This time Ultima was defeated and might have to kneel here. He would definitely say some harsh words and cause trouble for Roya.

After thinking about it, he thought of his immediate superior, the strongest one, Vanir.

Although he was not familiar with him, he just had to describe how violent and cruel he was, and if he was caught, he would be worse off than dead, and so on.

When the two met, they would definitely fight.

This was Ultima's entire plan.

However, Ultima might not know that these plans were doomed to fail when they were first implemented.

"Oh, is that so? It seems that the other party is very dangerous." Roya looked at Ultima meaningfully.

However, knowing it was knowing it, and he would definitely go and see what the so-called seven cadres of the Demon King were when he had time.

In the end, Ultima was still wiped out by Roya's spiritual world.

At the moment when the other party disappeared, Roya's ears rang with more than a dozen prompt sounds again.

[You defeated the superior demon and gained a lot of experience]

[Your level was upgraded, and you gained five free attribute points and three skill points. ]

There were twelve such prompts.

In other words, this superior demon alone provided Roya with twelve levels of experience.

The whole process seemed complicated, but because Roya pulled him into the spiritual world, the time that passed was not that long.

After doing all this, Roya regained consciousness.

Roya opened his eyes and saw the worried female knight.

Seeing Roya open his eyes, the female knight leaned over, a little happy, but more worried. The seemingly carefree knight asked tentatively: "Roya?"

Roya nodded, without any strange expression.

Roya's performance could not dispel her doubts. Looking at the other boy who had fallen into a coma, Claire sighed and showed a sad look on her face: "I just came here to pick up a few people, why did so many things happen, alas."

A knight in armor stood beside Claire at this time.

Claire waved at the other party and said to the young knight: "Help me take care of this useless thing. I won't take him with me to the capital this time."

Claire said this to the knight beside her with a serious face.

In fact, Claire said this with some selfish motives.

The boy was bewitched by the devil and almost sneaked into the capital successfully. Although the other party has not succeeded yet, just having such thoughts and such behavior is enough to show the seriousness of this problem. Even if he was bewitched by the devil, even if it was due to force majeure, this person would be directly imprisoned for suspected threats to national security.

Although the other party gave Claire a very bad impression, the families standing behind each other had some private feelings, so they tried to turn a blind eye as much as possible.

This matter was completely over. Claire bowed to Roya and said in a deep voice: "This time it was my mistake. Because of my personal problem, you suffered such an incident. I will report it to Her Royal Highness the Princess truthfully and give you the appropriate compensation."

Roya nodded, but he didn't care much about the so-called compensation.

If it were Kazuma and a group of people, they might be excited and dance. Money is indeed a good thing, especially for those problem children, but it is not that helpful to Roya.

As if seeing Roya's indifferent expression, Claire frowned. As a royal guard knight, it was a great gift for her to be rewarded and compensated by the princess.

However, when she thought that the cause of the accident was her own problem, she chose to remain silent.

Claire took Roya to the teleportation formation and nodded to the mage who ran over.

The mage was a young girl. The moment she saw the boy, her face turned red. She subconsciously turned away and did not dare to look Roya in the eye.

However, Roya smiled and greeted the other party, maintaining his elegant and easy-going image.

Claire raised her eyebrows and remained silent.

The little girl skillfully operated, and the magic circle flashed with a blue luster. The light enveloped the two people, and the light particles slowly rose, finally rose to the middle of the air, and then dissipated.

With a blink of an eye, the scene in front of her eyes had changed drastically.

What caught her eye was the towering palace, the white castle above it towering into the clouds, and the surrounding walls were more exaggerated than the town where Roya had stayed before.

Roya was just a little surprised, but did not show shock or other expressions, which made Claire more suspicious of Roya's identity.

They are all the people that Her Highness the Princess wants, how could there be no one to investigate, but no matter how they investigate, the information given above is very simple, no such person exists.

It's as if this boy appeared out of thin air.

Because this world actually has creatures like heroes, and this continent also believes in gods. It is said that the hero who defeated the Demon King before had seen the gods with his own eyes, so the people in this world are not so repulsive to the sudden appearance of such adventurers.

But whether they are repulsive or not, the specific situation still needs to be analyzed separately.

Being able to defeat a superior demon head-on is enough to show that the adventurer's strength is not bad. Combined with the town's evaluation of the boy, it is enough to show that the character of the boy in front of him is not bad.

However, although there was a high probability that the boy would be fine, Claire still said to Roja: "Although it is rude to say this, it is for your sake, so please don't refuse."

"When you meet the princess, I also hope that you can accept the inspection of the high priest."

Claire's worry was naturally that she was afraid that Roja would be controlled by the devil, and she pretended not to be controlled, hoping to make Claire relax and sneak into the royal capital.

Although the probability of this is very low, it is indeed safer to do this just in case.

And you can also use the high priest to see if the devil has placed something like a curse on Roja's body.

After all, demons are not only good at deceiving people, but are also good at manipulating curses.

Roja nodded, smiled at Claire and said: "Of course it should be, thank you so much."

Looking at this ridiculously handsome boy, Claire couldn't help but blush. The knight coughed dryly, turned his gaze away, and said awkwardly: "Well, that's right."

Then Claire took Roja and walked into the royal capital.


Luo Ya was still a little surprised by the arrogance of this country.

Although from the outside, you can already guess that the decoration inside is very luxurious, but when you walk in, you will still be shocked by the majestic grandeur of the palace.

The spotless white floor and the corridors are lined with various oil paintings.

Because they are from another world, Roja doesn't know how much these things are worth. Roja is also a rough guy and appreciates this kind of art.

But I guess the price of these things must be quite high.

After walking through this not-so-long corridor, what comes into view is the garden in the middle.

The water slowly sprays out from above the flower bed, and evenly falls on the flower bed under the sunlight.

There is a maid standing next to the flower garden. The maid is wearing a black and white maid uniform. The girl is about 20 years old. She is wearing white stockings. The stockings wrap the girl's two slender legs. She is leaning over and holding gardening props for her. Prune the upper branches and leaves.

There are many maids like this. At a glance, I saw three or four maids like this.

Of course, not all of these maids were pruning the flowerbed, some were cleaning the fallen leaves on the ground.

"This way."

As if she noticed that Roja's footsteps paused slightly, Claire turned her head and shouted to Roja, urging Roja to speed up.

Roja nodded and followed Claire forward to a room.

Claire made a wait gesture to Roya. She stepped forward, knocked on the door, and said in a deep voice: "It's me, Claire."

Soon an old and tired voice came from inside.

"Please come in."

Without hesitation, Claire opened the door and walked into the house first.

The room is very big, but if you think about it, since it is in the palace, there will definitely not be such a petty room.

The room is large, but the facilities are also very simple.

It's just tables and tables put together, which is probably similar to the layout of the office in the previous life. Of course, there are some differences. The space here is very large, so big that Roja suspected that even if he just lay down on the chair and rest, it would be more than enough.

But after all, this is an office area, so no one should do this.

Roja's eyes swept across the layout of the table and looked at the things placed on the table.

【Explanation of magic】

[Scientific Principles of Natural Magic]

【Origin of Magic】

Hmm, pretty serious.

Then a book from a certain age came into view.

[The secret that she and I had to tell]

Roya:? ? ?

As if he noticed that Roja's eyes were wandering around, the man sitting on the chair quietly blocked the cover of the book with his right hand, and then moved it to the right. He stood up from the chair and gently faced Claire. He coughed lightly and said, "Is there anything you need me to do for you?"

This is a middle-aged uncle with a slightly chubby figure and an obvious belly. He is not tall, close to 1.7 meters. This height is not actually tall. The normal height of a young man is 1.75 meters. Reaching the average, 1.7 meters is obviously a bit short, especially when compared with Roja, this gap is even more obvious.

The middle-aged uncle is not very slovenly. After all, this is a palace, so he pays attention to his image to some extent.

Claire didn't see the book he hid, and nodded slightly to express her needs.

"Is that so? That's okay."

There was not much politeness or greeting between the two of them. The uncle stepped forward and looked at Roja, picked up the staff that was lying nearby, pointed it at Roja and muttered something.

A blue light rose from Roja's body and then quickly dissipated.

The middle-aged uncle nodded to Claire and said, "No problem."

After hearing these words, Claire's heart finally fell, and her original smile returned to her face.

"Then, I will take you to meet the Queen."


In the dazzling hall, a girl of about thirteen or fourteen years old sat quietly on the throne. The girl also had dazzling blonde hair and wore a gorgeous long dress that reached her ankles. The white dress set off the girl's flawlessness. The girl's facial features were delicate and flawless. The blue eyes were staring at the person in front of her without blinking. The slender eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the eyes were full of curiosity.

The first feeling that Luo Ya had when he saw the other party was that there was actually no majesty from the superior.

On the contrary, the first feeling that this princess gave Luo Ya was cute, very cute, the kind of girl that would make people subconsciously feel pity and protective desire.

Maybe because she was still young, the girl's face always had a pure face that was not experienced in the world, and the eyes were more like a blue gem that had not been polished.

The girl had a strange pendant hanging around her neck and a decoration similar to a headband on her head, but. This headband was a bit strange.

It looked a bit like grapes.

And it was this girl who was staring at Roya without blinking.

However, Roya was indeed a little surprised by the young girl in front of him.

1 could feel that she was very strong, at least much stronger than the upper demon, and probably much stronger than anyone in the castle.

The decoration on the girl's chest also contained the fluctuation of magic.

Not only the necklace on her neck, but also the bunch of grapes on the girl gave Roya a strange feeling.

It felt as if the other party was also looking at him.

The two people's eyes met, and they looked at each other calmly.

Claire stood beside the girl, with a respectful look on her face, and explained the whole story of what happened in the capital.

Roya stood at the bottom of the steps, looking normal, and responded to the girl's curiosity and scrutiny with a friendly smile.

Luo Ya's temperament is excellent, and his appearance is handsome. This time, because he was meeting His Highness, Claire specially asked Luo Ya to dress up, hoping that Luo Ya could make a good impression in front of His Highness, which was also a little compensation for Luo Ya.

But Claire didn't expect that Luo Ya only dressed up slightly. When the boy came out, Claire stared at his face for four or five seconds.

The boy was tall and straight, wearing a black suit. The boy seemed a little unaccustomed to such clothes, frowning and tidying up the wrinkles on his clothes.

He had a white tie at the collar, which was a very standard dress.

Because the background was based on Europe, it was not uncommon to have such clothes, but in fact, Luo Ya rarely wore such clothes.

And Luo Ya's dress really surprised Claire.

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