Alice's character still needs to be polished. Roja is a young man who has received a modernist education. Although he has also enjoyed the dividends of capitalists, he does not think Alice's statement is correct.

Roja wanted to correct Alice's thoughts, stretched out his hand, grabbed Alice's cheeks, and pulled them to both sides.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Alice grabbed Roja's hand with both hands, trying to stop Roja's movements.

Roja ignored the girl's resistance and said angrily: "Alice, it's a bit too much to talk like this. You have to be compassionate towards the weak. If you really want to follow your words, then what do I think about you?" Where's Lenu? Where's Rudeus?"

Alice opened her mouth and retorted: "You are different. You are all my family. I like you very much."

For Alice, both Roja and Kirenu are like family to the girl.

Girls rarely acknowledge others, but once they acknowledge others, they will wholeheartedly give their back to others.

Roja's words are actually a bit unreasonable. After analyzing the specific situation, can Roja and Alice be compared with each other?

The answer is naturally no, and the so-called comparison naturally does not hold.

Luo Ya let go and looked at the girl with red cheeks and sighed. Luo Ya reached out and touched the girl's head and said: "Little people have their own survival rules. I don't want you to discriminate against those people because of this or that thing in the future. Civilians, if they were born with a choice, who would want to be a civilian? "

Roja's words were too profound for Alice. Alice thought for a while, translated Roja's words, and said directly: "Don't you like this?"

Roja was slightly startled, but smiled and said: "Yes, I don't like this."

"Oh, then I'll try my best to change it."

Alice replied like this, with a serious look on her face.

Luo Ya showed an old father's smile and felt somewhat inexplicable sense of accomplishment when he saw that his education was successful.

Kirenu was listening on the sidelines. He thought about this and said, "There is no need to restrain yourself too much. Alice can just be herself."

Roja shrugged and said nothing more.

Alice is still young and has a long road ahead in her life. Her parents will protect her in the first half, but she will have to rely on herself in the second half.

The golden dusk fell, and the afterglow of the setting sun filled the whole world, and everything was dyed golden.

Everyone finally succeeded in finding the location of the Holy Land of Swords before dark.

There is a valley town at the entrance. The valley town is very lively. After passing through the valley town and walking forward, you can see the Holy Land of Swords.

Compared to other names, Roja's impression of the Holy Land of Swords was ordinary at first sight.

Although the territory is large, there are no magnificent palaces, nor is there anything like the legendary sword.

It is a very simple practice venue with a few ordinary houses inside.

The houses are very ordinary, some are similar to courtyard houses, but there are some differences from them. The number of houses is not small, but not too many. Some rooms look larger, and some rooms look smaller.

The decorations of the houses are not exactly the same, and some are obviously much more luxurious inside.

Roja turned his inquiring gaze to Kirenu. Because he was not familiar with the place, Roja did not want to directly overshadow the guest. It would not be good for the old sword god to think that he was here to cause trouble.

Kirenu tilted his head, wondering why Roja was looking at him.

Roja helplessly held his forehead and said to Kirenu: "What should I do with the rest? I mean see Master Qi?"

Kirenu showed a look of surprise, and the orc warriors strode toward the inside. The two disciples guarding outside were slightly startled when they saw a group of people.

One of the disciples originally wanted to open his mouth to stop the two from entering, but a disciple next to him quickly pulled him to bend down and salute.

"I've met Lord Sword King."

Kirenu nodded, then walked directly into the door and glanced towards the center of the training ground.

It was already dark at this time, and the students who usually practiced swordsmanship had also dispersed.

Kirenu glanced around and found no trace of the old sword god.

Without hesitation, Kirenu shouted directly: "Hey, old guy, where are you? I need your help with something!"

Kirenu's voice was loud, and his voice spread throughout the training ground. Some students who were watching the excitement poked their heads in, curiously looking at where Kirenu was, and whispering to the side.

"Did I hear you right? She seemed to have called "Old Guy" just now. Did "Old Guy" mean Master?"

"I remembered, she is Sword King Kirianu. Didn't she go on a long journey? Why is she back?"

"Sword King?"

The noise and whispers made Kirennu frown, with a displeased look on his face.

Although it was night, the oil lamps had been lit early, and there was enough light inside and outside the house. The students could clearly see the unhappy look on Kirianu's face. Kirianu's appearance was inherently vicious, and as long as he showed a slight hint of displeasure, The look on his face gave people the impression of being an evil spirit, and soon everyone stopped talking. However, they stopped talking, and these students who were not too concerned about the matter still planned to watch the fun.

The excitement soon came as expected, and a loud voice came from the back room: "Why are you shouting? It's so noisy."

A man with a scar on his face walked out of the room. The man's upper body was naked, revealing a powerful body. He looked about fifty years old, with gray hair. Fifty years old is not considered old in this world. The average person can live to be over ninety years old. After tempering with magic power, people who usually practice martial arts can reach around a hundred years old.

For the old sword god, living for more than one hundred and twenty years is more than enough.

Of course, a human's life of more than a hundred years is still too short for other races.

In terms of lifespan, even a demon like Luo Qixi, who is not very powerful, can live for three to four hundred years, which is more than enough.

The man was very tall, even taller than Kirennu. The old sword god walked to the middle, casually moved the chair next to him, sat down and looked at Kirennu sideways, and said coldly: "What are you doing here? , didn’t you say you wouldn’t come back?”

Jirenu choked, pointed to Roja and Alice next to him and said: "I found two very talented disciples outside. One of them is far stronger than me. I can no longer teach him any more." too much."

The old sword god sneered, took out his ears and said casually: "Then you came to me just to ask me to teach you which one you say is far superior to you?"

Kirinu nodded straightforwardly.

The old sword god curled his lips and said: "It seems that you still haven't changed. Forget it, since you are here, let's stay for a while. However, don't expect me to teach them."

Speaking of this, the old sword god glanced sideways at Roja, who was standing aside without speaking.

After just one glance, the old sword god let out a light sigh, sat up straight, and began to look at Roja carefully.

The boy's facial features were perfect, almost to the point of being too perfect, and the old swordsman couldn't even find any flaws in his appearance.

The old sword god looked at it for a moment and said: "The young man is quite handsome. He is half as handsome as I was when I was young. Is this the disciple you call me?"

Kirenu curled his lips and corrected the mistake in the Sword God's mouth: "You were not very handsome when you were young."

The sword god ignored Kirenu, frowned, raised his two pairs of sword eyebrows, and looked at Roja with a somewhat strange expression.

"Your name is Roja, right? Are you studying the Sword God Style?"

The old sword god asked.

Roya nodded.

The old sword god stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Roja's bones, but Roja dodged it without expression.

The old sword god shrugged and said, "Don't be so nervous. Let me see your level so I can know whether you are suitable to be my disciple."

The corner of Roja's mouth twitched, he thought for a moment, looked at the unremarkable sword god in front of him and said, "Didn't you say you won't call us?"

The old sword god picked his nose, looked at Roja and continued: "You are very strong, aren't you? Being able to reach this point at this age is enough to show that you are excellent. I have no reason to refuse, right?"

After saying that, the old sword god glanced at Alice behind Roja, thought for a moment and said: "As for you, give it a try."

The result of the first meeting was not that wonderful, at least for a few people,

The legendary image of the sixth of the seven great powers collapsed at this moment, and everyone could only see laziness and arrogance in him.

Just a hint of aura inadvertently revealed by the old sword god always made people feel frightened.

The conversation did not end here. The old sword god was very curious about Roja, with an incomprehensible light shining in his eyes.

"My name is Galfarion. I believe you all know my name from Kirenu." Gal looked around and said to everyone.

Rudeus got behind Roja and glanced at Gal. The moment his eyes came into contact with him, he suddenly felt as if he was being stared at by something terrifying, and his face instantly turned pale.

Gal glanced at Rudeus and snorted coldly: "You are much worse than the girl next to you. Your achievements will not go far."

Gal said so.

Gal's words naturally made Rudeus feel very dissatisfied, but when he opened his mouth, Rudeus couldn't say anything.

Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed what Gal said.

Gal looked at everyone, thought for a moment and said: "Kilenu, because you all came here suddenly, there are not many places in the room, and the beds are already full. You can think of things like staying overnight. The solution is to come to me and test them both tomorrow morning, oh, no."

Gal's eyes stayed on Rudeus, and he paused and continued: "The strength of three."

Facing Gar's half-smiling expression, Rudeus nodded bravely.

Compared to Rudeus, who looked nervous as if facing a powerful enemy, Roja felt much more relaxed.

In terms of strength, Roja did not say that the Sword God style has reached the Sword Emperor. Even if he has just entered the level of the Sword Emperor, even if the old Sword God Gal wants to defeat him, he must show his true ability. .

And Roja was not worried at all that Gal would refuse to teach him.

Roja is only fifteen years old now, but he has already reached the level of Sword Emperor. As long as he works hard, it will not be difficult to break through to the god level in the future.

This is basically a done deal. Only Garr would be crazy to refuse the favor of one future sword god after another.

Kendo attaches great importance to inheritance, and the same goes for seniority. Respecting teachers and respecting the Tao is not just talk in this era.

Many people have one and only one master in their lives, unless, of course, they have the same origin.

Gar yawned, waved his hand, and went into the house to rest.

Gilenu glanced at everyone, and said in a cold tone: "You have seen it, we have to find a way to solve it tonight."

It is impossible to solve it. The valley town is at the door. What is there to think about.

Roya took everyone to the town and found a room to stay for one night.

The number of rooms is limited. Alice is still pestering Roya as usual. Rudius did not make trouble for himself and tried to squeeze in with Gilenu with a thick face.

He squeezed in, and Gilenu looked indifferent. Roya was afraid that Rudius would not be honest, so he called him over and knocked him from the side.

Rudeus showed a bitter smile on his face, and said a little aggrievedly: "Brother Luoya, you know me, even if I want to do something, Master Jilenu will definitely be able to knock me down easily."

Roya rolled his eyes. Jilenu's stubborn mind can be fooled by just a few words. If Rudeus really has the ability, he can deceive Jilenu eight times a night.

It can only be said that the little pervert is like this.

Roya didn't say much, and said directly: "To some extent, Jilenu is still your stepmother. After all, Paul has an affair with her. In short, everything that should be said has been said. If you are really beaten by Paul, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Rudeus showed a dissatisfied look, and Rudeus said directly: "What about you? Brother? Is it comfortable to sleep with Alice in your arms?"

"Yeah, what, do you want to come too?" Luoya glanced at the yellow-haired kid.

Ou Doudou now knows how to argue with him, it's time to clean up.

Being forced back by Roya's gaze, Rudius was indignant in his heart. He felt strongly indignant that Roya questioned his character. He snorted coldly and went to find Gileno.

Rudius decided to directly knock down Roya's favorability by Gileno's side.

What kind of harmless and sunny boy is all disguise.

In fact, the essence is the same, all scumbags. Rudius should advise Gileno to keep a close eye on Alice and not let the good cabbage be cheated away by the pig.

The effect is average. Gileno blocked all of Rudius' words with one sentence.

"Alice has her own judgment on this matter. Her happiness is in her hands. I will not interfere with her judgment."

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