Comprehensive comic: Starting from jobless reincarnation

Chapter 281 Invitation from the Princess

However, today, this young man who was named a brave man was about to leave this town.

In the guild, it is still a familiar place, and it is still a familiar place.

Roja was sitting on a chair, and opposite Roja was the president of this small town guild.

At this time, the president, who was already middle-aged, looked at Roya with a serious face and said: "Roya, you are very strong and your talent is also very good. During the period of time you have been here, you have successfully proved your strength and Diligent, I passed your information to the Royal Capital two days ago. Her Royal Highness is very curious about you and asked me to ask you if you are willing to go to the Royal Capital to resist the invasion of the demons. "

As if he was afraid that Roja would not understand, the president explained: "Due to the constant attacks of demons, the capital is actually quite short of manpower. For this reason, the capital is actually recruiting powerful people from various border towns. The adventurers or some very talented adventurers should be trained to become the mainstay.”

"I am very grateful for your outstanding contributions to our town of Axel. I think your achievements are worthy of such a commendation. For this reason, I also specially applied to the royal capital for 30 million Eris as a reward. Although It’s not a lot of money, but it’s our gratitude to you, and the adventurers in this town will remember your contribution.”

The president said this while taking out a bag of gold coins from behind and placing it on the table.

Roja nodded and put the money into his pocket without any hesitation.

Assets plus thirty million eris.

Now, his assets have reached 150 million Eris.

This money is quite good in this small town.

After all, there are no demon king cadres around, and there are only a few monsters around. It is not easy to get this money.

After being polite again, the president said with a smile: "Of course you won't be allowed to walk like this when you go to the royal capital. Although Axel Town is a small town and does not have a magic circle, the nearest city is If you have a magic circle, please come with me now, and I will lead you to the royal capital."

After saying that, the middle-aged man stood up from his chair, patted Roja on the shoulder and said, "Get ready, let's go."

Roja stood up from his chair and followed the president towards the outside of the guild.

It is said to be the nearest city, but it is actually quite far away.

It can only be said that the town of Axel is indeed the most remote place. Even going to the town by horse-drawn carriage will take a whole morning.

When I saw the city for the first time, it really gave Roja a grand and prosperous feeling.

Just talking about the wall, it is not on the same level as the town of Axel.

The towering city wall gives people a sense of technology. The city wall, which is dozens of feet long, completely surrounds the city.

The soldiers standing at the door stopped the carriage. The president opened the curtain and revealed a head. After seeing this, the soldier nodded to the president and let him go.

It seemed that this guy had a certain reputation in this place before. Just as Roja was thinking about it, the carriage had stopped in the middle of the city.

The president patted Roja on the shoulder and said to Roja: "There is an envoy here who will lead you to the royal capital. Of course, your status as a student when you go to the royal capital this time is actually that you are still too young and have just graduated. Thatched cottage adventurer, even if you can easily defeat the one-hit bear, this is the case, I hope you can understand.”

Roja nodded and got out of the carriage.

A young knight was standing on the other side of the formation. The knight was holding a long sword in his hand. When he saw the president, he nodded as a greeting.

This is a female knight, wearing a formal military armor. The blue armor is outlined with white stripes. The girl has short hair, giving people a capable impression.

The knight's hair is also golden, but there is a small cluster of purple hair in the bangs, which feels a bit weird.

"Hello, Lord Roya, I am Claire Sifonia, a knight of the kingdom and a close associate of Her Highness Alice."

The president didn't stay long, sent Roja over and said goodbye.

Claire stretched out her hand and put it in front of Roya and smiled at Roja. Roja shook hands with her and said politely: "Roya, just call me Roja. Oh, by the way. Who is that?"

Roja noticed that he was not the first to arrive here.

In front of Claire, there is a young man who is not very old. He must have a handsome face and good looks. He is about seventeen or eighteen years old. He is crossing his chest with his hands, looking like he is pulling.

Roja noticed the boy, and the boy naturally noticed Roja.

When the young man saw Roja's appearance, he was a little surprised. He stared at it for a while, and his expression gradually became unfriendly.

"Hmph, nobles? What a bunch of damn blood-sucking insects."

Hearing the young man speak like this, a series of question marks flashed across Roja's head.

His eyes turned to the knight again.

Claire naturally heard what the young man said, and her face turned evil. She said angrily to the young man: "Watch your mouth, we are about to go to the ancient capital of Belze, and you will definitely say this there." He will be arrested and imprisoned for a period of time.”

When the young man heard this, he snorted coldly, turned away, but said no more.

Roja raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise: "Who is this?"

Claire rubbed her temples helplessly and said, "He is an adventurer from a nearby town. Well, because the nobles there have formulated some harsh tax laws, it is normal for him to be dissatisfied. This time he went to the capital in the hope of becoming stronger or becoming a reserve knight directly in the capital."

Roya nodded and did not ask anything else.

Judging from the other party's dress, he is not an ordinary person. There may be a certain force behind him.

However, whether this has anything to do with him, Roya did not continue to investigate.

Claire was relieved to see that Roya did not continue to investigate, and smiled at Roya and said, "In fact, the princess especially wants me to bring you to her, especially after the highness learned about your glorious deeds from the president's letter, she became more curious about your amazing talent and strength, so she asked me to come here."

Roya nodded, and was not surprised by this result.

The president also said that Princess Alice would want to meet him.

This is also normal.

The princess of this country is Belzegu Stellarisu Sod Alice.

If you really count, she is only the age of a little girl.

She usually stays in the capital, and there are almost no people of the same age around her, so she seems very lonely.

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