But when Alice came back, it was hard for everyone to say anything to her.

Alice only needed to act cute and coquettishly, and the old king at the top would let the girl go, turn a blind eye, and the matter would just pass.

There was no explanation from the top, so naturally there was no explanation from the bottom.

So, in the next few days, Alice went out to be an adventurer almost every day, and the place she set out every day was getting farther and farther away.

In the end, the old king couldn't stand the complaints from the bottom, so he caught Alice and put her in solitary confinement for three days. After three days, Alice still did her own thing.

She had become a wild girl.

This was Alice's life. Compared with Alice, Roya's life was much calmer.

He was lazy every day, and occasionally took Alice out to hunt those monsters. His life was quite comfortable.

The night was not peaceful either. The Demon King's army organized several attacks, and the attacks were led by the Demon King's army cadres. They were mostly harassment, and they would run away if they felt they couldn't win.

The old king actually disliked Roya. After all, many information pointed out that it was Roya who made Alice so difficult to discipline. The old Alice disappeared and never came back.

This naturally made the old king very angry.

However, after Roya backstabbed and killed a cadre who seemed to be the leader, he stopped talking.

Of course, the guy who was killed was not any character that Roya had seen in the anime in his previous life. The other party had a pair of horns and a bull-headed man. It seemed that the appearance of a sheep-headed man was not unacceptable. The other party claimed to be Mammon, and his strength was the closest to the cadre of the Demon King's army.

As for why the leader was not a cadre of the Demon King, according to the other party, the adult was drunk today and sent him today's task.

It was just harassment, and no one thought of fighting to the death.

Then, there was no more.

Roya looked at the other person, but he didn't remember who he was at first glance. After thinking for a long time, he felt that even if he was killed, it didn't seem to be a big deal. Besides, his strength was close to those cadres of the Demon King, so he killed him.

Since then, the old king became amiable to Roya in an instant.

After a general was killed, the group of guys naturally couldn't sit still, and sent a large number of people the next day to get back at him.

Then, they were all killed by Roya.

And Roya also saw who the drunk guy was yesterday.

It was a tall figure riding a skeleton warhorse with a head in his hand.

The other party was wearing a black armor, which exuded a gloomy and dead aura all over his body. The head in his hand was wrapped in a heavy helmet. He held the head in his right hand and held a black giant sword in his left hand. The giant sword was also weird and exuded a gloomy and dead aura.

The headless knight was tall, and his net height alone was estimated to be about three meters.

He was the headless knight Beldia, one of the cadres of the Demon King's army.

Beldia was very smart. He was very angry when he heard that his men were killed. However, he did not rush forward directly, but sent troops to press forward first.

He hid in the back and quietly looked at Roya in front of him.

Roya naturally noticed the other party, but thinking that he might have a plot with Guichuzhen in the future, he did not take action, but only used a big move to clear the field.

There were many monsters, but if you really count them, they were just small fish.

Roya cast the Thunder Cumulonimbus, which he had not used for a long time.

Thunder Cumulonimbus is a water saint level magic. Although it is a water saint level, its power is still quite good.

The casting process was very fast. Roya was bored and deliberately posed a pose that he thought was very handsome, and chanted the spell very pretentiously.

Thunderstorms, thunder mixed with rain fell together, and the heavy rain poured down, washing everything visible on the ground unscrupulously.

As a result, this group of monsters turned into ashes and disappeared at the moment of lightning.

The young man was still standing at the front. The monsters were charging towards Roya's position one after another, but they all disappeared the next moment.

The big raindrops fell on the young man's golden head. The water drops did not fall directly on the young man. When the young man was about to approach Roya, the water drops seemed to hit some barrier and naturally slid to the sides of the surroundings. The young man's face was still calm, and his light golden eyes were staring at the front. Everything he had done before seemed to have nothing to do with him.

The headless knight held the reins, and his hand unconsciously tightened a little. The soul fire in his eyes jumped. The headless knight thought for less than 0.1 second and made a decision instantly.

He turned his horse's head and charged into the distance.

Beldia could see that the guy in front of him was so powerful that fighting with such a person was simply seeking death.

Seeing the other party galloping in panic, Roya curled his lips and felt that this demon king cadre was also very interesting.

Roya gained the fear of his enemies and the admiration of his own people.

Since then, Roya also got a nickname.

[The Manipulator of the Atmosphere]

Of course, there is nothing to say about his merits. The old king treated Roya with great courtesy and personally patted Roya on the shoulder, saying things like the young people of the empire are all good, the successor of the kingdom is promising, and so on.

Then he was awarded the highest medal in the kingdom. It was said that even the nobles could not have as much authority as the owner of this medal. Only Roja and another sword master could obtain this medal.

Another swordsman master is Yu Jian Xiangye. He is not in the royal capital at this time and has gone to fight against the dragon.

After this incident, the Demon King's army rarely launched attacks, and even if they did, they were just for show.

Although it has always been a show-off, this time there was obviously less of an offensive.

After all, a large wave of wild monsters were directly cleared by Roja's ultimate move before, and now the Demon King's army is waiting for CD.

Miscellaneous fish also need time to recover, so Wangdu fell into the same leisurely mood as before.

And Roja's level has successfully reached the terrifying level seventy.

The two waves of Demon King's army were all cleaned up by Roja, and there was also a sheep-headed man. It was only natural that the level would rise so quickly.

The attributes are still equally divided. As you go to the back, the bonuses brought by the attributes become more obvious. Of course, the experience points that need to be consumed will also increase. The attribute bonuses in this world are still quite good, and those powers are turned into foundation. Constantly nourishing Roja, Roja can also clearly feel that his strength has been enhanced.

Although there is no exponential increase in speed, the overall situation is similar.

The time under her body is very dull. Alice has changed her previous introverted appearance. The girl has now successfully evolved from the original social fear to a social cow. Basically, she can say a few words to anyone she meets.

Time passed slowly like this, Roja's strength continued to recover, and the young man staying in the capital also felt a little bored.

Roya didn't have many acquaintances in the royal capital, except for Alice who would come and post stickers.

He could only occasionally catch 4 Doudou. Life in the royal capital was good, but Luo Ya always felt bored.

Time flies, just like that, twenty days later.

Roja finally received a letter from the royal capital.

The letter was sent by the receptionist, that is, Mona. The letter started with a simple greeting and then went straight to the topic.

[Two very strange people came to the guild, a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, and a girl with blue hair. Both the boy and the girl are exactly the same as your description. I think they are the people you are waiting for. 】

[Your deeds in the capital have spread very quickly. Our president has already smiled crookedly. But according to what you said, only the president and I know the news about you. The things you did in the capital are now Not many people in the town know about it yet. If you come back, those guys will be shocked if they know the news about you, right? 】

The envelope was finished here. Looking at the beautiful handwriting on it, the young man fell into deep thought.

Go back, you must go back.

Now that Aqua and Ghost have arrived, he will definitely have to go back to that town, and his stay there may also become longer.

Alice is just like before. Recently, Alice has become a little bit do whatever she wants. After gaining more initiative, Alice simply skipped all the tedious etiquette classes, except for some classes that she was slightly interested in. Alice I really didn’t get any of them.

The other party became more and more presumptuous and played more and more extravagantly, but fortunately Alice still knew what she was going to do. Although she was presumptuous, it was still within control.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Alice found Roja. After breakfast, the two sat opposite each other.

The young man remained calm and his expression did not change at all, while the girl had a faint smile on her face, and the curve of the corner of her mouth symbolized that the girl had been very comfortable recently.

Alice thought that the two of them would be the same as before, and that the young man in front of her would always be with her.

However, the young man's next words made the girl's eyes widen.

"Alice, I'm going back."

The young man said this in a very calm tone, as always, as if he was talking about an insignificant thing.

Alice was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said: "No."

Roja frowned. Alice noticed the obvious change in Roja's expression, shrank her neck, and immediately changed her words: "I mean, I also want to go with my brother."

Roja looked at the girl, rolled his eyes, and said speechlessly: "Alice, you are the princess of the kingdom, and you are also a descendant of the brave. You can pull out the holy sword. You can be a little willful, but you can't really Do whatever you want.”

Alice puffed up her cheeks and her expression became a little unhappy. The girl paced back and forth, her long skirt swaying with the girl's movements.

Alice looked at Roja's expression and subconsciously wanted to use cute tactics.

Alice's cuteness tactics are indeed very strong, and can even be described as invincible. Whether it is the old king or her brother, as long as she acts a little coquettishly, they will all obey Alice's wishes.

Even Roja would agree to Alice's request as long as the request was not too excessive.

However, this time Alice wanted to follow Roja, which was undoubtedly a bit excessive.

Although the Demon King's army was overthrown by Luo Yagan once, some of them did not dare to take action, but at the moment, if we really want to count, the only real strong person in the palace is Alice.

That swordsman master is not in the royal capital.

If even Alice ran away, the royal capital would really be just an empty shell.

But obviously, Alice still doesn't understand the importance of the current problem.

Having Alice is totally different from not having Alice.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Alice is the last line of defense of the kingdom.

It is okay for Alice to wander around the capital, and it is not a big problem even if she leaves the capital for a short time.

But once she leaves for too long, it will be a big problem.

If there are similar masters in the capital, even if something happens after a short absence of one or two days, there will be someone to stand up to the pressure.

But now it is obvious that there is no such person in the capital, how can Roya let Alice go back with him.

If the old king knew about this, it is estimated that even he would be very angry.

There is no problem with small fights, but once the situation gets out of hand, it will not be a good thing for everyone.

Thinking of this, Roya began to explain the pros and cons to Alice. The girl was not the kind of unreasonable person. Alice blinked, thought for a moment, sighed, and sat on the chair a little sickly, as if she had been drained of strength all of a sudden.

Alice waved her hand and said with some disappointment: "Okay, but you must come back. If you don't come to see me for too long, I will take the initiative to find you."

Roya nodded and agreed to Alice's request.

This time he was just going to take a look and have a little contact, so the specific time he stayed should not be too long.


Roya was ready to leave at noon, picked up his luggage, which was not much at all, and left the capital under Alice's eyes.

Roya's departure did not disturb many people, and Roya's presence in the palace was not particularly high.

Except for the previous surprise, and the fact that Roya ran over to get a wave of experience points when the Demon King's army attacked the capital, he basically had no position in the capital.

The Knight's Medal was simply a symbol of glory and power. Enjoying the corresponding rights and not having to do some seemingly troublesome tasks, Roya was naturally happy to be idle and directly turned into a transparent person.

Of course, even so, everyone still knew Roya's nickname.

Speaking of the name Roya, people may not have any impression.

But once talking about the atmosphere manipulator, everyone will know the knight who wiped out the demon king's army with a single magic.

He is obviously a knight, but he is better at using magic.

Until Roya left, not many people in the capital knew about it.

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