Roya blinked innocently and shook his head, saying, "No, how could it be? I'm not that kind of person."

Claire said suspiciously, "Why did His Highness become a different person after seeing you?"

Roya said casually, "Maybe Alice has always been like this?"

"Impossible, I've been with His Highness for so long, I know His Highness's personality best." Claire bit her tongue.

Looking at Claire's absolutely so expression, Roya asked back in a strange way, "I say, Claire, do you really understand your Highness?"

Claire choked and was about to say something like affirmation, but thinking of the conversation between Roya and Alice, the words were stuck in her throat and could not come out anymore.

Feeling a little frustrated, Claire let go of her hand and walked forward in a daze, and said to Roya, "Forget it, follow me, I'll show you your room."

The palace is very large, so large that it's a little outrageous.

The corridor was very long, with red carpets and white tiles complementing each other. The oil paintings on the surrounding walls never stopped. Every ten meters, there would be another oil painting that had not been seen before.

Above the right side of the oil painting, there was an oil lamp. Of course, because it was daytime, the oil lamp would not be lit at this time.

Claire said nothing. It seemed that Roya's words still hit Claire deeply.

Neither of them spoke. There was only the sound of their shoes stepping on the ground in the corridor.

After a while, Claire stopped in front of the door. The knight turned sideways, looked at Roya deeply, and said to Roya: "Your room."


The mahogany door, a high-end product at first glance.

But considering that it is a palace, this is nothing strange.

"Here is the key. Two maids will come to clean your room and make the bed every day. Just leave these things to them. Of course, the maids are only responsible for cleaning the room. You can ask the maids if you need anything. As for more services, there are no more."

Roya nodded again, always feeling that Claire was knocking on it.

Reaching out to take the bunch of keys, Luo Ya put the key into the keyhole, turned it slightly, and heard a crisp spring sound, and the mahogany door opened a gap.

Luo Ya pushed the room open, and what he saw was a big bed.

The bed was really big, three meters long. Not to mention sleeping on Luo Ya alone, even if Luo Qixi and Ganlu Temple Mitsuri came to sleep together, it was more than enough.

Even bolder, adding Esther and Restia, it seemed possible.

The bedding on it had already been laid neatly, and the French window next to it was open. The afterglow of the sunset shone in from the window sill, reflecting the whole room into gold.

Luo Ya walked into the room, glanced at Claire who was still standing behind the door, and smiled and teased: "Why, you are not going to leave, and you are going to come in and sit?"

Claire didn't react for a while, and when she came to her senses, she realized that she was teased by the other party. Claire's face flushed in an instant, snorted coldly, and walked out of the house angrily.

Roya shrugged, watched the other person's back as he walked away, and closed the door.

The room was spacious, otherwise it wouldn't have been able to accommodate such a big bed.

But even with such a big bed, it didn't seem crowded.

Next to the bed was a set of tables and chairs that Alice had asked Claire to move over before.

Roya pulled the chair open, sat on it, stretched his body, and then simply leaned back on the chair, somewhat leisurely.

Kazuma and the others should be here soon.

It's time for him to step forward, guide and urge a group of people to go up and work, defeat the demon king, and then successfully complete the task.

But considering the nature of a group of people, it's better not to have too much hope.

Of course, how to do it specifically depends on what Guichuzhen thinks.

Without thinking about Guichuzhen anymore, Roya began to feel the magic power in his body.

After the superior demon was devoured by him, the experience converted into it was somewhat useful, and the refined dregs still needed to be purified a little.

The life level was too low, and the spiritual world was very repulsive. It felt like it was forced in and it was a bit uncomfortable.

Now Roya's level has reached level 35. Who could have imagined that he was a rookie adventurer at level 1 some time ago?

He has too many skill points to spend.

Roya opened his own panel.

[Characters: Roya Greyrat]

[Profession: Adventurer]

[Age: 15]

[Level: 35]

[Strength: 150]

[Agility: 150]

[Stamina: 150]

[Mojo: 200]

[Skills: Lurk (lv.3)]

[Maximum level, cannot be upgraded]

[Steal (lv3)]

[Maximum level, cannot be upgraded]

[Taunt (lv3)]

[Maximum level, cannot be upgraded]

[Search (lv.3) -]

[Maximum level, cannot be upgraded]

[Swordsmanship proficiency (cannot be upgraded)]

The above are Roya's current data.

You may not feel anything, but it is roughly the level of being able to pick up a One-Strike Bear with one hand and beat it up.

The attribute has increased by about three times compared to before, which is equivalent to the level of a normal adventurer of level 70 or 80.

In this world, adventurers of level 70 or 80 are almost rare. Even in the capital, there are not many such adventurers.

Of course, in many cases, level does not represent everything.

Like Alice, her level is not high, but her combat power is definitely terrifying.

Upgrading is also easy. As long as you go out to defeat a few dragons, your level will rise immediately.

It's just that level is a standard for most people to measure whether the other party is strong.

Although most of the attributes of adventurers are the same, there are exceptions occasionally. The initial attributes of different populations are different from the beginning.

For example, the Red Demon Clan, those guys have an absurdly high affinity for magic. Although their brains are not normal, the amount of magic power is indeed very considerable. Basically, all the magicians from the Red Demon Clan can become powerful magicians.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you have to ignore their neurotic personalities and those weird names.

It is already a bit difficult to increase the level now, and of course, the corresponding attribute improvement will become more.

The attribute points have changed from the original five points to the current seven points.

Although the changes are not too many, the changes brought about by each point increase are completely different from the feeling brought by the initial point increase.

Although the attributes are only three times the initial ones, if you really count, with such attributes, it is more than enough to fight ten adventurers with the same attributes at the beginning.

The numbers on the panel only reflect Roja's current attributes in a superficial way.

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