However, Roja asked the most critical question: "Why me? What benefits can I bring to you?"

There is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no so-called pie in the sky. Roja does not think that Restia will be very kind. Either Restia has other intentions, or she is the so-called devil king. There is indeed a problem.

Silence, a long silence.

This time, Restia did not answer immediately. It was not until the thick fog was about to disappear that she said to Roja: "I am a dark elf, you know."

Roya nodded.

Restia began to tell a secret story that no one knew about.

"There are not only five elf kings in this world. The five elf kings that you humans have recorded in books are the warriors holding flaming swords - Volcanics, the elf king of fire, and the gentle-eyed young man. ——Wind Elf King Bellfahle, a giant man wielding an iron sledgehammer——Earth Elf King Rod·Gear, a woman holding a water bottle on her chest—— The Water Elf King Iseria Seaward, the old man holding a scale and a tin staff - the Holy Elf King Alexandros, am I right?"

Roja nodded. This was indeed the information Roja got from the book, and it was also what was recorded in most books.

The authenticity of the content is indeed worth considering. After all, it is worth considering whether any humans have seen these five elf kings.

But one thing is certain, there are only five Elf Kings in this world.

Restia explained: "Let's not say whether this information is true or false, but in fact, a long time ago, there were six Elf Kings, and the last one was the Elf King of Darkness."

When Roja heard this, he looked at Restia with a bit of surprise.

There were originally six Elf Kings, but there were only five recorded in the book. So what about the last one? Needless to say.

He vaguely guessed something, but his face remained calm as he continued to ask: "Then what?"

Restia sighed, her delicate and pretty face becoming dazed, as if she was recalling the past.

Restia said: "The first ones that were born were the elves of light and the elves of darkness. After the power of these two elves covered the whole world, \u003cfire\u003e, \u003cwater\u003e, \u003cwind\u003e and \u003cearth\u003e The elves were born soon. The elemental elves of the origin had not yet developed a will, they were just components that brought order to the chaotic world. The sky and the earth were separated, the mountains rose, the rivers were born, and the forests spread everywhere. With the power of elves, the world was eventually filled with countless creatures, including sea monsters, gregarious animals, monsters, dragons, giants, and the elves who became the ancestors of the Elfiim and humans. Under the control of power, this place has become a paradise filled with harmony and order.”

"The master is the Elf King of Darkness, the strongest Elf King. The master possesses powerful power. This power allows the master to easily defeat and kill any Elf King even if he faces them, even three of them. The two elf kings joining forces are no match for the master, and this power also makes other elf kings feel afraid. This fear is like a seed buried in their hearts, and fear is a source of water, constantly watering the seeds as they grow. When this fear and fear reached a limit, they decided to kill her together. "

"The five Elf Kings formed an alliance with Saint King Alexandros as their leader. The five Elf Kings joined forces to attack the Dark Elf King in an attempt to annihilate her. This is the Elf War."

"Six thousand years ago, the world of elemental elves was reduced to scorched earth, and there was a war between elves. After hundreds of years of war, the camp of the "five elf kings" finally won. The camps in the war were the five elf kings. "

Needless to say what happened next, from the fact that there are only five elf kings in the world now, it can be seen that the dark elf king is probably dead.

Restia cast her gaze on Lian Ashbell with a look of regret: "Lian is actually the best successor. He met me at the right time. His talent is very good and his talent is outstanding, but It's a pity that he has been eroded by the alien darkness. If he continues to control this power, sooner or later he will become an aggregation of resentment like Solomon. ’

"For him, and for me, I have to hand over this part of my power to someone who is strong and will not be swallowed up by this power. I thought I might not have a chance this time until Lian goes berserk, but I saw you. "

Roja was silent, Restia thought to herself: "I don't know why you became an elf envoy. Lian became an elf envoy because the master reincarnated his power into the human race, in order to interfere with the sight of the elf kings, so I would choose a male elf user. According to common sense, it is impossible for you to become an elf user, but you not only became an elf user, but also became an even better one. To be honest, you surprised me."

"However, your appearance is indeed a timely help, isn't it? I can feel the potential and power contained in your body, so from the moment I knew about your existence, I was wondering if I could give this power to You, now it seems, you are the most suitable holder of this power at this time."

"So, this is just pure pie in the world?"

Restia's black eyes moved away from Ashbell and stared at Roja.

To be honest, if it was true as Restia said, Roja was indeed moved.

No one will ever feel that they have enough power. Of course, the more power, the better, and Roja is no exception.

This power can bring great improvement to Roja in a short period of time. Even Roja can't refuse the temptation in front of him.

He has seen the strength of the Demon King. Even the Demon King who has not fully explored it can still exert terrifying strength like Ashbell. If he can get this power, his strength will not only undergo earth-shaking changes, but at least he can Go one step further.

Moreover, he plans to meet the Dragon God next. Although Roja is very strong now and can be considered the top even in the world of jobless reincarnations, there is a gap between the top and the top. If he meets the Dragon God head-on, it will be very difficult. There is a high probability of being ravaged by the other party.

But now, can he bear this power?

Roja didn't know, but he remembered the dog system.

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