
Fei Yingli and Fujimine Yukiko sat on the chairs, their pretty faces flushed slightly.

"You, you, you're still like a child when you're so old!"

Fei Yingli said angrily, and her eyes quietly glanced at the snow~ Xue Nai.

As a lawyer with a lot of status, she pushed her little brother in front of her sister, and let out such a reverie moan.

It made her a little embarrassed.

Fujimine Yukiko listened to Concubine Yingli's complaints, her beautiful eyes fluttered, and she was a little absent-minded.

Fujimine Yukiko's white elbows were against the table, his palms supported his smooth chin, and his upper body leaned forward slightly, almost resting on the table.

The corner of her eye couldn't help but drift to Shiraishi.

The legs under the light yellow dress were slightly clamped.

"Why ......"

Fujimine Yukiko thought in his heart.

From the time she saw Shiraishi to the present, her body has always been tingling.

It was something she hadn't experienced in a long time.

And that's not all.

In just a few minutes, Xiao Zhengtai's appearance, the breath on her body, and the touch of her body were like gambling goods, which made her quickly addicted!

As long as you don't hold it in your arms, your heart will itch!

Fujimine Yukiko remembers the popular science knowledge of the sexes that she once read in a book.

"When you think a person of the opposite sex smells good, your hormones have matched him!"


"He's just a little Shota!"

Fujimine Yukiko is a little difficult to accept rationally.

On top of that, this little Shota is most likely the illegitimate child of her best friend......

People treat her as a best friend, and she runs away to be someone's daughter-in-law?

Fujimine Yukiko sighed heavily.

"I hope I can sleep in the evening, and my body will forget about this feeling tomorrow......"

Otherwise, it's not good to always have thoughts about your best friend's son.

Today's Words......

Fujimine Yukiko watched Komasita seriously grill the face of the octopus balls, and her heart throbbed.

"That's it...... Let's play with him!"

"Sister Yukino, give it to me!"

Shiraishi Asa picked up a small octopus ball sprinkled with wooden fish flowers and seaweed, and walked towards the two daughters.

Under the snow, Yukino looked at Xiao Zhengtai's back with slightly warm eyes, and the faces of the two light who were not lost to beautiful girls at all came into view.

"Lawyer Fei Yingli turned out to be best friends with Yukiko Fujimine, who was popular all over the country back then......"

The scene of these two light falling at the door with Xiao Qian in their arms came to mind, and a strong sense of crisis appeared in Yukino's heart under the snow.

Counting these two, there are already four beautiful young women here today!

Originally, under the snow, Yukino thought that his competitor would be Ai Hoshino, a young and beautiful girl like Miko Yotsutani.

Unexpectedly, there are more of these superb beautiful young women around Bai Shiqian!

In front of these beautiful young women with beautiful faces and mature bodies, Xue Nai was a little sad to find that his advantage seemed to be only age.

"Do you want to tell your mother about this......?"

Under the snow, Xue Nai was a little entangled in his heart.

At this time.

Shiraishi brought the octopus balls to the two light.

"Aunt Yingli, Sister Fujifeng, please use it slowly!"

"You call Yingli by name, how do you call me by surname......"

"No, you have to call me Sister Kiko too!"

Fujimine Yukiko puffed up her face slightly, leaned in front of Shiraishi Qian, and her tone was naughty and angry.

Looking at this extremely beautiful face up close, even if you are in your thirties, her fair and smooth skin is still full of collagen like a girl, but it adds a bit of moisture to mature women.

Shiraishi looked at it shallowly, not only with emotion, but also worthy of being an actress who was once 19 years old and could be popular all over the country and even the world!

"Okay, there's Sister Kiko!"

Shiraishi said obediently.

Fujimine Yukiko gently rubbed Shiraishi's little head, and narrowed her beautiful eyes as if she was enjoying it.

"Xiao Qian is so good!"

Immediately, her gaze returned to the octopus balls on the table.

The fragrance that rose with the heat wafted into his nose, and Fujimine Yukiko's beautiful eyes flashed with a little surprise.

"It smells so good!"

"It's also appetizing to watch!"

Fujimine Yukiko forked up a small octopus ball, and a faint heat came out.

She supported her pointed jaw with one hand, her head slightly tilted towards Shiraishi, and with the other hand, she twisted the octopus balls with two green jade fingers and handed them to Xiao Zhengtai.

A pair of pure and charming beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Zhengtai with a hint of expectation, her red lips opened lightly, and the mature royal sister's voice played softly.

"Xiaoqian, can you help Sister Xi blow cool?"

This woman ...... Really good!

If it's an innocent Tom, I'm afraid I'll be completely toyed with by her!

And Shiraishi, as an innocent little Zhengtai, naturally has to be requested!

He pursed his mouth slightly, and blew the small balls seriously and gently.

Seeing this, Concubine Yingli on the side had no choice but to support her forehead.

A moment later.

"Sister Kiko, you can eat!"

"It's really good, Xiaoqian has worked hard, let's take a bite first!"

Fuji Feng has Kiko's beautiful eyes, and her beautiful face is smiling.

Concubine Yingli couldn't bear it anymore at this time.

Just let her little shallow blow cool.

Do you still want to take advantage of Xiaoqian and kiss indirectly?

"You woman, eat quickly!"

She directly pressed Fujimine Yukiko's wrist and stuffed the octopus balls into her red lips.

"Hmm~Yingli, you're really ......"

Fujimine Yukiko said vaguely.

Bei Tooth gently bites open the octopus balls.

In an instant, a breath of extreme delicacy filled her mouth!

The familiar pleasure came from the bottom of my heart again.


Fujimine Yukiko raised her head to reveal her fair and slender neck.

At the same time, Fei Yingli, who had just delivered the octopus balls to her mouth, looked at her in some surprise.

"What about a small ball......

Before the words fell, the ultimate delicacy instantly came to mind.

Fei Yingli felt as if she had returned to the night in Spider Mountain.

"How can it be so delicious, so delicious that it ......"

Fujimine Yukiko's plump buttocks moved on the chair, not expressing that feeling.

She originally thought that this kind of school festival was a special feature in the stalls.,A special food made by a student himself.。

It's extremely rare to be able to reach the level of a roadside stall.

After all, it's not a gastronomy garden like Yuanyue.

But Shiraishi's octopus balls really shocked her!

Her beautiful eyes flashed with a faint moisturization, as if with some kind of aftertaste, and a look of amazement fell on Bai Shiqian.

"Xiaoqian, you're so amazing!"

Fei Yingli, who was pulled out of the deliciousness, looked at Bai Shiqian's expression, in addition to shock, there was also a little pity.

She knew that Shiraishi had been living in an orphanage before.

To be able to have such a level of cooking in that environment, you can imagine how hard he put in!

"Ah, I don't feel like there's enough to eat!"

Fujimine Yukiko's little fragrant tongue licked his red lips, looked at the octopus balls that were only three left on the table, and said.

"Didn't you say you wanted to eat less to keep in shape? "

Concubine Yingli looked at her helplessly.

"Besides, if you still want to eat, why don't you buy another one!"

"Hmm...... No, you still have to stay in shape!"

Fujimine Yukiko resisted the temptation with difficulty.

But after eating one more, the irresistible taste and pleasure come to mind.

I can't stand it at all!

"No, I still have to ...... One copy!"

The light leaned back in the chair and inadvertently showed off her perfect body.

Well, it's the real thing!

"Sister Yukiko, your skirt seems to be torn......"

"Huh?" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fujimine Youkiko was slightly stunned, and then reacted.

Look down.

I saw that the chest of the light yellow dress on my body came out, and a heart-shaped opening was cracked, just exposing the abyss.

Not only that, but one side of the thigh was also cracked, revealing plump thigh meat.

An over-the-knee skirt directly turned into a slit skirt. []

"Hey, mine seems to be a little cracked too......"

Fei Yingli's surprised voice also sounded.

The two women glanced at each other and looked at each other.

"Did you hook it when you wrestled just now?"

Bai Shi glanced at the white and greasy skin exposed by the two women, and said crisply.

"Let's change our clothes!"

"But we didn't have any clothes with us......

"It's okay, you can borrow clothes from the teacher!"

The words fell.

In the surprised gaze of Fei Yingri and Fujimine Yukiko, Shiraishi Asaa called Shizune Hiratsuka.

After a brief explanation of the situation, he took the two girls to Hiratsuka's office.

Under the snow, Yukino watched their departing backs, repeatedly checking on the tables and chairs.

"There are no sharp objects protruding, why are their clothes so easy to hook and collapse......"

The quality of the clothes of this group of beautiful young women is not very bad......

There is reason to suspect that they are deliberately wearing these clothes that are easy to tear, and I heard that they are doing ......

Why, why did her clothes never rip?

Under the snow, Xue Nai looked down and saw the toes at a glance......

After arriving at Shizuka Hiratsuka's office.

Fei Yingli looked surprised when she saw all kinds of clothes hanging on the side.

Fujimine Yukiko is full of interest to mention one by one.

"Wow, the dead reservoir ......"

"This is a bunny girl!"

"Nurse ......"

"Flight Attendant ......"

Fujimine Yukiko grabbed his clothes, turned to look at Shiraishi, and outlined a somewhat charming expression on his pretty face.

"Do you mean...... Do you want to see your sister wear these?"

When Fei Yingli on the side heard this, she was also a little nervous.

"Does Asa like these......"

She secretly kept all these clothes in her mind.

When I get back, I'll buy a few sets of them all.

When Shiraishi comes to the house, he is wearing it to him!

But for now...... Fujimine has Kiko present, she definitely can't wear it like this.

"Don't make a fuss......"

Awakening from the picture conceived in her mind, Concubine Yingli just wanted to reprimand Fujimine Yukiko, who was joking with Xiaoqian, but when she raised her eyes, she was shocked to find that this woman had already changed into a flight attendant outfit.

"Hmph, never underestimate how quickly an actress can change clothes!"

Fujimine had Kiko laugh confidently a few times.

When the words fell, Fujimine Youkiko looked down at Shiraishi, and her temperament changed suddenly.

With a sweet smile on her beautiful face, she walked up to Bai Shiqian with graceful steps, reached out and flicked the hem of her skirt, and squatted down sideways.

"This little gentleman, hello, welcome to this flight, I am the flight attendant of this flight, Yukiko Fujimine!"

"Excuse me, is there anything you need from me?"

Fuji Feng has the temperament of Kiko at this time, and the tone of his voice seems to be that of a genuine flight attendant.

"If you need service, feel free to call me!"

Fujimine Yukiko's fingers also gently scratched Shiraishi's palm, and when he looked down, it turned out to be a small note with a number.

At the same time, Fujimine Yukiko winked at him, and the charm of that moment made Shiraishi's heart slightly hot.

I have to say that this woman's acting skills are simply invincible!

"It's great to have Kiko's sister!"

Shiraishi praised from the bottom of his heart.

Fujimine Yukiko hooked the corners of her mouth with satisfaction.

"Sister, I'm a powerful movie star!"

"Next, do you want to experience the nurse, or the bunny girl, or ......?"

Fujimine said meaningfully.

At this time, Fei Yingli hurriedly interrupted her.

This best friend of mine is too bewitching, and she can't let her get too close to Shiraishi!

"Let's change our clothes!"

Fujimine Youxiko saw that Concubine Yingli was in front of him and Shiraishi Qian, and this was the way to stop.

However, the throbbing in my heart became more and more intense.

She now almost unilaterally affirms that Shiraishi is the illegitimate son of Concubine Yingli.

As Fei Yingli's best friend, she also knows that she should clear her heart of thoughts that she shouldn't have.

In fact, I also established the idea of forgetting everything after today.

But as long as she gets close to Shiraishi, she can't control her behavior.

Especially when she just played the role of a flight attendant and had close contact with Shiraishi Asa, the kind of frivolous action with her back to Fei Yingli and Shiraishi Asa was made.

The inner throbbing and a certain sense of excitement are almost at their highest point.

She thought to herself that this might be the so-called sense of betrayal.

After Concubine Eiri and Yukiko Fujimine changed into Hiratsuka's clothes, Shiraishi thought about it and called Hiratsuka again.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, can I take a few sets of clothes to the ministry department?"

He felt that there would definitely be a burst of clothes in the future, so he just took a few sets of clothes and left, so he didn't have to bring people here every time.

Hiratsuka on the other side heard this request, and her expression was full of surprise.

"Are the clothes that today's wives buy so poor?"

She muttered to herself.

However, from Shiraishi's request, Hiratsuka Jing has always been unconditionally satisfied!


"You can take all the bells and whistles of Mr. Sawako-sensei!"

"Just keep one set of my clothes!"

"Thank you, Mr. Hiratsuka!"

"Next time, I'll accompany Mr. Hiratsuka to go shopping and buy clothes!"

Shiraishi casually wrote a blank check.

fell into Hiratsuka's ears, but it made her happy!

......Shopping for clothes! Isn't it just dating!

For Shizune Hirazuka, who has never gone shopping with a man, I'm excited.

I exchanged the pile of clothes of Sawako Yamanaka for a date with Shiraishi Asa, and I made a lot of money!

Although Hiratsuka said so, Shiraishi didn't take too much.

The main thing is to let others wear those clothes that are no less than clothes in Yamanaka Ssakako, isn't that a welfare!

Therefore, Shiraishi only picked out some clothes that could be worn and brought home.

When Xue Nai saw Shiraishi Qian returning with a pile of clothes, he was stunned.

Is this going to be resold for women's clothing?

Or, selling clothes after exploding clothes, one-stop service?

Shortly after Shiraishi returned, he ushered in the largest number of customers.


Shiraishi looked at the Nordics and the other beautiful young woman beside her.

And, behind them, the proud girl with blond hair, a girl like a silver-haired queen!

Erina Nagikiri and Alice Nagikiri?

Seeing that familiar appearance, Shiraishi's mind suddenly jumped into their names.

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