Comprehensive comic: Starting from jobless reincarnation

Chapter 213 [The Devil's Successor] (4K)

The Dark Knight's sword was held in her hand, and Roja directly summoned Esther without any further words.

The hot divine power was injected into it, the gate to the elemental spirit world was opened, the bridge between Roja and Esther was built, and Roja began to inject a large amount of divine energy into Esther.

The scorching divine power overflowed, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply. The heat wave carried by the high temperature distorted the air.

The silver-white sword was held by Roja in his right hand, and a cold light flashed in Roja's eyes.

Without much nonsense, Ashbell was enough to make Roja serious.

"Wall dance."

Roja's breathing quickened, and the divine power began to spread with his heart. The magic power was mobilized unconsciously, boiling with the dragon's blood in his body, and the battle was about to break out.

Roja's whole body ignited with flames, and the red divine power enveloped Roja's body. Suddenly, Roja turned into an afterimage, and the fire disappeared from the place, and then rose from the distance.

The Demon-Destroying Holy Sword was surrounded by flames. The flames did not harm the Demon-Destroying Holy Sword. On the contrary, the flames were like warm currents, giving Esther an extremely warm feeling, like bathing in a hot spring.

However, Roja's sword was blocked.

The fire light rose, and the heat wave swept across. The dazzling flames wrapped around the silver sword. The fire light disappeared in an instant, and the rising heat wave swept over and slashed at the girl.

The terrifying high temperature swept across, the silver-white sword fell, and the red divine power crushed down towards the girl's position.

But the fire light was not able to engulf each other. The dark mist was billowing, and the hot flames collided with the mist, consuming each other.

The silver-white sword was blocked, and the knight's sword was slowly raised. What Roja saw was the girl's eyes without any emotion.

Her brown eyes were full of fatigue, and the demonic energy was entangled in them. The knight's sword she swung easily hit the crotch of Roja's slash.

The strength of the opponent was astonishing. Even though Roja was blessed with dragon blood and magic power, he still could not crush the opponent. Even though Roja's physical fitness was still not able to return to its prime, this power alone , is enough for the girl to walk sideways on this continent.

It was just when Roja was stunned that a black thunder light flashed away. Roja's pupils suddenly shrank, his muscles expanded, his right arm expanded in a circle, and the veins holding the Demon-Destroying Holy Sword bulged out, with a tyrannical power. Soaring into the sky, the dark power exploded, drowning all the firelight in an instant.

As for the opponent's sword skill, it was the ultimate sword skill Purple Lightning.

Moreover, it is already perfected Zidian, not a prototype.

The swords gleamed and black thunder exploded. Even if Roya reacted, he was dragged back by the opponent and pushed back dozens of feet.

A long ravine was pulled out of the ground by Roja.

The indifferent expression on Roja's face faded away. He did not expect that the other party could be so powerful.

The dark mist rolled and rushed towards Roja. The black mist wrapped around Roja's body, trying to erode Roja's consciousness.

Roja frowned slightly, and the scorching divine power rose, burning the black mist.

Roja kicked the opponent hard and straight into the chest. The kick was powerful and heavy. The angle of Roja's kick was very tricky, and the timing of the attack was also very cruel. Ashbel was forced to turn the long black sword and place it horizontally in front of him to block.

The powerful force swept across, and this kick sent Ashbel flying dozens of feet upside down, breaking several trees on the way before he could stop himself.

Smoke and dust were billowing all around, and dirt and gravel were flying. Roja's hand holding the Demon-Destroying Holy Sword was slightly hard, and his eyes were looking at Ashbel's location.

According to the smoke-no-injury theorem, the other party is probably fine, and it is even difficult to tell whether he is slightly injured.

The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing Ashbel's figure. Ashbel turned over and sat up from the ground. The demonic energy on his body was tumbling. A faint amount of demonic energy gathered in the front of the opponent's chest. Compared with the demonic energy all over his body, the demonic energy on his chest was Obviously a lot less.

Roja curled his lips and sighed at Ashbel's cunning.

Ashbel's attack just now was not just as simple as blocking with a horizontal sword. At the critical moment, the surrounding demonic energy gathered in front of him, successfully releasing most of the force of his kick.

The other party looked a little embarrassed, but in fact he was not hurt at all.

Ashbel stood up, raised the knight sword in his hand, and took a step forward.

The movements are still Zidian's posture, but there are slight changes compared to what Grevas taught.

Roja is well aware of the speed of Zidian. The sword skill of Zilei has limited damage to Roja when used by Gravas. Even if it can cut Roja, it may not be able to cause much damage.

But this girl is different now. She has far more power than Gravas.

Roja put the Demon-Destroying Holy Sword in front of him and stared at each other with his bright eyes. Almost at the same moment, the two figures moved at the same time.

"Type of Shiyi - Dragon of Halo·Head Dance."

The flames rose, spanning dozens of feet from one end of the forest to the next.

The scorching fire light turned into a fire dragon, the silver-white sword was wrapped in red divine power, and the snow-white sword body turned into a flaming red dragon head.

However, Roja is fast, and Ashbel's speed is not inferior to Roja in the slightest.

Black thunder and lightning penetrated the forest, and only the roar of thunder could be heard. The purple-black thunder collided with the fire dragon, making a huge buzzing sound.

The violent flames exploded, and the scattered divine power washed around the surroundings unscrupulously. The already precarious Elf Forest was completely destroyed, and the trees that had been lucky enough to escape were wrapped in flames and ignited.

The flame did not burn for long, and the branches were entangled by the black divine power, turning into fly ash and blown away by the wind.

This time Roja struck very hard, switching offense and defense. The fiery red dragon opened its head and swallowed up the black thunder. Roja just like Ashbel did to Roja before, devouring the opponent's fire dragon and dragging Ashbel. The body is dragged towards the distance.

It is said that it is dragging, but in fact it is simply that the strength is greater than Ashbel's.

The fire swallowed up the darkness, and the thick darkness seemed to be no match for the fire. Ashbel had been suppressed by Roja head-on.

But at this moment, Ashbel spoke for the first time.

"Special Sword Skill Type 2——Meteor."

The indifferent voice was like a biting cold wind. Roja's pupils suddenly shrank. Ashbel's body once again burst out with powerful divine power. The divine power on his body was injected into the knight's sword as if it were free of charge. The momentum of the fire dragon paused, and a quick movement The incredible slash sliced ​​the dragon's head open, and the power of pitch-black divine power erupted from the inside of the fire dragon. The black mist ate away at the red-hot divine power. Roya's slash was completely defeated by Ashbel.

Being stopped was not beyond Roja's expectation. If the person in front of him was solved so easily, it would not make him feel a sense of crisis.

"The Sixth Type of Absolute Sword Skill——Broken Fang."

The powerful divine power gathered on the knight's sword, and an extremely frightening force gathered on the knight's sword. The speed was even faster than Zidian. This attack made Roja feel his heart skip a beat.

Ashbel's so-called weapon is known as the [Sword that Penetrates Reality], and its quality is not inferior to the [Demon-Destroying Holy Sword]. It is so powerful that even elves like the Twelve Cavalry Commanders have If the magic armor of the elf comes into contact with this sword, it will probably be shattered instantly.

This is a move that can shatter the magic armor of an elf with just one sword strike.

"Damn witch, what on earth does she want to do?"

Needless to say, the opponent's sword skills are all absolute sword skills, and there is no need to say where his sword skills come from.

There are many types of sword skills, and the content of the sword skills created by Grevas is very diverse, with specialized sword moves that can cope with various situations.

For example, part destruction, group annihilation, countering specific attributes, weapon destruction, counterattack skills, sword killing, etc.

Although Zidian is a prototype, it is a type of local destroyer.

The principle of purple electricity is to gather divine power under your feet, and then explode in an instant, reaching a speed that no one can react to.

The sixth type of [Broken Fang] is a sword move that destroys weapons.

By converting the divine energy into impact force in one breath and directly instilling it into the Elf Magic Equipment, the Elf Magic Equipment will stimulate the body at this moment due to the instilled divine power that is as substantial as the impact force, and thus explode. , causing the destructive power to surge exponentially.

Luo Ya has learned sword skills, so he naturally knows the horror of this move.

Not as Ashbel wished, Roja's figure disappeared from the spot like a bubble.

"The Breath of the Sun·The Shape of Four - The Phantom Sun Rainbow."

The long black sword pierced into the phantom, the move failed, and Ashbel showed a flaw on his right side.

Roja's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already on Ashbel's right side. The Demon-Destroying Holy Sword was raised high, and then fell quickly.

"The Breath of the Sun·The Shape of Jiu - Turn around in the setting sun."

The long sword was wrapped in flames and slashed straight towards the opponent's neck.

This time Roja did not hold back any more. It was really troublesome for Roja to deal with an enemy of this level.

The red sword was pressed against Ashbel's neck. This time, Ashbel did not wave his sword to block, but he did not need to wave his sword to block.

The black wave was like a tidal wave, submerging Roja's location almost instantly. The rich ominous aura almost swallowed Roja completely, but it was resisted by Roja's red divine power.

The dissipated divine power could not completely resist the ominous aura. Luo Ya was mobilized to take the initiative to resist the erosion from the outside world.

At the same time, Roja was also very surprised. This kind of strength has already surpassed the elf envoys in this world.

Even Demon King Solomon couldn't compare with the girl in front of him.

"O infinite darkness, slaughter our enemies - the dark thunder of death."

The battle did not stop because of Roja's surprise, Ashbel spoke again.

The other party was actually able to perform elf magic.

Roja retreated behind him and used the Magic Sun Rainbow again.

The moment Roja had just retreated, a terrifying dark thunder erupted. The dark thunder directly blasted through Roja's position, as well as the bare rocks behind him. The dark thunder destroyed everything hundreds of feet along the way. , everything turned into dust and dissipated, leaving only a deep void.

Roja looked at the forest that was annihilated by the dark thunder, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Roja can also unleash an attack of this level, which is even more terrifying than Ashbell's.

But the problem is that even if Roja performs this kind of attack, he will definitely consume a lot of divine power. And what is the guy in front of him? Is it really appropriate for this level of divine power to appear in a human body?

The reason why Roja is able to cheat is because he has a clean body and the magic power in his body can be transformed unconditionally, but what does the other party have?

As if feeling Roja's confused look, Restia, who had been silent, said, "I'm surprised, this is the power of [The Demon King's Successor]."

"The power of the [Successor of the Demon King]?" Roja didn't know why. He looked at the figure standing not far away and was entangled in the dark demonic energy, and fell into deep thought.

Ashbel, who unleashed his ultimate move, fell into a momentary freeze. The girl stood there to rest and did not attack directly.

And it was this short time that gave the two people the opportunity to communicate.

"Now is not the time to talk. Use the Demon-Destroying Holy Sword to absorb part of his demonic energy before we talk. I will explain everything clearly to you." Restia's voice echoed in the empty area, surrounded by It has been completely razed to the ground, and even the soil on the surface has not been able to escape.

Roja frowned and looked at Restia warily, wondering whether to deal with the other party directly.

Seeing Roja's hesitation, Restia had no choice but to say: "I can give you stronger power."

Roja raised his eyebrows, looked at Restia who was motionless, and said lightly: "Do you mean becoming like him?"

Restia choked, and finally said coldly: "Lian was just an accident, she shouldn't be like this."

Roja sneered, but his heart moved slightly. Roja was indeed a little curious.

Roja pondered for a moment, and finally said to Restia: "What should I do?"

This also means that Roja is willing to listen to what the other party has to say. Of course, if the other party does not give enough value, Roja does not mind using the Tai Sword of Light to let Restia find the next successor.

Hearing this, Restia breathed a sigh of relief and said to Roja: "Defeat Lian and pierce Lian with the Demon-Destroying Holy Sword, just like Esther once did."

Roja nodded, indicating that he understood, and at the same time asked Esther in his mind if he could absorb the other party's demonic energy.

Esther hesitated for a while, then responded with some worry: "Master, absorption is possible, but this is obviously a curse. Do you really want to do this?"

Esther was worried that something like the previous owner would happen. Roja thought for a moment and felt that the problem shouldn't be big.

"It's just absorbing part of his power. It shouldn't be a big problem. Don't worry."

Luo Yadu said so, and Esther could only nod in agreement.

Restia said: "Then, let's get started."

After saying that, the black rolling mist roared, the black mist wrapped around the black sword became thicker, and the knight's sword was wrapped in a rich and ominous aura.

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