There were many small pendants, and Luo Ya solemnly took out one of the boxes.

Of course, it's not a sacred object like Rudeus's collection. When he opened the box, there was a very realistic figure of Luo Qixi inside.


He made this, and by the way, Rudeus also has a statue of Sylphy with the same style.

And unlike Roja, Rudeus's one is a modified version.

According to Rudeus, this is how he imagines Sylphy to look like in the future.

In short, he secretly added a lot of material to Sylphy's breasts.

Facts have proved that neither the future Sylphy nor the current Sylphy has breasts that big.

Roja told Rudeus so, but he just didn't believe it.

Place the figure in the upper right corner of the desk, and then take out two magic books. These two magic books are not very precious. They are some low-level and popular basic knowledge of magic. Their main function is to guide For newbies.

This is the teaching material that Roja is going to use to teach Alice.

Putting the two slightly thick books aside, he rummaged through the bag for a while and found an equally thick book. This book was no longer a magic book, but a magic research manual.

Even the techniques you develop will be recorded on it.

When you turn to the first page, you will see the formation and principle of the magic sword. There are outlines on it, and there are different labels in every place.

The next dozen pages are devoted to the development and research of this technique, and the second technique is naturally the magic seed.

After the Luo Qixi incident, he studied and perfected the demon seeds again, successfully minimizing the side effects.

But the key problem is that I can't avoid necessary physical contact no matter what.

Without Roja's guidance, the process would be ten times more painful. Anyway, success depends entirely on the other party's willpower.

If you scroll further back, it is Roja's research on his own magic power.

Plasticity, great power, and the ability to manifest out of thin air are probably the characteristics of Roja's magic power. Through this series of magic features, he has developed a bunch of useful tips in a targeted manner.

For example, magic power turns into threads and wraps around the opponent.

Another example is to release magic power in a certain area and turn that area into your own domain. In this area, you can mobilize all the magic power that belongs to you around you.

In short, there are many small means of development and they are also very practical.

The sun was setting and the sky was already dark. By the time the maid packed everything, it was already evening.

The dim oil lamp was lit, illuminating the entire room.

It was quiet all around, except for the chirping of insects outside the window.

The bright moonlight shines through the window, and the hazy moonlight shines down.

Roja stood outside the window and watched silently.

At this time, there should be some emotion.

It's time to write a letter to Master Luo Qixi to tell her that everything is fine and tell her the new address.

Thinking of this, Roja sat back in his seat and started writing.

After finishing writing, I mailed the envelope, and my perspective changed to myself in Sword Art Online.

The world of Sword Art Online.

It is now the third day since the Death Game server was launched.

Due to the tacit understanding between the two of them, Roja and Asuna's levels rose quickly, almost surpassing the players of the same class.

The equipment has also been updated, not only weapons, but also clothes, accessories, etc., and there are several relatively rare pieces of equipment.

Today is an extremely important day.

Kiritani Naoki called Kiritani Kazuto and Usagi Fukasumi, and the four of them discussed countermeasures in a restaurant.

Kiritani Naoki didn't have that much time to wait for the players to grow up, but seeing that everyone was about the same strength, he wanted to go directly to the first floor BOSS to give it a try.

Kiritani Naoki told everyone his thoughts. Kiritani Naoki said: "Everyone has experienced the internal beta. I don't need to say more about the situation. Everyone must know the BOSS's skill information. Now is an extraordinary time. We It is impossible to wait for other players to grow up, and the BOSS on the first floor is not difficult to deal with. On the contrary, it has an extremely rare piece of equipment. "

Kiritani Kazuto nodded, he admitted this, but looked around, Kiritani Kazuto still hesitated a little and said: "Brother, are you doing this too hastily?"

Kiritani Naoki waved his hand and said calmly: "Are you not confident in yourself or in the four of us? We still don't know what our strength is?"

Not to mention Kiritani Kazuto, a ruthless character who has been working alone to clear the level sixty or seventy from the original work, and not to mention Asuna, the guy who is known as the ghost of strategy, but just talking about Usuzawa Fukasumi is a very skillful master. Play.

The four of them are together, no matter what they come up with, they will be invincible in the future.

Four people working together can't beat the first-level BOSS?

After discussing for a long time, everyone decided to open a copy together.

Although the main reason for not moving the dungeon was because they were a little afraid of death and wanted to be more stable before dealing with the BOSS, the three of them also felt that it made sense after hearing Naoki Kiritani's words.

After eating, filling up the hunger bar, everyone set off.

Kiritani Naoki walked in the front, chatting with Asuna.

Kiritani Naoki did most of the talking, and Asuna occasionally spoke a few words.

Kiritani Kazuto seemed to be very familiar with him, and he was talking to Usuzawa Fukasumi.

The two of them would laugh a few times from time to time, giving them a rather leisurely feeling.

This is rare in today's environment. Looking around, most of the players in Starting Town have a sad face. Some are sitting lazily on chairs and benches on the street, holding something unknown in their hands and mouthing it. As I drank, I felt like I was drinking away my sorrows.

There are only a minority of people who can face themselves and choose to take risks.

Many times, when life is involved, there are only a few people who can face the difficulties and obstacles ahead.

The surrounding atmosphere was a little depressing, Kiritani Naoki frowned, but facing these players, he couldn't say anything.

After leaving the starting town and starting to go straight south, the number of players in this area began to increase.

After walking for a while, you can see some players quickly solving mobs one after another.

Kiritani Naoki saw them, and they naturally saw Kiritani Naoki and his group.

When I saw that the equipment on their bodies was very extraordinary, they had a look of fear on their faces.

Kiritani Naoki ignored this group of players, turned back to the three people behind him and said, "Let's walk faster."

The three nodded and began to accelerate.

Cross the sheep farm trail, walk through the forest with mottled shadows, and go straight up the valley.

Finally, he stopped at a door with ordinary patterns.

The lights on the wall shone on everyone's faces. It was a heavy metal door five meters high and three meters wide.

Kiritani Naoki changed his previous joking style and said to everyone in a deep voice: "It's time to move forward."

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