One-hit bear.

It is a very famous monster.

This is a large bear completely covered with black fur. It has strong limbs and a sturdy body. It only needs one claw to slap down. No matter how high the level of the adventurer is, as long as he is not specialized in defense or has defensive props to assist, his head will be shattered by a slap.

Basically, as long as it hits, he will be beaten into mud.

If you want to defeat such a monster, unless you are a high-level adventurer above level 30, you must at least form a standard adventurer team to fight this monster.

Therefore, in a town like Axel where novice adventurers gather, the task of defeating such a powerful monster may not be accepted even if it is posted on the bulletin board for a year or two.

However, such a monster was found by a young boy who had just become an adventurer.

The afternoon sun shone in the forest, and the ground reflected the mottled shadows of the trees. The boy played with a dagger in his hand and headed towards the depths of the forest with an expressionless face.

One-Strike Bear, although Roya did not accept such a task, it does not mean that Roya cannot fight against it.

As long as he kills it and brings its body over, and other adventurers do not accept the commission, the reward will still be paid.

In fact, for guilds in small places, it is not necessary to accept the commission to pay the bounty.

Of course, Roya was too lazy to bring such a huge body over.

The soft sunlight shone on the handsome face of the boy, and every step he took made a rustling sound when he stepped on the branches and leaves.

There was no sound around except the sound of branches and leaves colliding.

Axel was surrounded by weak monsters.

And when weak monsters sensed the breath of powerful monsters, they would often avoid that place.

Although One-Strike Bear was not a demon king cadre, nor was it so powerful that all the monsters in the forest fled, the closer they got to its location, the fewer traces of monsters there were.

It didn't take long to move forward, and soon, the silent forest was awakened by a low roar.

In the middle of the forest, a giant black bear with a body of five meters was lying on the ground, chewing something in its mouth.

Roya had good eyesight and saw that the other party was eating a corpse of a monster.

Roya couldn't tell what species it was, because the other party was only left with flesh and bones, and the smell of blood kept floating and soon spread to Roya.

Roya thought for a moment, looking at the back of the neck of the one-shot bear, he fell into deep thought.

Roya didn't learn the stealth skill. Logically, at such a close distance, the other party should have discovered him.

Maybe it was eating heartily, or maybe it didn't take me seriously at all, the beast was still eating recklessly.

So, should I attack?

With my MP, can I withstand the opponent's attack once?

After all, it is a monster that can be said to kill in one hit, so it should be very strong, right?

Roya raised his hand, gathered magic power, and prepared to secretly poke the opponent in one second.

However, just as Roya raised his hand and the magic power surged, the One Strike Bear, which had been crawling on the ground, suddenly raised its head, stood up with its burly body at a very fast speed, and roared at Roya's position.

The roar resounded throughout the forest, and the One Strike Bear's ferocious eyes turned towards Roya's position, and its huge bear paws rolled forward, and the ground was directly stepped on by the One Strike Bear to create a deep pit.

If it were an ordinary adventurer, he might have been hit by a shocking debuff.

"Have you been discovered? It's not that simple." Roya muttered to himself, but his hands did not stop moving at all.

No matter which world they are in, the instincts of wild animals are quite sharp. Perhaps they sensed danger, or they sensed the seriousness of the problem. In short, Roya's whereabouts have been exposed.

Without any hesitation, out of caution, Roya pulled back a distance and chanted: "The majestic armor of the earth surrounds me! 'Earth Fortress'""

The ground around Roya bulged, and the stone wall rose out of thin air, rising in front of the One-Strike Bear.

The One-Strike Bear roared, and its huge body drove inertia. The huge figure did not stop at all. The One-Strike Bear raised its claws and pounced directly on the stone wall in front of it.

The violent power gathered together, and the One-Strike Bear lived up to its name. The claws collided with the stone wall, and the terrifying force poured into it. The stone wall only stayed for a moment, and then it could no longer bear it. With a bang, it fell to the ground and turned into a pile of rubble.

However, this period of time still gave Roya enough time to prepare.

""Cut the enemy with the scorching sword! 'Flame Slice'""

""Punish the target with the heroic ice sword! 'Icicle Edge'""

"""Earth Falling Bullet Pillar』」”

The flames burst out, followed by the gathering of ice. A stone spun and gathered, then suddenly burst out, mixed with the broken ice and bombarded the body of the One Strike Bear.

The flaming sword cut through the thick fat of the One Strike Bear, and the brown fur was scorched by the scorching heat, and the original brown fur turned black.

The One Strike Bear roared in pain, and the scarlet in his eyes became more intense. His palms left the ground and rushed towards Roya's position.

However, the fire magic at the beginning was just an appetizer. What followed was the earth-falling bomb that came later and arrived first. The stone carried a strong kinetic potential energy and suddenly hit Roya's forehead.

The One-Strike Bear was stunned by the falling earth bullet. Its head tilted and it was knocked to the ground by the huge impact energy. Its body twitched and blood flowed down its forehead.

However, this was not the end. The frost blade followed, and the long sword wrapped in ice directly tore the fat of the One-Strike Bear and nailed the One-Strike Bear to the ground.

The bright red blood flowed out, and the One-Strike Bear, which was half black and half brown, fell to the ground, breathing in the air.

A trace of fear flashed across the ferocious beast's eyes. It was not until this moment that it understood the fate it was about to face.

Luo Ya walked to the One-Strike Bear with an expressionless face, looking at the guy in front of him who took in more air and exhaled less, and raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a bright smile.

The broken blade cut the One-Strike Bear's neck, and the hideous and ugly bear head rolled to the side. The One-Strike Bear was completely dead at this moment.

At this moment, the system prompt sound rang in Luo Ya's ears again.

[Your level is upgraded, and you get five free attribute points and three skill points. 】

【Your level has been upgraded, and you have gained five free attribute points and three skill points. 】

And there were four such pleasant voices.

The One-Strike Bear provided Roya with a lot of experience, which allowed him to level up four levels. In this day, Roya went from level one to level twelve.

His strength was improved again, his shackles loosened a little, and he could use more magic power.

For a moment, Roya felt that this world was actually quite simple.

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