Chapter 279 Really? Godfather!

"Of course, there are disadvantages. Different professions cannot learn other professions' skills. For example, the Paladin 'Crusader' cannot learn the magician's fireball spell, or more advanced magic, and vice versa."

Luna explained, and Roya was slightly stunned.

Roya subconsciously asked: "Well, are there any professional skills that can be learned?"

Luna's expression became strange. After staring at Roya for a while, she said: "Yes, there are, but"

Roya asked: "But what?"

Luna sighed and said slowly: "Among the many professions, there is also an "Adventurer" profession. This profession belongs to the initial profession. Almost anyone can change jobs, but there is no special feature, so it is called the weakest profession."

"If there is any special feature of this profession, it is that all professional skills can be learned. However, if adventurers want to learn skills, even the basic skills of each profession must be taught. There is also a big disadvantage of this profession, that is, if you become an adventurer, although you can learn the skills of all professions, the skill points consumed will become a lot, and some skills even need to be doubled to learn, which is why the adventurer profession is listed as the worst profession. Even so, do you want to become an adventurer? "

Luna looked at Roya, who was moved, and couldn't help but twitch her lips. At the same time, she felt silent grief in her heart.

Don't let my words make the future top adventurer become a half-baked guy. At that time, I really have to apologize to Amen.

Roya summarized Luna's words.

Being an adventurer has both advantages and disadvantages. The simplest one is that there is no occupational restriction, and you can learn whatever you want.

The disadvantages are also obvious. The skill points learned will be doubled, and you can't learn the advanced and exclusive skills belonging to that profession.

But Roya thought about it carefully and felt that the adventurer profession is more suitable for him.

For others, the reason why the adventurer profession is useless is also very simple.

Others don't have so many skill points. I have already asked clearly that ordinary people will only get a few skill points when they upgrade, and even the upper profession will only give two skill points when they upgrade.

But I can get three skill points from the beginning of the upgrade.

Although it's only two more skill points than ordinary people, it's only a little more than the upper profession. skill points, but think about it another way, the skill points he gets when he levels up are three times that of an ordinary person, and 1.5 times that of a higher-level profession.

And the gap brought by this accumulation will become larger and larger as the level increases, that is to say, the disadvantage of adventurers in learning skills does not affect Roya much.

After all, there is no place to spend the skill points later, it is just a number.

And just looking at the profession, whether it is the sword master, or the higher-level profession of the priest "High Priest" and the paladin "Crusader", they are not particularly helpful to Roya.

The magic in this world does have its merits, but Roya can't give up a sea of ​​flowers for a flower.

So, now the question is, do you want to become an adventurer?

It is considered the worst profession by others.

The thinking did not last long, and Roya still made a decision.

The worst is only for ordinary people. For Roya, the most suitable is the best.

Roya finally said to Luna: "Then, I want to become an adventurer, please. "

Luna was about to speak but stopped, and finally, everything turned into a sigh.

She wanted to persuade him again, but she was just a stranger, and she had said everything she should say. The other party insisted on doing so, and Luna had nothing to say.

Besides, seeing that the other party looked thoughtful, there must be a reason for making such a choice, right?

Luna waved her hand and said, "Then change your profession to adventurer."

Luna took out a crystal ball from the cabinet, pointed at it, and said to Roya, "Stretch out your hand and put it on the crystal ball. The professions you can change to will appear in your mind. You just need to choose the profession you want to be. In fact, adventurer is not bad. For other professions, people can only choose one profession in their lifetime, but adventurer is very special because it is a primary profession, that is to say, later, you can change to a higher profession. However, there are differences between upper-level and lower-level professions, and the skill points and attributes obtained by upgrading are also different. After choosing an adventurer, if you change to another profession later, the attributes and skill points lost before will not be compensated. "

Roya nodded. In this case, he would change to an adventurer and see what the situation is.

As for the lost skill points and attributes, to be honest, these have added to Roya, but they have not played a decisive role.

Roya followed Luna's instructions and stretched out his hand to cover the crystal ball.

A soft golden light rose from the crystal ball, and at the same time, Roya's mind sounded a system prompt.

[Contact medium: Change profession crystal]

[You can choose one of the following professions as your main profession.]


[High Priest]






There are many professions, as many as dozens. The one with the light golden light at the top is naturally the profession that Luna calls the upper-level profession. The next level is the deep purple and lavender light. Just looking at it This color makes me feel that the profession above is very remarkable.

Luo Ya, who has been a card player all year round, was a little excited when he saw it.

But in the end, he sighed quietly and searched for the adventurer's profession.

Finally, I saw the adventurer profession at the bottom.


Not surprisingly, this profession has a light green icon, which gives people a very cheap feeling.

He clicked on the adventurer icon, and at this moment, the system's indifferent electronic sound came from Roja's mind.

[Is/is the host a new adventurer? 】

[This occupation is a special occupation, please choose carefully. 】

Roja didn't hesitate much and clicked confirmation directly.

Then, a green light appeared and enveloped Roja directly.

A weak warm current was transmitted, and the system prompt sound came from Roja's ears again.

[You have successfully changed your job to an adventurer. 】

[Your strength has been slightly improved. 】

[Your stamina has been slightly improved. 】

[Your agility has been slightly improved. 】

[Your magic power has been slightly improved. 】

[Your special talent: The Fool (activated in the second stage)]

[Feature: Erudite activation]

[Introduction: Carrying his past experience and knowledge in a light bag, the Fool will not be afraid when facing the future. 】

[You can learn the exclusive professional skills of any profession. 】

Roja was stunned for a moment, then looked at Luna, the corners of his mouth gradually raised.

Without further ado, Roja said directly to Luna: "Luna, I want to learn skills."

"First see the skill with your own eyes, and then ask the user to teach how to use the skill. In this way, on the card of the adventurer profession, the skill will appear in the "Currently Learnable Skills" column. By using skill points You can study. "

Luna spoke up.

This is also the easiest way to learn skills.

Roja didn't waste any more nonsense, and turned his attention to the adventurers who were drinking and eating meat but secretly pricked their ears. Roja directly said to everyone: "One basic skill, fifty thousand Eris, and one intermediate skill, One hundred thousand Eris, one million for the senior one, who will do it?”

"F*ck!" A group of big men rushed directly in front of Roja with a loud curse. Their faces turned red and they said, "Is it true? Foster father?"

Roja nodded seriously and said, "It's true."

Then a group of guys came up in a cluster. The short man in the leader stepped forward and walked directly in front of Roya. He said to Roja: "I'll come first. My skills include sneaking, tracking enemies, escaping, and stealing."

The strong man next to him was dissatisfied and interrupted his speech: "No, brother, leave some soup for us!"

Roja doesn't care, as long as it's a skill.

The guild became lively again, and by the end, Roja had learned the following skills.

Latent (lv.1)

Active skills-


When activated, it can blend into the darkness and eliminate the figure.

When activated, it can cover the aura and prevent it from being sensed.

When activated, it can affect individuals it comes into contact with.

Skill levels can be increased by spending skill points.

Search for enemies (lv.1) -

Improved enemy perception -


It can be found when enemies appear within a certain range -

It can be found when hostility appears within a certain range -

Skill levels can be increased by spending skill points.

Sword Mastery (not upgradeable)

Passive skill-


Improved accuracy when using long sword weapons -

Improve proficiency when using long sword weapons -

Improved hit rate when using long sword weapons -

The above are all basic skills. Basically, each adventurer has one copy, and they have little gold content. However, these are the most practical and widely used skills.

The rest of the skills are a bit crooked.


Active skills-


Steal a random item from the opponent. The specific effect is affected by the skill level and the luck of both parties.

If the opponent's level is too high, there is a certain probability that he will be noticed.

Skill levels can be increased by spending skill points.

Taunt (lv1)

Active skills-


Make the opponent's attack target target you.

The skills are miscellaneous. These skills are quite practical to a certain extent. However, because Luo Ya only has 33 skill points now, Luo Ya has not learned them all. He only learned some skills that he is interested in. I will give these by the way. Skills are upgraded.

Lurking and tracking enemies are directly maxed out. These two skills are considered very useful by Luo Ya, and the skill points consumed for upgrading to a level are just a few more skill points. The highest level is only level three.

The skill points spent on detecting enemies, stealing, and stealing all three levels have also reached 20 points. In the blink of an eye, there are only 13 skills left in the original 33-point skills.

That's why Roja can spend skill points so lavishly. Ordinary adventurers will basically only upgrade one or two skills that they are good at to the full level, and just learn the others to deal with some necessary measures.

Of course, the skill bar is also limited. Compared to other adventurers, Roja's skill bar has four more slots. However, this does not mean that Roja can blindly select skills. The remaining skill slots must still be left. Other high-level skills.

The adventurers here are still too basic. Basically, there is no high-level profession. They are all idiots. Roya sighed. Do they need more and stronger skills? Or should they go to other cities?

The plot has not started yet, and the upper limit of the surrounding monsters is just like that.

Roya took out Eris from the bag and counted it, and taught the adventurer in front of him.

At the same time, he said to everyone: "I have no skill points. Thank you for your help."

Everyone immediately lay back on the chair like a deflated ball, with regretful expressions on their faces.

Roya paused, looked at everyone and said loudly: "However, don't be discouraged if you didn't get a place. I will pay for this meal tonight."

Instantly, the guild became noisy.

The noise did not affect Roya. Roya just waved his hand. After finishing the meal, he paid the bill and walked out of the guild and walked towards the hotel.

The room is naturally the best. The difference between the rooms in the town is not particularly big. There is a living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom for washing. The toilet is another independent small single room.

The room is about 50 square meters, enough for Luoya's daily life.

The bedding has been laid out, and the white sheets and white bedding are lying quietly on the bed. Luoya looks at the bright moon outside the house and sits in a daze on the chair in the living room.

The future is still long, and Luoya still has a lot to do.

Opening the system panel and looking at the cold numbers on it, Luoya fell into deep thought.

In fact, sometimes Luoya feels that all this is too unreal. Every night, there will be a little time to feel a little confused.

If this period of time is replaced by the previous life, it would be late at night.

The full moon is hanging high outside the house, and the house is quiet.

Luoya sits on a chair and quietly plays with the ring in his hand.


The next morning, Luoya sat up from the bed.

Get up, wash, and then tidy up your appearance a little.

Opening the door, going out, breathing a breath of fresh air, Roya walked towards the blacksmith shop.

Roya wanted to take a long sword as his weapon.

Esther and Restia are still sealed and cannot be summoned.

The main reason is that the magic power bypasses the shackles, which is already the limit. When it is converted into divine power, it will be consumed twice, and that little bit of divine power energy cannot summon Esther and Restia at all.

Divine power is like this. It doesn't seem to matter at ordinary times, but it is stuck in the other world.

Arriving at the blacksmith shop and pushing open the door, the room is cold and deserted. A strong man yawned. He was not working at the moment. The man glanced at Roya and said casually: "What does the customer want?"

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