The most important thing is because of his position.

The first male elf messenger since Solomon.

It is natural for girls to be curious.

The era of Solomon is already too far away from them. Three hundred years are enough to erase everything. With the changes of the times, all the scars will be healed in time.

All the girls could know were records in books, and most of them learned about Solomon from picture albums when he was younger.

The girls looked at Solomon more like a fairy tale, and the so-called awe no longer existed. With a curious attitude, they naturally wanted to see the strength of the legendary male elf messenger Roja.

But Roja had no intention of saying hello to everyone present, and just kept eating until the end of the banquet.

Claire complained with some dissatisfaction: "You guy, you can't always eat."

Roja shrugged and didn't take Claire's words seriously.

In this way, the banquet ended, and the time came to night. Roja hugged Esther and fell asleep in his room.

The day of the Sword Dance Festival has finally arrived.

The Hime Miko who presided over the sword dance festival stood in the middle of the meeting. The girl was wearing very little clothes, and she could see the white skin exposed when she stretched out her hand.

The girl stood on the stage and coughed slightly, attracting everyone's attention.

Hime Miko began to explain the rules of this sword dance festival.

The rules have been told before, and telling them again is just a formality.

This time the Sword Dance Festival belongs to the battle royale type. You don’t need to be the strongest among all the teams, as long as you survive until the end.

The time is three days. In three days, the elf envoys will be arranged in a forest on the island to fight there.

There are about fifteen teams, and the map is incredibly large.

Because it belongs to the territory of the Wind Elf King, the Hime Miko cast elven spells similar to expanding the map.

The space of the island was distorted and overlapped, and as a result, the map doubled again.

There is no need to say much about the battle, omit the process and come to the result.

The result was naturally that Roya's team won.

However, it was very difficult for Roja's team to win. If Roja hadn't been there, they would have been kicked out when they entered the finals.

During this period, we met three teams. The first two teams were very strong and cooperated very well with each other. However, it was more difficult to face Roja's team.

And in terms of cooperation, it is still slightly inferior.

But how many of those who can participate in the Elf Sword Dance Festival have fuel-efficient lamps?

Knowing that there was a high probability that they would not be able to escape the fate of being brushed off, those elves immediately launched their ultimate moves.

The ultimate move did cause some trouble for Roja.

A fire-attributed elf from the second team released elf magic that enveloped the area where Roja was located, and then the sky burned the ground, and burning heat waves rose into the sky, directly changing the entire terrain, and the original forest was razed. For flat ground.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Luo Ya pulled everyone away and ran away. After carrying several flames falling from the sky, he successfully escaped from the casting range.

The battle was not an easy one, mainly because of the enemy's counterattack, which made Roja feel a little troublesome.

However, the trouble caused by the other party is limited to the thorny level.

The battle was almost over soon.

The sword dance festival lasted for three days and finally ended with Roya's victory.

The elves were all surprised by this result.

After all, the distance between the academy and here can definitely be said to be quite far. Although it cannot be said that there is no information, the intelligence about Roja's team is still somewhat poor.

After the Sword Dance Festival was held, all that was left was to make a wish to the Elf King.

Because it is a team, the Elf King will fulfill the wishes of five people. Of course, the power of wishes is limited. If there are five people, the upper limit of wishes will be greatly weakened. And is the Elf King willing to agree to the Elf Envoy's request? , in a sense, it is completely determined by the mood of the Elf King.

After the ceremony, Roja has been planning a plan to assassinate the Elf King.

The matter is too important to allow Roja to be careless.

An elf envoy is an elf envoy. If you treat the elf king the same way you treat an elf envoy, you will undoubtedly suffer a big loss.

However, the information about the Elf King was too scarce, and Roja also felt a headache due to lack of information.

Roja's abnormality was completely opposite to the happy expressions of the girls. The boy's abnormality was naturally noticed by the girls. They just looked at Roja's frowning expression and no one said anything.

On the contrary, Lian Ashbell, who was standing aside, looked thoughtful.

After walking through the cutscene, they were led to the teleportation array by the Hime Miko. The leading Hime Miko pointed at the formation and said to the group of five people: "Anyway, congratulations. Go and receive the glory that belongs to you."

After saying that, the Hime Miko bowed and bowed before retreating.

Roja was a little hesitant. He glanced at the girls behind him who were still kept in the dark, and considered whether to let the girls follow him in.

To be honest, he didn't think letting the girls in was a solid option, especially under the circumstances.

While Roja was hesitating, Restia, who had never spoken, suddenly said: "It's okay, let them in. After the sword dance festival is over, the Elf King will be awake for a period of time. During this time, they will not Will harm your backyard flowers."

The corner of Roja's mouth twitched, and finally nodded, deciding to let the team members accompany him in.

To be honest, to a certain extent, everyone's strength is not bad. Even if they are faced with an existence like the Elf King, they should not be killed instantly.


With a little uneasiness, Roja led everyone to stand on the formation. The formation glowed faintly and their eyesight deflected. When everyone opened their eyes again, the scene that appeared surprised everyone. .

Without him, this is an island suspended in the sky.

The position where Roja stood was in the center of the island, and a girl in front of him was watching everyone.

She looks about sixteen years old, wearing a Kuna-style miko costume, with long glowing emerald hair, and clear blue eyes. She is a beautiful girl with fair skin.

And almost the moment they saw each other, her name appeared in everyone's mind.

The Wind Elf King Bevar Syfed.

The girl is sitting on the throne, and next to the girl is an emerald-green spear.

The green spear is not a real thing. The wind element is wrapped around the spear. What is surprising is that the spear can switch between the wind element and the physical thing at any time.

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