The extremely fast slash came first and quickly caught up with the sword wielded by Russell, and then suddenly cut off the long sword. The terrifying force was like a flood, and the unbridled impact hit Russell Your knight's sword.

Russell's face turned pale, and the long sword was directly knocked away. Before Russell could react, a hand had already grabbed Russell's neck and lifted Russell directly into the air.

The powerful force almost made Russell unable to breathe. Russell's face turned red at this moment. Russell subconsciously reached out and grabbed Roja's right hand.

Roja raised his eyebrows and let go.

This powerful knight fell to the ground, gasping for air and breathing in the fresh air greedily.

"I asked you, are you a little too strong?"

Russell's eyes became strange, and he reached out and touched his neck, and a burning pain came from the slightest touch.

Roja's expression was still calm. Maybe Russell's strength was indeed good, but it was just like that.

Defeating the opponent is a matter of course.

Everyone was in unspeakable shock at this moment.

"What's this kid's name? Roja?"

"This kid is so scary."

"Did even Russell lose? By the way, does anyone know how many moves the two of them made?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone fell into silence again.

The thin adventurer who spoke earlier said somewhat uncertainly: "It seems, it seems to be a move."

At this time, everyone realized how terrifying Roja's strength was.

If it can be said that Claire was defeated in just a few breaths of time, this can be explained by Roja's strong strength.

But now even Russell is on the field, but he still can't even take one of Roya's moves. This can no longer be described as being very strong.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other and saw the shocked look in each other's eyes.

Even Russell has never been his opponent. How terrifying is his strength?

Everyone didn't dare to think about it and turned their attention to the two people on the stage.

Alice looked at the competition below with bright eyes, and the corners of her mouth were raised with an expression of joy on her face.

Alice sat up from the chair, and the girl's white skirt swayed slightly with the girl's brisk movements. The girl stood up, her lips like cherry blossoms pursed slightly, and the girl shouted to the young man below: "Brother, awesome."

The young man looked back, and his plain face finally changed slightly. There was a faint smile on the corner of the young man's mouth, and he nodded to Alice with a smile above him.

Russell stood up and happened to see the interaction between Roya and Alice. His already uncomfortable mood became even more bitter, and he couldn't help but have a hint of self-deprecation on his lips.

After staying in the palace for so long, even as a knight captain, he has never seen a girl show such a happy smile.

Russell sighed slightly, and his tense face with Chinese characters showed as soft a look as possible.

The knight, who was in his thirties or forties, said to Roja in a deep voice: "Roja, you are very strong. The strong always have privileges. I can't teach you anything, so, as I said before, Normally, you can have your own time, I guess everyone doesn’t have any objections.”

Having said this, Russell glanced at the surrounding adventurers.

There may be envy and awe in their eyes, but there is absolutely no jealousy.

This is the privilege that the strong should have. If you don't even have this privilege, who will sacrifice your life for the kingdom?

Alice, who was standing on the stage, nodded slightly, and the girl's expression became solemn. At this time, the girl coughed a few times, attracting everyone's attention.

Roja looked at the quirky little girl on the stage curiously, always feeling that the other person became different from before after seeing him.

Alice blinked at Roja, and then said slowly: "I want to make Lord Roja my knight."

The girl paused and looked at everyone's eyes.

Everyone still looked shocked at this time, as if they had not yet reacted to the shock that Roja had brought to them before.

Even after hearing Alice speak like this, she still had no reaction.

Alice thought for a while and added another sentence at the end: "My knight alone."

Only then did everyone show expressions of surprise.

Russell smacked his lips, wondering about the meaning of Alice's words.

Russell originally thought that the relationship between Roya and Alice was unusual.

But now it seems that this is unusual. On the first day after entering the palace, I received an invitation from His Highness, and then the next day I became His Highness's confidant.

Not everyone can become a close confidant of the royal family.

Although there are not many so-called confidants and privileges, just being with the princess is the greatest privilege in itself.

Part of the reason why Claire was able to become Alice's knight was because her background was one of the most powerful families in the country.

Thinking of Claire, Russell couldn't help but cast a few pity glances at Claire.

Some people are favored, and others will naturally fall out of favor.

Even if Claire's fall from grace is not serious now, who will feel better if she has an extra competitor for nothing?

At this glance, I saw Claire in the crowd, with her eyes lowered and her expression a little lonely.

The short golden hair seemed to become a little darker at this moment.

Alice walked down from the stage, and everyone's eyes were focused on her. Alice's posture was elegant, and the white skirt was just about to touch the ground. The white knot on the girl's chest looked so pure, just like the girl's clear eyes and innocent appearance. She was calm but innocent and romantic. This was a girl that made people want to protect her.

Her long golden hair hung vertically to her waist, swaying with the swaying of her skirt. Alice walked straight to Luo Ya and looked directly into his eyes. Those eyes were so clear and serious. The girl asked again: "Lord Luo Ya, can you be my knight?"

There was a little more expectation in Alice's eyes, as if she was a little afraid that Luo Ya would refuse. The girl took a few steps forward again, stretched out her white and slender hands, grabbed Luo Ya's left hand, and looked at Luo Ya with a touching expression.

However, in Alice's expectant expression, Luo Ya hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "No."

Alice is indeed very cute, even cuter than her two sisters in some ways.

But he couldn't really stay in the castle with Alice and play house.

After hearing this, Alice's face flashed with obvious disappointment, and the girl pursed her lips, with a little grievance in her eyes.

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