai Shiqian's body, and a faint longing flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

For her, staying in the Ministry of Servant is always under the nose of Yukino, and Fujimine Yukiko is always by her side, it is not convenient to do something.

When Shiraishi heard this, he was a little moved.

To be honest, this is the first time he has seen a campus festival.

It's still as large as Hidechi-in.

There's still a little interest in my heart.

"Sister Yukino......"

Xiao Zhengtai's pitiful eyes looked at Yukino under the snow.

Under the snow, Yukino's heart instantly softened, and she couldn't refuse Shiraishi's request at all!

"Remember to come back before lunch......

Under the snow, Xue Nai's cold tone was tinged with helplessness.

"Sister Yukino is the best!"


Shiraishi Asashi followed Fujimine Yukiko and Fei Yingli outside.

This is basically the peak of the crowd flow in the morning.

The road outside the school building is crowded with people.

On both sides of the road, there are various stalls.

Food stalls are the most.

Then there are small toys and thrift stalls.

In addition, Bai Shiqian also saw those who sold power banks, mobile phone films, and blind boxes.

There are even palmistry, 10 tests of marriage!

Looking at some strange stalls, Bai Shiqian's heart suddenly became curious, and he didn't know if there were any stalls selling original flavors.

"Xiaolan is in Class B in the second year of high school...... It's the school building!"

The straight-line distance is only a few hundred meters.

But the three of them walked for almost half an hour before they arrived.

In addition to the large number of people, the main thing is that Yukiko Fujimine has been walking back and forth in various stalls.

Bought quite a lot of snacks.

If it's okay, just feed Shiraishi a sip.

Let Xiao Zhengtai take a bite first, and then eat the rest himself.

For some reason, Fujimine Yukiko felt that the fatigue dissipated a little, and her body and mind were happy.

Concubine Yingli on the side looked at this woman, and a pair of beautiful eyes quietly narrowed.

If I'm not mistaken, I just said that I want to keep in shape and lose weight......

Fei Yingli simply sped up directly.

I came to Class B in the second year of high school.

"It's here!"

At this time, the windows of the classroom were all covered with black cloth, and the doorway was decorated with painted paper shells to form the entrance to the demon's cave.

It looks a little like that!

At least there were a queue of ten or twenty people lined up in the corridor.

"Where's Xiaolan?"

Fei Yingli dialed Maolilan's phone.

No one answered.

"Then you might be an NPC in there!"

Fei Yingli said.

"Then let's line up directly!"

"Let me, a haunted house expert, check if you can't meet the results!"

Fujimine Yukiko took Shota's hand and lined up at the end of the line.

The advance of the team was not very fast.

At this time, Shiraishi looked at the poster posted on the wall.

The background of the haunted house seems to be a ghost bride, and elements of a secret room are also added.

It's no wonder that with the size of the classroom in Xiuzhiyuan, it would take ten minutes for someone to come out of it.

Judging by their slightly pale expressions, and the screams that could be heard from inside from time to time, the arrangement should be pretty good.

"Xiaoqian, if you're afraid, my sister can hold you all the way!"

Fujimine Yukiko squatted beside Xiao Zhengtai, stretched out her hands slightly, revealing the broad mind that the teacher's small suit could not hide, and there was an expectant smile on her beautiful face.

Well, in this case, it won't be strange to hug Xiaoqian openly.

Fujimine Yukiko thought to herself.

It's a pity that the next moment she was lifted up by Concubine Yingli.

"Xiao Qian is very brave, you don't have to worry about it. "

Fei Yingli said in a light tone.

She and Shiraishi have even seen real evil ghosts, and they are still afraid of this fake ghost?

Soon the team was there.

"500 yen per ticket!"

At the ticket office at the door, a cute girl said with a blank face.

"Sister, do I want to buy a ticket too?"

Shiraishi's handsome little face poked out from under the table and stared at the girl.

The girl was slightly stunned, and then the corners of her eyebrows, eyes and mouth were crooked with a gentle smile.

"Little brother, don't use it!"

"Okay, thank you, sister!"

Bai Shiqian didn't expect that he would directly brush his face to buy a ticket.

Xiao Zhengtai thanked her obediently, which made the girl's little heart beat excitedly.

"It's so cute, it seems to have ......"

The girl still wanted to take a few more glances at Shiraishi, but she was directly pulled away by Fujimine Yukiko and Concubine Yingli.

Walking into the haunted house, the vision instantly darkened.

Relying on the red lantern hanging in mid-air and emitting a faint light, you can barely see the layout of the haunted house.

This is supposed to be a matrimonial room.

Directly in front of it was a large bed, supported by a big red bed tent, on which was written a big letter!

It's just that other than that, there is no festive atmosphere in the whole room.

The beams of the house are covered with white ayara.

It is in strong contrast with this big happy bed.

"Xiaolan, they're doing okay!"

Fujimine Yukiko praised.

Fei Yingli looked around and found a piece of paper on the wall next to it.

"Only by finding the bride's hairpin can you get out of here alive!"

The slightly bloody font adds a bit of horror to the atmosphere.

"No doubt we should lift the bed net and find it. "

Fujimine Yukiko said confidently.

"Xiaoqian, there may be a terrifying ghost in a minute, hurry up to my sister's ......"

Fujimine Yukiko proposed again.

But when she turned her head, she found that Fei Yingli had already held Bai Shiqian in her arms.

"Damn, preempted......"

Fujimine Yukiko pouted.

But she can understand it.

After all, as a mother, you must always want to protect your child!

At this time, Fei Yingli, who was holding Shiraishi, smelled the familiar smell on Xiao Zhengtai's body, and her body and mind throbbed.

If this is not a haunted house, Fei Yingli would like to let the marriage bed in front of her play its due role directly!

Fujimine Yukiko stepped forward and directly lifted the bed tent with the word Xi written on it.

When they saw the scene in front of them, she and Concubine Yingli were both slightly stunned.

There was a huge coffin on the bed!

"It almost scared me!"

Fujimine Yukiko patted her chest.

That is to say, she and Concubine Yingli are not ordinary people, and ordinary people will definitely be frightened if they suddenly lift out a coffin.

"Xiaoqian, are you okay. "

Fujimine Yukiko looked at Shiraishi with some concern.

"It's okay! Sister Kiko, this coffin board seems to be able to be removed. "

Shiraishi said crisply.?(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Fujimine Yukiko is relieved, and he stepped forward and began to open the coffin.

If nothing else, this hairpin will definitely be inside the coffin.

The sound of moving the coffin was so loud that it was enough to hide the sound of footsteps at close range.

With the wisdom of Fuji Feng and Concubine Yingli, he immediately thought of the design reason for this link.

"Next, NPCs should appear from behind......

Sure enough, when the coffin was completely removed, an eerie female voice came from behind him.

"Come down with me!"

The female ghost in the bright red dress skillfully pounced on them.

She had tried many times this morning, and everyone would be scared away by her at this point, desperately avoiding her, and scattering around.

She didn't have to worry about pounced on people, and then she only needed to roll over, and she could go directly into the camouflage secret passage and transfer to another place to be scary!

Creates the illusion that she is everywhere!

However, this time, the two people standing there did not move.

Seeing this, the female ghost hurriedly stopped.

There is an inexplicable stumble under his feet, and he loses his balance!

Fei Yingli recognized the identity of the female ghost at the moment when this familiar voice sounded.

Her daughter, Maoriran!

But before she could speak, she was directly knocked down by her daughter.

Even the white stone shallow that he was holding rolled into the huge coffin together.


The three of them crashed into the coffin and made a big noise.

Fujimine Arikiko on the side was stunned.

The next moment.

Two very similar soft moans rang out.


Bai Shi, who was caught in the bag, looked confused.

In the small coffin, he tried to struggle to get up, but he was clamped tighter by a pair of slender and powerful long legs.

It's louder, too!

Half an hour later.

In the lounge next door to the haunted house.

Mao Lilan sat in front of Yukiko Fujimine with her face covered, her pretty face blushing to the root of her ears.

Recalling that she had just made such a voice in front of Aunt Yukiko and her mother, she felt ashamed.

Mao Lilan took out his clothes from his bag and whispered.?

"Aunt Kiko, I'm going to change my clothes......"

After the words fell, he turned around and took awkward steps towards the bathroom.

Leaving Fujimine alone with Kiko.

She looked at the bathroom room in wonder.

As soon as they came out of the haunted house just now, Fei Yingli and Shiraishi went to the bathroom.

"What's the situation with this family, why did they go to the bathroom......"

In an elegantly furnished office.

Mrs. Xuexia, who was wearing a high-end black OL dress, leaned in the boss's chair.

The thighs wrapped in black silk pressed against the leather-upholstered cushions, overflowing with a little plump soft flesh.

She sat down in her chair slightly lazily and flipped through the company's recent reports.

After ten minutes, the slender legs overlapped and swapped.

Sitting diagonally on top of each other, the already slender arc of beautiful legs is even more amazing.

It's a pity that all this is hidden under a huge desk, and no one can see it.

Knock knock~

"Come in!"

Mrs. Snow lowered her head and spoke in a deep voice.

The door was pushed open, and Mieko, dressed in a light gray OL suit, walked in with high heels.

"Lady Under the Snow, this is the last report. "

She took a form and placed it on her desk.

Mieko was born in an ordinary family, and was sent to Mrs. Yukishita since she was a child, and grew up with Mrs. Yukishita.

Now he can be regarded as the big housekeeper of the family under the snow.

Mrs. Snow picked up the form and looked at it quickly.

Mieko looked at Mrs. Snow's beautiful eyes that were still radiant, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Madame's health has been very good lately!"

After working overtime for several days at 790, Mrs. was not tired at all under the snow.

She, a younger butler, was almost overwhelmed.

When Mrs. Xue heard this, her movements paused slightly, her pretty face was slightly red, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

In his mind, he was full of Shiraishi's face and figure.

As soon as she got home, she pulled Shiraishi to do double cultivation.

Now the physical fitness has long surpassed ordinary people, and a few days of overtime will naturally be easy.

As soon as she thought of Shiraishi, Mrs. Xuexia's focused heart was suddenly scattered a little.

She crossed her slender legs again, and her hips, wrapped in her professional skirt, moved back.

"I think I'll be able to go to Hidechiin at noon......"

Mrs. Yukishi's little anticipation of the shallow octopus balls of Shiraishi.

"By the way, has there been a reply from Lawyer Concubine?"

Mrs. Xuexia suddenly remembered something, raised a delicate and mature face, and asked Mieko.

"Lawyer Concubine seems to have taken a leave of absence today, and left the law firm this morning!"

Mieko replied.


Mrs. Under the snow was slightly stunned.

The Fei Yingli she knew was a complete workaholic, no worse than her!

And today......

Mrs. Snow suddenly grasped the key.

Fei Yingli is indeed a workaholic, but in that regard, she is also crazy!

As a shallow person who has attacked Shiraishi back and forth with him, Fei Yingli's madness at that time is still vivid!

"Did Fei Yingli say what was going on?"

"Her daughter attends Xiuzhiyuan.,It seems that she wants to go to the school festival with her daughter!"

When Mrs. Xue heard this, her willow eyebrows instantly wrinkled.

What a daughter!

Don't even think about it, she must have gone to find Xiao Qian!

Mrs. Snow took out her phone directly.

dialed Fei Yingli's phone.

"Well, under the snow, ma'am, is there anything going on?"

"Where are you now?"



Mrs. Snow's narrow beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

How did this woman talk about Fei Yingli......

I thought about it.

Mrs. Snow hung up directly!

"This woman actually ran away!"

Even though, Mrs. Xue can barely accept the existence of Concubine Yingli.

But leaving her to work here and running away by herself, Mrs. Under the Snow can't accept it!

"Bring the files of the company's last few cases, and now set off for Xiuzhiyuan!"

Mrs. Snow got up and said.

Hmph, want to escape?


in the bathroom cubicle.

Mao Lilan, who was blushing slightly and changing her clothes, suddenly heard the call next door, and subconsciously spoke.


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