Those with strong strength will naturally work harder, while those with weak strength can just be the backbone.

Now, what Roya needs to do is to show his strength.

The Royal Martial Arts Field is a very spacious open space, covering an area of ​​about 1,000 square meters. Of course, such a place is only a part of the palace, and it is not that large.

In the wide open space, a team of 100 knights, dressed in armor, are standing quietly on the ground.

The cold armor flashes with metallic cold light under the sunlight.

This is the private army of the palace, eating the country's food, so it is normal that they are well-trained.

They are not wearing helmets. There are men and women among them. Although their faces are different, their expressions are all the same.

The age difference is a bit big. The older ones look like they are in their thirties, and the younger ones are even only in their early twenties.

Among them, Roya saw a familiar figure.


Her purple hair was too conspicuous, and she was standing in front of him. He noticed her with just one look.

Compared to the seriousness of the Knights, Roya was much more relaxed.

Dozens of adventurers gathered together, some whispering in groups of three or five, two brothers leaned shoulder to shoulder, whispering something, and a few adventurers were silent, staring blankly at the people present.

The moment Roya walked into the square, except for the serious knight team over there, everyone cast their eyes on Roya.

Then a group of people gasped.


The boys stopped what they were doing and looked carefully at the young man in front of them.

He was tall and straight, slender, gentle and elegant, giving people a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze.

The young man had handsome features. Although he was expressionless, his temperament was there, giving people a false feeling that he was easy to talk to.

The young man had golden hair and golden pupils, and his eyes swept over the people present. Although his temperament was gentle, no one dared to look at the young man, and they all turned their eyes away.

Then, the typical female adventurer's eyes lit up and were eager to try, while the male adventurer's eyes darkened, and he secretly protected his favorite object behind him, fearing that the other party would come to steal his girlfriend.

At the same time, he was curious about the other party's identity.

Such a young and handsome young man also had dazzling golden hair.

Blond hair is quite rare in this world. You can say that golden hair is not necessarily aristocratic, but 90% of aristocrats have golden hair.

And looking at the other party's temperament, although he was dressed casually and did not wear clothes that symbolized aristocracy, temperament is something that cannot be faked. The palace has seen many aristocratic adventurers, and the young man's temperament is more like aristocrats than those aristocrats.

The noise here fell into a brief silence, and the members of the knight team over there subconsciously glanced to the right.

The first thing he saw was a handsome young man. The knight was slightly stunned and did not recognize who the young man in front of him was. However, seeing the tense atmosphere around him and his dazzling golden hair, he thought for a moment, then suddenly straightened up, his expression became more serious, and he held his head high.

Haha, it's just a leader's inspection, simple, just win.

The knight was secretly proud of himself. His companions around him noticed something was wrong. Seeing the guy next to him suddenly working so hard, they also imitated him for a while, holding their heads high and looking ready to go.

Everyone can pretend, and the knight is no exception.

Claire, who was standing in the front row, did not react at first. Although Claire was Alice's personal guard, Claire's rank was not that high. Although the Royal Guard Knight sounded nice, he was a confidant of Her Royal Highness, but if you really count, such a position does not have the status of a noble, nor the power of a minister. If you really count, it is actually just a little higher than the rank of a maid.

Claire cast her eyes over curiously, but she saw a young man with a calm face.

The morning sun shone on Roya's handsome face. The boy stood there, his light golden eyes swept through everyone.

There was only a calm and cold look in his eyes.

Claire was slightly stunned, and then she was a little surprised.

If it was the other party, it would be very normal to attract so many people's attention.

Everyone gathered here, of course, not for nothing.

Soon, a middle-aged man in a knight's uniform walked in from a distance. The middle-aged man glanced at everyone and walked quickly to the top of the Knights.

It was the appearance of this middle-aged man that everyone's eyes shifted from Roya to the middle-aged man.

Roya thought that the other party seemed to be the leader.

As if to verify Roya's guess, the knight coughed slightly, and his eyes swept across the Knights. The square face had a few more smiles. Although he still had a stern face, he looked quite satisfied.

The knight first scolded with a stern face, and felt that it was enough, so he coughed and praised everyone a little.

Everyone knows that being a leader is like this, likes to criticize and then praise others.

It is a typical way to give a good response after a blow.

Although the routine is old, it is undeniably very practical.

After training his team, the middle-aged uncle turned his eyes to the adventurer.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Roya always feels that when the other party looks at this place, Roya always feels that there is a little curiosity on his face.

The adventurers rarely spoke, and their expressions became serious.

Everyone looked at each other, straightened up, put away their previous lazy expressions, and moved closer to the knight team.

Roya shrugged and walked towards the knights in the center.

The middle-aged knight didn't waste any words and directly stated the purpose of this visit.

"Hello everyone, some of us may meet for the first time, and some of you may have known me for a long time. My name is Russell Aiken, you can just call me Russell."

The knight named Russell nodded slightly to everyone, his brown eyes swept over the people present, and then said in a deep voice: "The adventurers here must be some friends from all over the world, but since you have come to the capital, you must contribute to the defense of the capital. The purpose of gathering everyone this time is to test everyone."

Russell began to explain the rules. The rules are very short, in fact, it is a combat training.

And the object of the training is also very simple, that is, the group of knights in the middle who are ready to go.

Those who can become knights of the royal capital are naturally strong. Most of them are actually mid-level professionals, and their levels are mostly around level 20 or 30. The strongest among them is Claire, who has reached level 35, the highest level among the crowd.

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