Rudeus knelt on the ground in a panic, supporting himself with his hands. The wooden sword had already been knocked aside. Roya walked up to Rudeus and asked, "Are you okay?"

Rudeus smiled bitterly in his heart. How could he be okay?

Garr nodded, looked at Rudeus lying on the ground, thought for a while, and began to comment, "Kid, you lack courage. Your sword skills just now were average."

The comment was very short, only a few sentences. As for the Sun Breathing being evaluated as average by the Sword God, Roya was not surprised. Tsugikoku Yoshiichi was a genius, but compared to the inheritance of the generations of Sword Gods in the Reincarnation of the Jobless, it was still much inferior.

The foundation was here. The Sword God Style was not just the realization of a generation of Sword Gods. It had been passed down for at least hundreds of years. Each generation of Sword Gods was not a rare child of heaven, but also a genius picked from a hundred.

With this background, Gar also has his own pride. The Breath of the Sun does have its merits, but he is indeed qualified to evaluate it as average.

Roya shrugged his shoulders and did not comment on Gar's evaluation.

Gar's eyes were on Alice, and he nodded to Alice and said, "You are next."

Alice stepped forward and took out the wooden sword from the wooden rack next to her. The girl held the wooden sword in her right hand and looked at Gar without any fear.

Gar said to Alice, "Are you ready?"

Alice nodded solemnly, looking at the red-haired kid in front of her, Gar's mouth corners raised, revealing two rows of cold white teeth, and the familiar pressure began to dissipate. Unlike what Alice felt before, this time the pressure was only aimed at her, and Alice really felt that huge sense of oppression.

As a bystander, she also felt uncomfortable, but this time she was not a bystander, but Alice was standing in front of Gar.

But unlike Rudeus, this sense of oppression made Alice feel upset.

Different people will have different emotions when facing the same challenge. If Rudeus will retreat when he feels the powerful aura of the old sword god, then Alice will feel extremely irritable.

Alice perfectly illustrates what it means to be a newborn calf that is not afraid of a tiger. Her red eyes stare closely at the face of the old sword god.

Feeling the aura of Alice, Garl's mouth curled up and showed a provocative smile.

"Your aura is very good. You look like you are ready to kill me at any time. If you can do it, try it?"

Then, Alice went up.

There were no fancy moves, nor did she build up momentum like Rudeus, she went straight up.

Her long red hair stood up, her breathing became rapid, and she exuded a wild and savage aura like a beast.

Alice's movements were very fast, much faster than Rudeus, because she only had the idea of ​​knocking down the person in front of her, and she was not inferior even when she started to fight.

In a flash, Alice had already arrived in front of Gar, and the wooden sword slashed down horizontally, without the slightest aesthetic feeling, but directly and decisively.

Gar dodged sideways, Alice's performance could only be described as brilliant, but how could a kid who had never even stepped over an intermediate swordsman possibly cause harm to Gar.

Alice's long sword slashed into the air, and the girl did not hesitate at all. Since it was slashed into the air, she would chop it again, and there would always be a sword that could hit the opponent.

Alice thought so and acted so.

Then, there was nothing else.

A figure flew backwards at a faster speed than when it came, rolled a few times, and then fell to the ground.

Alice's face buried in the ground, in close contact with the earth.

"Tsk." Roya smacked his lips.

Fighting is not just about momentum.

But this time, Alice's injury was much more serious than Rudeus's.

Alice just lay on the ground, her fingers trembling slightly, and the wooden sword she was holding had already flown away.

Roya walked to Alice's side, stretched out his hand to help Alice up, the girl's face flushed red after being slashed by the sword, her face was covered with dust and dirt.

Alice opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word.

The wound on her body was not serious. The wooden sword was a blunt weapon, and it would hurt for a while when it hit someone, but it would be fine after a while.

Even though Gar's attack was a bit heavy, he avoided the vital parts, so she didn't have to lie in bed for two or three months.

But resting for a day or two seemed necessary.

Roya thought about it, and still used magic to dredge Alice's meridians. It was just a simple treatment, nothing special, and then put Alice aside, walked to Gar, nodded and said: "Then, it should be me next."

Gar still looked like a cynical old man, but the look in his eyes became sharper.

"Then get ready."

Gar didn't shout to start directly. The old sword god stood up straight, his hawk-like eyes narrowed, and the old guy took a stance, looking ready for battle.

The stance that Gar took was the Iai stance, which was his most common method to deal with the opponent's attack.

No matter how the opponent attacked, Gar would use faster and stronger moves to quickly block the opponent's attack, and then cut off the opponent's wooden sword.

If this was on the battlefield, it would be to cut off the arm, and then take off the opponent's head in an instant.

The distance between the two was not far, the venue was so large, and the distance between the two was only a matter of a moment. Even if there were a few more feet or dozens of feet, it would be useless.

For the old sword god, there is only one difference between him being able to hit the opponent with a wave of his hand, and having to run a few steps before he can hit the opponent.

Roja took a step forward and took a stance.

Put the wooden sword to your waist, press down sideways, and put your center of gravity forward so that you can attack at any time.

The aura all over his body was condensed together, invisible, and the transparent world hid the strong sense of oppression. The second level of the sword heart was also opened. The two complemented each other. Almost instantly, Roja saw Gal's movements. Thorough.

Holding the sword in his right hand, Iai opened his stance with his center of gravity in front of his right foot. It seemed that he was preparing to attack with force, and Gal had no intention of evading it.

The corner of Roja's mouth curled up. The old sword god was very confident. Do you really think he would be faster than him?

It didn't open for a moment, but the dragon's blood was already boiling.

The hot dragon's blood flowed to all parts of the body along with the heart, and the aura of violence came from Roja's body. Even if the world was clear, he could not completely hide the violence engraved in his bones.

The dazzling golden eyes exuded a cold chill in this cold morning.

Gal's brows furrowed, and he used a little more strength with his right hand holding the wooden sword on the right side.

Roja's breathing quickened, and then he took action suddenly.

"The sword of light!" Roja muttered silently in his heart.

Almost instantly, Roja's figure disappeared from the spot. In Gal's perception, a figure appeared on his right side at an almost teleporting speed, appearing outside the range of his sword.

The other party is very experienced and knows exactly what this distance means.

As long as he crosses this distance, Gal can quickly knock down the kid in front of him with lightning speed.

The opponent seemed to be aware of this, and specially blocked a position to test outside the attack range.

So the question is, should we take action now?

The distance is not enough, the current distance is not safe.

If you take action, you will definitely be noticed by the opponent, and the opponent will be able to respond with corresponding sword moves.

Thinking of this, Gal couldn't help but clicked his tongue and cursed: "Cunning little devil."

However, it doesn't matter, just give in to the other party. In the face of absolute strength, everything is false.

Gal thought so and believed so.

The kid in front of him looks to be about seventeen or eighteen years old (actually fifteen years old). No matter how talented he is at this age, he will only have peak king-level strength at most. As long as he is faster, the kid in front of him will definitely not be his opponent.

With such thoughts passing through his mind, the old sword god took hold of the drawn sword, stepped forward, and unsheathed it.

The senses were strengthened to the extreme, and a figure appeared on the right side of Roya almost at a teleporting speed. With the blessing of Roja's inner eye, an afterimage was already rushing towards him.

He wants to use strong attack against strong attack?

After thinking this way, Roja's wooden sword was already swung out.

There was no sound, the wind was swaying, blowing Roja's bright blond hair.

The speed of this sword was extremely fast, and it seemed that even the wind did not know when it was being cut by the wooden sword.

Gal concentrated on Roja's every move, and the moment Roja drew his sword, he already recognized the name of the sword.

"A silent sword?"

As soon as the thought came up, the long sword was swung to its highest point and slashed towards his waist.

"No, it's much faster than that! When did he master this technique?"

In a flash of thought, the old sword god put away the slight contempt that existed before. The long sword changed its original sword path. Gal's right arm swelled at this moment, and the veins in his thick arm popped out, even more than Roja's. Swinging violently at a fast speed.

Roja's eyes were filled with excitement. Within the range of his perception, Gal's long sword had disappeared. Roja opened the spiritual world, and magic power came out of his head. The four elements instantly enveloped the surrounding territory. His perception was strengthened again, and his mental power also began. Put outside.

Gal's speed was very fast, but the speed at which Roja's domain expanded was equally fast. Both of them completed the confrontation in almost the blink of an eye.

Roja's alarm sounded loudly, and the invisible sword force oppressed him. A strong sense of danger lingered in his heart. The dragon's blood became even hotter and boiling at this moment. Almost at this moment, he instinctively wanted to use the spirit of speech to deal with it. The immediate crisis.

Roja suppressed this instinctive impulse, now was not the time.

He did not come here to defeat the opponent, his main purpose was to break through the Sword God style.

The strength of the old sword god is only that of the lower-level powers, and compared with the three upper-level powers, it is not at the same level.

Besides, he didn't have any chance of winning.

The "eyes" have "seen" the opponent's sword, but the body cannot keep up with the opponent's speed.

Time was stretched infinitely at this moment. For anyone, it was less than a thousandth of a second. Luo Ya was stunned to think about a lot of things.

Want to avoid it?

It was definitely unavoidable. Unless the instant acceleration was activated, the sword would definitely fall on him.

Then we can only forcefully interrupt his attack.

Facing the opponent's fierce sword, Luo Ya's eyes showed a look of madness. The young man advanced instead of retreating, and the power accumulated in his right arm poured into the sword like a savage beast.

high speed?

It is true that Roja cannot achieve such a fast speed, but Roja possesses a terrifying power.

He never thought about being able to surpass the opponent in terms of speed.

Because of Roja's great power, the wooden sword even had a faint tendency to collapse. Elements gathered on the wooden sword to strengthen the durability of the wooden sword.

Gal didn't know what Roja was thinking. When he saw Roja facing his attack instead of retreating, a sneer appeared on his lips.

If the opponent is willing to take a step back, with Roja's speed, it is really possible for him to dodge this sword due to the distance. Although he can easily defeat the opponent with his second sword by then, the opponent can still be regarded as a follow-up. After using this trick of his own, even if he goes out, he can brag to outsiders for a whole year.

But now, Roja has chosen the stupidest path instead of retreating, and actually plans to confront him. This made Gal sigh in his heart: "After all, he has the temper of a young man."

I always think that adversity can turn the tide of the war, so how can the facts be like those novels?

As expected, Gal's wooden sword struck first and struck Roja's wrist with thunderous force.

However, the timing was not very good. Roja reacted and was unable to knock down the opponent's long sword. Gal changed his strategic goal and slashed horizontally towards the weak point of the opponent's wooden sword.

Gal originally thought that the dust had settled, but no matter how strong the skinny young man in front of him was, it was impossible to say that he could surpass him in strength, an old man who had been practicing for almost fifty years.

Gal himself is also born with divine power, and coupled with long-term sword practice, guys like Chiryu can do it one sword at a time.

Even though the physical strength is not as strong as those inhuman creatures standing at the top of the pyramid, it is definitely not weak.

But when the long sword collided with the long sword, Gal's expression changed.

A huge force came, and the long swords intertwined with each other. The terrifying force cut back the light-speed slash like a crushing force.

A wooden sword is a wooden sword after all, and Roja also used some small tricks to forcibly enchant the wooden sword.

The Sword God does have some tricks. With his normal speed, Roja is indeed no match for him, but he can make up for it with other things in terms of speed.

Just like now, as long as you can keep up with the opponent's speed, even the Light Sword is not invincible.

Invincible is invincible.

But even the enchanted wooden sword was completely unable to withstand this slash.

The moment the two swords met, they were in a stalemate for a second, and then shattered.

Gal fell into silence. His right arm was shaking slightly. Looking at the chopped wooden sword, he was speechless for the first time.

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