Comprehensive comic: Starting from jobless reincarnation

Chapter 246 Information about the old sword god

Roja continued to nod, they would definitely fight each other, let's see if they can win first.

"Of course, with your current strength, you should not be his opponent. You should go and become a disciple first, learn all his skills, then challenge him, and then repair him severely." Kirenu said. .

None of the seven great powers is like Yi. Although the old sword god is ranked sixth among the seven great powers, this does not mean that the old sword god is very weak. In a sense, the old sword god definitely counts. He is a man of extraordinary talent.

If you can be on the list, a few of them will be easy-going people.

In terms of comprehensive combat power, although it is not easy for Roja to defeat the opponent, it is definitely not difficult.

But if you want to compete with the opponent in an area where the opponent is good at, it will be much more difficult.

Although human life is limited, it is this limited life that burns with infinite vitality.

"I actually want to defeat him." Roya said frankly.

Kirenu's indifferent face revealed a smile. Roja had never seen such a smile as Kirenu's. He always felt that the orc warrior's smile was a bit sinister. Alice slowly said: "You want to become a sword god. "

This is an affirmative sentence, not a question.

If anyone stood in front of Kyrenu and said he wanted to become a sword god, Kyrenu would sneer at him.

The old Sword God's character is terrible, but the fact that he has been able to hold the position of Sword God for a long time is enough to explain everything.

Even if Alice came to Kyrenu and said she wanted to defeat the old sword god, Kyrenu would not take it seriously.

But if it's Roja, maybe it's really possible.

Kirenu didn't say anything more, just said: "I can't give you accurate information. My strength is not enough to force the master to take action. If you want to win, just go to the Holy Land of Swords and have a look. I'm sorry, I can't go with you, just go there and tell me my name."

Roja nodded, not too surprised by the result.

While the two were talking, Alice looked around and finally saw the two of them on the training ground.

Roja looked over and saw that the little girl had put on the clothes she usually wore. She was wearing smart and loose clothes and a light brown leather armor. The girl excitedly waved to the two of them and said: "Hello , Roja, Master Kirenu, are you training?”

After speaking, he walked towards Roja.

Roja and Kirenu looked at each other, and Kirenu thought for a moment and said, "I'm hungry."

Roja nodded and said: "Okay, I haven't eaten yet. Let's train after eating."

The food was average and the training was as usual, nothing special.

During the lunch break, Roja called Rudeus over and discussed it. Roja finally decided to take Rudeus home for a visit.

Nolen and Aisha are already so old. If they don't see people again, they will definitely become unfamiliar.

Rudeus was ecstatic about returning home, and a picture flashed through his mind, finally settling on Sylphy's face.

Long time no see. I wonder if Sylphy is okay?

The nth day I miss Sylphy.

After some discussion, we finally decided to go home and have a look the day after tomorrow.

Although Paul believed that Rudeus should be allowed to go out to work independently and cultivate an independent spirit, Roja felt that there was no need to adhere to Paul's words too strictly.

There is still a need for affection between family members. Although fetters are binding, in a certain sense they are indispensable.

There is not only love in this world, family affection is equally precious.

A relationship worthy of attention is very important to anyone.

Rudeus strongly supported Roja's decision and said that it was okay to return home and stay a few more days.

Roja didn't say anything. Rudeus smiled, knowing that he had pushed the envelope.

After learning that he could go home, Rudeus felt that his life suddenly had hope again, and he worked harder on other things. Even sparring with Alice, he could hold on for a few more minutes before collapsing. Down.

Such an obvious change was noticed even by Kirennu.

As the saying goes, people feel refreshed during happy events, and this is how Rudeus made everyone feel.

The day passed quickly.

At night, Alice came to Roya's room just like yesterday.

Roja was still sitting on the desk with a pen and thinking about something just like last night.

Sensing Alice's arrival, Roja waved, and the girl trotted to Roja's side.

Holding the girl in his arms, Roja continued his mission.

Of course, the time to study didn't last long, after all, there was Alice with shining eyes watching next to him.

After reading for a while, Roja sighed, put down the pen and started telling today's story.

Time soon came to the day that Roja and Rudeus agreed. Roja said hello to Alice and Kirenu, and then took Rudeus to prepare to return.

Disliked that the carriage was too slow, Roja called over to the stupid dragon who was staying on the top of the mountain.

Walking to the wilderness, a burly red dragon spread its wings and landed downwards. The moment he saw the red dragon, Rudeus swallowed instinctively, the shock in his eyes undisguised.

Patting Rudeus on the shoulder, Roja walked towards the direction of the red dragon. The red dragon lowered its head and rubbed Roja intimately.

The red dragon's body became even larger, and the scales that should have been fiery red were instead mixed with obsidian-like scales.

Because of the nourishment of the demon seed, it is natural for the red dragon to become like this, and the growth in size is also within the normal range. After all, the previous red dragon was only a young dragon. It stands to reason that the growth cycle of the red dragon is very long, but because of the demon seed's For this reason, the red dragon in disguise is equivalent to taking hormones, which is originally comparable to young dragons of the same age.

The body has almost reached six meters, and the body shape has swelled even more than before. Although this physique is still not considered burly in front of the red dragon, it is not considered thin either.

Roja reached out and touched the red dragon's head, turned over and sat on top of the red dragon, waved to Rudeus who was standing in a daze below, and said angrily: "Rudeus, you are not ready to come up yet. How long are you going to stand there?”

After hearing this, Rudeus felt as if he woke up from a dream. He came to the red dragon with trembling legs. He raised his eyes and stared at the huge dragon in front of him. His legs were trembling unsatisfactorily.

Roja stretched out his hand, and the wind elements gathered at the soles of Rudeus' feet. The rising air flow directly rolled up Rudeus, and the gentle wind brought Rudeus to the back of the red dragon.

Rudeus still feels a little dazed now, and he has many questions now.

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