It is impossible to make tea. In fact, the cat-eared maid does not know how to make tea. She just goes out to find the butler, repeats the other person's needs to the butler, bows slightly, and leaves to do the work she should do.

Although the housekeeper was a little confused, when he saw Luo Ya, he still suppressed the doubts in his heart, nodded and leaned towards Luo Ya and said: "Master Luo Ya, good morning."

Young Master was just an honorific title. Roja didn't care and nodded slightly as a polite response.

The housekeeper made a pot of tea for Luo Ya. It was still a familiar recipe and tasted almost the same.

It can't be said to be very good, but it can't be said to be bad either.

After waiting for a moment, Phillip walked out of the room.

The young aristocrat was well-dressed and a gentleman. The brown suit seemed to be his label. Philip was a little surprised when he saw Roja. After all, Roja usually did not have much interaction with Philip.

An accident was an accident, but Phillip still put on a smile, sat opposite Roja, nodded slightly to the boy and said: "Good morning, Roja."

"Good morning, Mr. Philip." Roya nodded as well.

"It's rare to see you looking for me. I must have something to do, right?" Phillip went straight to the point without any nonsense.

Roja nodded and said what he had planned in his heart: "I want Alice to go to the Holy Land of Swords with me. This will be of no harm to her. You must have been with Alice for so long, I also know what kind of girl she is, and the life of a noble is not suitable for her. She has shown enough talent in swordsmanship and enough resilience. I admire her very much and hope to take her further. "

Phillip looked at the young man with blond hair and golden eyes with a half-smile, and Phillip said nonchalantly: "Is it just admiration?"

Roja shrugged, leaned on the chair and said, "It's more about appreciation."

Phillip nodded noncommittally, but then his expression became serious. Phillip said in a deep voice: "It seems you haven't figured it out yet. I hired Sword King Kirenu not specifically to be Alice's teacher." "It's just because Kirenu can become Alice's teacher, so she is temporarily placed next to Alice. Kirenu's real obligation is to protect the safety of the family, not the teacher."

Roja nodded and waited for Phillip to continue.

Philip continued: "I don't know what you think, but since Alice was born in the family, I can accommodate her in small things. Even if she wants to do something very excessive, I will try my best to satisfy her." , However, in the face of family interests, she does not have much choice. "

Roja's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't speak, and the atmosphere fell into silence.

Phillip was still smiling. The two people's positions were not opposite. He was just stating a fact.

A fact that Alice had never considered.

If there was no Roja, if there was no Rudeus, Philip decided to wait until his daughter was older, send her to the king's palace, and then find a way to kill the emperor.

Since as a noble, you enjoy the conveniences that a noble daughter has, you must bear the obligations of a noble daughter.

Don't say it's fair or unfair, it's normal, that's how nobles are.

There was nothing to complain about, it was just that now that he had a better choice, Phillip chose to press that idea.

Roja's strength is very strong. If he can really become the sword god of the seven great powers, then there will be a lot of room for maneuver.

Even though it is impossible for Roya to rush into the Asra royal family and kill all those scum for their family, he can definitely rely on the power of Roya's fox.

In fact, to a certain extent, the two people's ideas are quite different.

Philip wanted to use Roja's reputation and emotions to operate, and Roja wanted Philip to use the old sword god's prestige to operate.

There is nothing wrong with both of their ideas. They can get a certain degree of protection by doing this. At least the royal family's jackals will be afraid.

But the difference is that Roja only wants to protect Philip and his family, while Philip wants to go further.

Become a disciple of the old sword god? No, no, no, not enough.

It's better to become the new sword god's wife directly.

This is what Philip thinks, and Philip has indeed noticed that Alice has a high affection for Roja. In this case, it is better to follow the trend.

The idea is good, and there are actually no big holes.

But Philip didn't expect that Roja would take the initiative to come over and talk about this matter.

So the question is, should we agree to Roja's request?

Let Alice follow Roja to the Holy Land of Swords.

Phillip tapped his fingers on the table. This was a subconscious behavior of Phillip thinking about the problem.

Philip said: "Are you going to Cyrenus too?"

Roja nodded and said: "Kileenu is also going. Not only Alice, I also need her introduction."

"It should be so." Philip pondered.

Then he raised his eyes, looked at Roja and said, "I need a promise from you that you will help us when we are in danger."

Roja did not agree immediately, but asked: "Is it just a crisis?"

Phillip sighed and looked at the sky in the distance. The sky was gray and the sun was blocked by gray clouds. It looked like there should be a light rain.

"It's just a time of crisis. How about it? If you agree, I can let my daughter and Kirennu follow you temporarily. Of course, the time cannot be too long, only one month. In one month, Kirennu must come back. This is my final bottom line. If those nobles know that Kirennu is not with us, they will definitely think of other things."

Roja shrugged and didn't have much reaction to Phillip's words.

However, Roja, who was originally lazy, suddenly straightened up and raised a finger to Phillip. Roja said to Phillip: "I hope you will agree to one more condition, a very simple condition."

Phillip raised his eyebrows and waited quietly for the next step.

"I think Alice can follow me in the future and there is no need to make any sacrifices for the family."

Roja's expression was calm, but he could not help but exude a heart-stopping aura.

Phillip's smile froze, feeling an unprecedented pressure.

Taking a deep breath, Phillip's smile faded. After thinking for a moment, he agreed directly without any additional conditions.

"Okay." The corners of Phillip's mouth raised and his original smile returned.

Roja looked at the handsome and elegant noble in front of him, took a deep look at him, nodded and said: "Then let's decide."

Philip is a qualified businessman, and the so-called promise is not Philip's real purpose. He has more in mind.

The fact that Roja can make such a request shows that he actually cares about Alice.

Regardless of whether they become each other's wives in the future, the relationship will definitely not be simple.

With this level of relationship, many things can be solved.

This is far more than a verbal promise.

Instead of pushing the envelope and making a request that is not too big or too small, it is better to sell the other party a face, so that the other party can still accept the affection.

Phillip's abacus clicked loudly, and the beads on the abacus almost fell into Roja's face, but Roja didn't pay attention to Phillip's little thoughts.

Everyone has their own way of survival. Philip is a noble and a businessman. He wants to find a backer for himself. Roja understands that as long as the bottom line is not touched, Roja doesn't mind helping him.

After taking care of Philip, Roja found Kirenu and told him about the situation in general.

Kirenu frowned and said a faint "Oh" before saying anything else.

The thing about Kirennu is that since he is employed by his employer, whatever the employer says is what he says.

Nodding to show that he understood, Cyrennu asked: "When will we set off?"

Roja thought: "I was planning to leave today, but I didn't expect you to come with me. In that case, let's do it tomorrow. Can you prepare what you need?"

The orc warrior raised his eyes in confusion, and Kirenu asked: "What do you need?"

Roja thought for a moment and said, "Things like clothing, food and drink."

After explaining in detail what he needed to bring, Roja thought for a while and decided that he had taken Alice away. Rudeus would definitely not be able to stay here. Anyway, the red dragon's back was very big and could not accommodate another yellow-haired brat. It's also more than enough.

What started out as a solo trip suddenly turned into a group vacation for four people.

After finding Rudeus and explaining the reason, Rudeus heard that he could travel, and that Roya would escort him along the way, with a happy look on his face.

But when he thought about going to a place he was unfamiliar with, A Zhai's character made him subconsciously retreat.

But even if he retreats, it's useless. Under Roja's coercion and coercion, he has to go this time even if he doesn't want to go.

At night, in Roya's room, he explained the situation to Alice, and Alice threw herself directly into Roya's arms.

"In short, the situation is like this. Of course, your stay will not be too long. In one month, after one month, even if you want to stay there, I will ask Kirennu to send you back."

Roja warned Alice: "So, how much you can learn depends on where you progress."

Alice nodded obediently, as if she would never cause trouble there.

The more the other party behaves like this, the bigger Roja feels.

However, we have to analyze the specific situation in detail and we will see how things turn out when the time comes.

Early the next morning, Roja and his family were ready to set off.

Because her daughter went out, both Philip and Alice's mother came to see her off. Alice's mother didn't look good. She didn't understand why Alice was asked to go so far away.

Philip touched his daughter's head, said a few words of encouragement, then waved and watched Roja and the others leave.

The weather on this day was a little better than yesterday. Although the weather was still gloomy, it did not drizzle.

Autumn is sweeping across, and the breeze is blowing everyone's clothes.

Because of Roja's request, Alice and Rudeus put on robes.

Alice basically obeyed Roja's words now. Even though it was still a little early to put on such clothes at this time, Alice didn't ask anything and followed everyone honestly.

Go out and walk towards the town at your feet. The intricate streets are in front of you, and there is an endless stream of vendors coming and going.

The shouts came and went, and they looked like they were thriving.

Roja ignored the vendors. He was not here to purchase. He had already brought almost everything. The Holy Land of Swords was not far from the Kingdom of Asra, but because the Kingdom of Asra was so large, it was not far from this country. It doesn't mean that it's not far from Roja.

However, these are nothing to the red dragon that can gallop in the sky. It only takes about half a day to reach the destination. If it were a horse ride, it would take at least three days.

After leaving the town and stopping under the Crooked Neck Tree, Roja asked everyone to wait. Under Kirenu's strange gaze, Roja did not choose to ride a horse.

Roja exudes magic power, and the majestic magic power turns into threads, and quickly spreads around with Roja as the center.

The jet-black thread penetrated into the ground, covering most of the surrounding map in an instant, and transmitted the message to Roja.

On the cliff in the distance, Chilong was resting with his eyes closed. He noticed a familiar power, suddenly opened his red eyes, stretched out, spread his huge wings, and soared towards Roja's location following the familiar aura.

After a while, everyone saw a red dragon attacking towards their location at an extremely fast speed.

Kirenu frowned, subconsciously pressed the hilt of the sword, and warned everyone: "Red Dragon? Why is the Red Dragon here? Everyone, be careful!"

Roja stopped Kirennu who was about to step forward to give Chiryuu a blow with the Light Sword, and said with some embarrassment: "This is my pet, well, it is also our means of transportation. If you break it, the trip may be better at night. sky."

Kirenu frowned and looked directly at Roja. She gave full play to her eagerness to ask questions when she didn't understand.

"Isn't the red dragon untamable? Roja, are you sure it won't knock us down when we fly up into the sky?"

It's not that Kirennu doesn't trust Roja, the main thing is that this matter is a bit outrageous.

"No, Master Kirenu, the red dragon is a very docile dragon." Rudeus explained appropriately.

Seeing this, Kirenu said nothing more and nodded: "That's okay."

The red dragon fell from above, its huge dragon wings stretched out, covering up the lack of sunlight. The dragon's claws touched the ground and landed successfully.

When he saw Roja, Chilong moved forward and rubbed his forehead against Roja.

The moment Alice saw the red dragon, her eyes shone brightly, her Adam's apple rolled, and she swallowed in frustration.

A giant dragon.

This is a living giant dragon. Although the red dragon's combat power is not as powerful as the black dragon in fairy tales, there is no doubt that it is a creature with dragon attributes.

Looking at the smooth scales, even advanced magic cannot penetrate the scales of the red dragon. The breath of the red dragon can instantly wipe out everyone in a small town.

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