Elementary school cooking classes in this world are very open and relaxed.

Especially the first class.

After dividing the dishes into groups of three, the students can decide what to make for themselves.

Even the teacher doesn't give guidance beforehand.

The main thing is to be self-reliant!

And the age of elementary school students is the time to open their brains.

So there's everything you can make.

Nagi Cherreonora sat upright at the podium and watched as a little fat man mixed a black paste into a yellow one, stirring it up and gradually forming a bad color.

She watched a few more groups of productions, and it was basically the same.

Nagi Leonora's scalp was tingling, and her white eyebrows were tightly wrinkled.

She suddenly regretted taking the job.

She felt that she was overestimating the abilities of the average elementary school student.

Now in her heart, she has lowered the standard of being able to enter the mouth to whether she can be poisoned or not is victory!

Nagi Licheronora couldn't sit still and began to give some guidance to the students.

Otherwise, if you really let this group of students make it themselves, they will have to become undead.

In the following ten minutes.

Raised in a family of chefs, Nagi Leonora felt the differences of the world for the first time.

"Teacher, why is my dough getting darker the more I knead?"

“...... Have you washed your hands?".


"Teacher, why is my soy sauce bubbling?".

“...... Because it's Coke!".


Nagicher Leonora is getting more and more tired.

Just when she began to doubt her life, she suddenly saw a very normal conversation.

"Shiraishi-san, the batter seems to be thin, what should I do?".

"Then add some more noodles!".

"Shiraishi-san, how big is the octopus whisker?"

"Just the size of your fingernails!".

In the corner of the cooking room, a little Shota directs the two little girls to make it in an orderly manner.

It's not skilled, and it's even a little scrambling, but compared to other elementary school students, it looks pleasing to the eye!

"Are you making octopus balls?"

Under the command of Xiao Zhengtai, the two little girls prepare the ingredients and batter, and then he completes the final frying.

Nagi Cheret Leonora was a little moved when she saw it.

Finally, there is a dish worth looking forward to.

Especially this little Zhengtai's temperament and appearance are quite handsome.

Very much of a plus!

Nagi Licheronora didn't bother them.

Compared with instructing them now, let them make the finished product by themselves first, and then discover the shortcomings after tasting it, which will be more profound.

More than half an hour passed quickly.

Most of the students finished their own cooking.

Nagi Lichera also breathed a sigh of relief.

Faced with the elementary school students who were looking up to their little faces and looking forward to her comments, Nagi Lace Leonora couldn't bear to directly hit their self-confidence.

But when she saw these strange dishes, she was really a little overwhelmed.

Simply, she pulled Kobayashi Orange over.

"Mr. Kobayashi, these are all dishes carefully prepared by the students, so please try them together!"

At this moment, her spoken words were much smoother!

Compared to Nagi Leonora, Kobayashi Orange is much more tolerant of cooking!

In the face of some dishes that obviously don't look like food, I can eat them, and I give an evaluation that doesn't hit the students!

Nagi Cheret Leonora watched from the sidelines, admiring Kobayashi's gentleness as a teacher.

Her words could only be tasted superficially.

Then follow Kobayashi's evaluation and give a slightly harsher review.

This resulted in the final review process taking a lot of time.

Seeing that it was time for the end of class, Kobayashi Orange asked the other students who had received comments to return to the classroom.

There are fewer and fewer students in the cooking room.

In the last group, it was Shiraishi's turn.

At this time, in addition to Kobayashi Orange and Nagi Ryonora, only Shiraishi and the two little girls in the same group were left in the cooking room.

At this time, Nagi Leonora had been tormented by all kinds of strange dishes for more than ten minutes.

She felt like her taste buds were a little tired and out of order.

No matter how delicious the food is, it won't arouse interest.

Even though, Shiraishi Qian's group is the most complete in her opinion.

The octopus balls on the table are also decent.

"But, at best, it's just ordinary. "

Nagi Lemonora cheered up and picked up a small ball and put it in her mouth.

When I took a light bite, the soft and glutinous Q bomb, even if it was slightly cold, burst out with a unique seafood aroma at the moment of biting, sweeping the taste buds.

Nagi Cherleonora's delicate body shook instantly, and her beautiful eyes with Nordic characteristics suddenly widened.

She suddenly felt that an indescribable beauty burst out of the cherry balls in her mouth, rushing into her consciousness, as if to take her to the top of the clouds.

"Why, is this still an octopus balls made by an elementary school student?"

Close your eyes slowly.

She felt like she was swimming in the deep sea, walking with sharks, dancing with octopuses, and the tentacles wrapped around her body, getting tighter and tighter!



Nagicher Leonora sat in her chair and raised her long, white neck, raised her chest and raised her head, letting out an intoxicating moan.


Shiraishi, who was sitting directly across from the Nordic American, watched the buttons on the tight little suit burst out.

Shiraishi stared at the abyss and couldn't help but sigh.

Worthy of being a character of the spirit of aphrodisiac.

Burst clothes, this is professional!

The Kobayashi oranges on the side were stunned.

Is it so delicious?

Why are all the clothes bursting?

Just as she was about to pull back the suit for Nagi Leonora, the latter suddenly got up, her pretty face showing an abnormal flush, and her eyes glowed on Shiraishi.

She leaned forward with her upper body and pressed Shiraishi's shoulder directly.

"Have you ever studied cooking before?"

The control effect of the abyss is very strong, and it is almost difficult to move Shiraishi's gaze.


He shook his head.

Nagicher Leonora froze when she heard this.

A young Shota who has never Xi learned to cook can make a cooking ...... that will conquer her taste buds

"You,You must transfer to the Far Moon School Park!".

Nagi Cherreonora said very solemnly.

Shiraishi was stunned.

Kobayashi Orange was even more stunned.

Then she quickly pulled Nagicella back and pulled her clothes back with a blushing face.

"Why are you still robbing our students!".

Kobayashi Orange said angrily.

Nagi Cheret Leonora's blue eyes were staring at Kobayashi Orange seriously.

"He has the potential to become the god of the culinary world!"

"Transfer to Yuanyue to tap all his potential!".

Kobayashi Orange froze.

"The god of cooking?".

"Is that an exaggeration?".

"Just an octopus ball?"

Curious, she also picked up a small ball and put it into her mouth.


Kobayashi's beautiful eyes under the glasses suddenly widened.

The taste erupts in the mouth, and a feeling of pleasure emerges from the body.

Sitting in a chair, she could barely control her delicate body trembling with excitement.

"It's ......


After a moment, she leaned back in her chair with a slight slump.

"Well, this is definitely a talent given to him by the god of cooking!".

Nagi Cheret Leonora said excitedly.

She had never seen a child so talented!

After experiencing it with her own mouth, Kobayashi Orange was silent.

Indeed, it was the first time she had tasted such a ...... Delicious food.

And Nagi Cherry Leonora is the head of the research department of the highest academy in the culinary world of Yuanyue!

She was so excited, it was enough to show Shiraishi Asa's talent in the culinary world!


Kobayashi Orange looked at Shiraishi.

As a teacher, she definitely wants her students to get the best out of them.

"I studied in Hidechi-in, Mr. Kobayashi's class Xi and I had a good life, so I wouldn't transfer to another school!".

Shiraishi's shallow, plain but firm words fell into the ears of the two women, and they were both stunned.

Kobayashi Orange showed a warm and touching smile.

Shiraishi's words meant that she affirmed her work as a teacher and made her feel satisfied.

Nagi Lichera was completely incomprehensible.

"Shiraishi-san, you may not know the significance of the Far Moon School to your talent......


"Thank you for your affirmation, Mr. Nagikiri, but I won't be transferring. "

Nagi Cheret Leonora looked at the handsome little Shota in front of her, and realized that the resoluteness of the other party's mind could not be changed by her words or two.

Seeing glowing gold but not being able to dig it is like scratching your liver and scratching your heart!

Nagicher Leonora leaned back in her chair in a depressed mood.

Kobayashi Orange was not surprised.

From the day Shiraishi transferred to Hidechiin, she found that this little Zhengtai seemed to be soft and cute, but he was quite assertive!

"That's right!".

"It's the school festival in three days.,I decided to let everyone in the class get a small restaurant.,Shiraishi-san would like to participate in it.,Sell the octopus balls you made?".

"The octopus balls you make are sure to be a big hit!"

Kobayashi Orange half-squatted in front of Shiraishi and said softly.

School Festival?

After thinking about it, Shiraishi shook his head and refused!

"When the time comes, I'm going to help out at my sister's club!".

With Yukino's personality under the snow, he will definitely not participate in the activities in the class.

In the Ministry of Service, apart from her, only Shiraishi is the supernumerary.

When the time comes, as soon as he leaves, the snow will be alone under the snow.


With the probability of his LV2 clothes bursting, Shiraishi can imagine how crazy the scene will be at that time.

Shiraishi didn't want to cause this result.

If nothing else, Mrs. Under the Snow will definitely come to participate.

Shiraishi didn't want them to break their clothes in public.

Most...... Sell it in the ministry department.

Well, good privacy!

Kobayashi Orange sighed with some pity when he saw Shiraishi's refusal.


Nagi Cherreonora suddenly pointed to the octopus balls on the table and asked sincerely.

"Can I take these with me?"

She was unwilling to be buried with a genius of this level.

She's going to bring back the food made by Asashi Shiraishi back to her sister-in-law, who is the only specific executive officer of the WGO, and Shinnagi Nagiri, who has the tongue of the gods, to taste!

As long as she leverages enough influence to let more people pay attention to Shiraishi's talent, she believes that this little Zhengtai should be able to face up to her talent by then.

No matter how bad it is, his mother will definitely pay attention to it.

Shiraishi looked back at the two little girls in the same group.

They couldn't keep up with the situation at all from just now, the amount of information was too much, and they only had the emotion of Shiraishi-chan in their hearts at the moment.

"I, I'm fine!".

"I'm okay!".

After receiving a reply from the two, Shiraishi nodded at Nagi Leonora.

"Nagikiri-sensei, you can take all of this with you!".

After receiving the reply, Nagicher Leonora quickly packed up.

"Just go back and let Alice taste it, so that this Niko, who doesn't know where her tail is cocked, knows what a real genius is!".


ps: Tomorrow at 12 noon on the shelves, there should be a free chapter, kneel and beg everyone to order the first order at noon tomorrow!

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