After comforting himself in his heart, Roja felt a little better.

Right now, getting stronger is still the first goal.

After paying the S-level plot permission honestly, a mysterious feeling appeared in Roja's body.

It was only now that Roja discovered that the door to the Elf Elemental Realm had been welded shut at some point, and with the blessing of this power, the welded door was loosened.

The voices of Esther and Restia came to my mind.

"Hey, what's wrong with me?"

"I couldn't feel the master's breath just now."

"I have a very bad feeling here."

"I feel some changes in my body?"

The two elves began to exchange information about each other, and finally came to a conclusion.

"It seems that I have to take a rest."

Esther sounded a little confused. She didn't seem to understand why she was like this.

Maybe it's just acclimatization? Or something else.

Roja didn't explain too much. He thought for a moment and said: "Maybe because of the killing of the Elf King, there have been some changes in the elemental world. In short, you guys should take a rest first. We have come to a new world. Things are very troublesome. Wait for me to clean up. After all this is done, I will explain everything to you.”

Although the two elves were very confused about each other, they didn't say anything in the end. They nodded and fell into sleep.

After checking the Elf Brand, the divine power can still flow freely in the elemental world.

Roja breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed like they just needed to let them rest for a while.

But now Roja is still standing in the forest, and this is not a place to stay for a long time.

The top priority now is to check the time and see how much time has passed.

Luo Qixi should still be in Shillong Kingdom. Roja thought for a moment and decided to see him again.

Maybe for her, it was just a short time since they didn't see each other, but for Roja, it was quite a long time.

Meeting Luo Qixi is also a good choice. I hope she will have a better life there.

Without much hesitation, Roja took the package and returned to the Kingdom of Shillong.

The road is not too far, and after walking for half an hour, we can already see the unique and complex streets of Shillong Kingdom.

It was still early at this time, probably around eight o'clock in the morning.

Compared to the last time he appeared in the forest in the middle of the night, there were many more pedestrians on the road this time.

Sit down at a roadside restaurant and have some breakfast from Shillong Kingdom.

The breakfast was average, and the taste was average. The ingredients were Warcraft meat from someone I don’t know, and I don’t know where the parts of the meat came from. The only praiseworthy thing was probably that the meat was steamed, so the deliciousness was preserved.

He casually finished the food in the bowl, took out a few coins from the package and handed them to the boss, and then prepared to continue walking towards the palace.

Hold a cup made of clay in your hand, heat it slightly, and then air-dry it to form a ceramic-like cup. When you stretch out your hand, the water elements gather, and the water flows out and pours into the cup.

Roja shook it and didn't find anything like dirt under the cup, so he took a sip directly.

The magic in this world has many uses. For example, like Roja, it can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Small conveniences are part of the joy of magic.

With this thought in his mind, Roja came to the palace. There were two guards guarding the door.

Roja recalled for a moment and realized that the two soldiers in front of him were not the two soldiers he met before, but Roja didn't care. After all, it was rare for the same two people to meet again.

After coughing slightly, Roja stepped forward and explained his purpose to the two soldiers clearly.

The two soldiers thought for a while, and then seemed to remember something, so they stepped aside and said to Roja with a smile: "The adult said, if it is you, there is no need to inform, just go in. "

Roja was slightly surprised, but still headed straight towards the palace.

The world has experienced a lot, especially when I saw the luxurious palace like the college. Now when I come back and look at it, the palace in Shillong Kingdom is just like that. To a certain extent, Roya even feels that this palace was built Very shabby.

When he came to the palace corridor, he recalled it in his mind. Roja estimated that Luo Qixi was not in the room at this time, but Roja still went to take a look at the room where Luo Qixi was.

The door was closed. I reached out and knocked, but no one responded. The room was very quiet.

Roja shrugged, expecting this result.

After thinking for a while, Roja placed the package on the ground, looked around the street for a while, and grabbed a passing soldier.

The soldier was slightly startled when he saw Roja, and then became surprised.

"Are you? Lord Roja?"

Roja put the package in the soldier's hand, patted the soldier, and said with a smile: "Young man, please keep the things first. I put them here. I will get them when I come back later."

The soldier hesitated, but agreed.

Roya expressed satisfaction with the young man's performance.

I came to the square, walked around according to my memory, and finally found a group of people in the center.

It is still magic confrontation training, using water god flow to deal with some intermediate or low-level magic.

As for why high-level magic is not used, in a sense, magic has already undergone a qualitative change when it reaches high-level. Both the power and the magic power required will increase a lot.

And if you use advanced magic, you may easily send your teammates away if you are not careful.

This is certainly not what Luo Qixi wants to see.

It's just that releasing intermediate magic seems a bit too simple for Luo Qixi.

The girl was currently yawning and performing a spell.

Luo Qixi still wore the same robe that symbolized the identity of a magician. Brown and white were mixed together. She wore a white undershirt inside the robe and a blue skirt on her lower body.

The hem of the skirt reached the girl's knees, failing to show off Luo Qixi's slender and fair legs.

Speaking of which, Roja rarely saw girls wearing such clothes.

Luo Qixi's thoughts are always different from other girls, and she always subconsciously rejects exposed things.

According to her words, even if she wears revealing clothes, she still cannot look like an attractive woman.

But now, Luo Qixi actually takes the initiative to wear such clothes, which surprises Luo Ya.

Luo Qixi's delicate and pretty face without much energy just looked at the soldier in front of her indifferently.

Stretching out his hand, the magic power gathered, and then lazily chanted the spell.

The speed of speech is not fast, but the power is not small.

The water ball spun in Luo Qixi's hands, and finally turned into a water gun, making a sound of breaking through the air, and hit a soldier.

The speed was very fast, but because Luo Qixi raised his hand to cast the spell, as long as he was prepared and timed, he could resist this spell.

The principle is like those guys dodging bullets.

It is impossible for people to dodge bullets. The best way to dodge bullets is to predict the location of the opponent's shot, so as to predict in advance.

Of course, the magic performed by Luo Qixi is not that fast yet. The speed of bullets is basically the speed of sound. The speed of magic is not that exaggerated, but it is not fast either.

The soldier swallowed nervously, and then paid full attention to Luo Qixi's gesture. Almost the moment the opponent released his magic, the young water god-style swordsman had already swung a circular slash. The extremely good long sword cut the water gun in half.

After doing all this, the soldier wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Okay, next one!"

Luo Qixi's lazy voice came.

Luo Ya couldn't help but smile a little, remembering the impression Luo Qixi had on Luo Ya when they first met.

An angry, narrow-eyed loli.

Now it seems that she is still the same person.

There were a few people standing next to Luo Qixi, but they were all familiar faces.

Familiarity is familiar, but the name is no longer known.

Planning to surprise the girl, Roja quietly walked around behind Luo Qixi, stretched out his hand and hugged Luo Qixi's waist directly.

Luo Qixi, who was suddenly hugged, suddenly jumped up, and her originally lazy expression became serious. She unconsciously held the staff in her right hand, preparing to give the person behind her a taste of the fireball technique.

The surrounding guards also shuddered and hurriedly drew their swords.

Being able to sneak around behind you without being noticed at such a distance, if the opponent is an enemy, things will become very difficult.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

However, when they saw Roya's face, the expressions of the three knights beside him became a little strange.

"Lord Roja, teasing others is not a good habit."


The two knights sighed and put their swords back into their scabbards.

Luo Qixi, who was about to give the guy behind him a look, was also slightly startled. Then the serious expression on his face disappeared. He broke away from Kailuoya's hand in surprise and turned to look at the person behind him.

Behind him was that familiar face, the ridiculously handsome young man, looking at him with a smile.

After the surprise and surprise, Luo Qixi asked angrily: "Why so fast? How long is it now? A little more than a month, have you finished handling your affairs?"

"It's taken care of, but this time I am preparing to return to the Asra Kingdom. This time I want to say hello to you."

Roya said so.

Luo Qixi's expression became forced, and her smile became a little stiff.

However, Luo Ya changed the subject and said, "Well, I can spend a day with you."

Only then did Luo Qixi's face light up with a smile.

One day is not much, and for Luo Qixi's life, it cannot even be called short.

But everything is relative.

Obviously, even one day is precious to Luo Qixi.

Looking at the sweet dog food between the two of them, the knight in front of Luo Qixi winked, coughed slightly, and said to the two of them: "Anyway, we are here. If you have anything, you can ask me It’s just a day off. It seems that Lady Luo Qixi hasn’t taken a day off yet. She probably won’t say anything even if the captain finds out.”

Luo Qixi was hesitant. Luo Qixi's conscience prevented her from doing such a thing as taking paid leave.

The knight patted the good brother next to him, with a meaningful expression on his face and joked: "Go, go, don't keep your boyfriend waiting for too long. If you only have one day to spend on us, everyone Do you feel sorry for yourself, or do you want to spend time with your boyfriend at the training ground?"

The knight's teasing made Luo Qixi's cheeks blush. Luo Qixi coughed a few times in embarrassment. Luo Qixi still felt a little embarrassed to be stared at by such eyes.

But he finally agreed.

It stands to reason that a month is definitely not that long to Luo Qixi. It can be said that the days passed by in the blink of an eye, but since seeing Luo Ya again, time has become very long.

Whenever Luo Qixi returns to the room, she always thinks of Luo Ya's face, and the memories of the past flow in Luo Qixi's mind like water.

I recall the first time we met, the first time we were taught magic, the first time we held those soft little hands.

Who could have imagined that the guy who looked more like a girl than a girl would be so handsome in the future.

Even at that time, she couldn't have imagined that one day in the future, she would be able to tie the knot with Roja, right?

Time is like this, the less you care about it, the easier it is to pass by.

But when you really care about something, it will become extremely long.

However, being able to see Roja's face again, Luo Qixi felt that all this was nothing.

After making a note of leave, Roja took Luo Qixi and started wandering around.

The two of them were walking on the streets of Shillong Kingdom like a normal couple.

In addition to the criss-crossing maze, the Kingdom of Shillong also has other beautiful scenery.

For example, the lake over there, or the mountains next to the lake. If you stand on it and look up from above, you can see the lake connected to the sky.

The rippling lake surface will be intertwined with white clouds. Of course, the clouds may be like sunset and are not necessarily all white.

This place is always the most beautiful when the sun sets or the morning light rises.

The setting clouds and the solitary owl fly together, and the autumn water becomes the same color as the sky.

Although there is no solitary bird here, there is such an image.

The two sat on the top of the mountain, looking at the lake below.

The afterglow of the setting sun filled the entire forest.

Luo Qixi looked at the morning glow in the distance, her eyes unusually bright.

Neither of them spoke, as if whoever spoke first would ruin everything.

After staring in silence for a while, Luo Qixi said with emotion: "You know? Roja, I once imagined that I would encounter danger in the maze, and then a prince charming would appear. He Riding a handsome white horse, using a gorgeous long sword, he killed all the dangers in front of him, then walked straight in front of me and said to me, "Are you okay, madam."

Luo Ya did not speak, and the story was not finished. Interrupting someone else's speech without authorization is an extremely rude behavior. Luo Ya waited for the follow-up.

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