Grevas knew something, but the more he knew, the easier it was to become confused.

Although Grevas was not confused, she was in distress because of these things.

The scenery outside the window was very beautiful. The clouds on the horizon were continuous, forming a white ocean. Grevas adjusted her glasses and felt inexplicably anxious.

"Really, I hope everything goes well."

The morning was delayed due to matters at the academy. When Roja found Claire, she was looking at Roja with an unhappy face.

Claire said to Roja: "Too slow, you guy."

Seeing the other party's completely ignorant look, Roja couldn't help but said: "You guy, you've really become more and more lazy recently."

Claire loudly retorted: "What? I'm lazy? Where am I lazy?"

Roja was too lazy to dwell on this matter and explained what happened this morning to Claire. A look of shock appeared on Claire's face.

"What? There are actually monsters attacking the academy?" Claire was shocked.

The incident happened in the morning. Although the incident was relatively big and had already been spread by the students of those colleges, Claire had probably been sleeping in the morning. I don’t know, it was also expected by Roya, so Roya said Claire. Too lazy.

Roja sighed helplessly, walked towards the distance, and said to the girl behind him: "Come on, continue to teach you."

Hearing this, Claire's eyes lit up and she followed Roja's pace.

Being able to appreciate such a sword dance made even her heart move.

It was an ordinary day, nothing special.

What deserves Roja's attention is that when teaching Claire, Esther transformed directly and stood aside to watch.

Generally speaking, in order to save energy, elves do not directly walk in the world in form, but attach themselves to the elf envoy as a consciousness-like existence. When the elf envoy needs to summon the other party, they will link to the gate of the elf elemental world. , the elves appear again with divine energy.

But as the highest-level sword elf, Esther has her own will, and she stores some divine power in herself. Moreover, Esther signed an elf contract with Roja. The connection between the two is very deep. After Roja With his consent, it is more than enough to mobilize some divine power to maintain his form in the human world.

Roja didn't feel anything special about Esther secretly transferring the divine energy.

Luo Ya didn't say anything else, just the two elements of magic and divine power could almost make the ocean.

Although the divine power that Esther stole might be considered a lot to ordinary people, for Roya, it was just a matter of opening a stream and digging out water from the ocean to pour into the stream.

It was just drizzle, so that if Roja didn't feel it carefully, he wouldn't even be able to detect the disappearance of his divine energy.

One lets his contracted elf use it casually, the other knows the power of his master and happily steals the divine power. One of them dares to take it, while the other doesn't care.

After realizing this, Esther simply stopped transforming into an element and started to stay with Roja directly in this body.

But now Esther's expression became very cold.

Esther's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her cold lolita face changed slightly. The change was probably from the original coldness to an even colder one.

At this time, Roja was teaching Claire how to learn the sword wholeheartedly.

During the break, Esther stepped forward, grabbed Roja's sleeve, and said to Roja: "Master, I want to learn too!"

Roja: "???"

Roya was dumbfounded and glanced at Esther in the form of a little girl. His expression became very strange. Roya opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he was about to spit out the words, he swallowed them in his throat.

Claire was sitting aside with sweat on her face to adjust her strength. When she heard Esther's words, she couldn't help but curiously asked: "Aren't you a contracted elf from Roya? What can an elf do by learning sword dancing?"

Esther turned her gaze to Claire, with a cold expression filled with impatience, and she said directly: "I will not let you be the master to yourself."


With a swish, Claire's cheeks turned red for an instant, and her face, which was already red due to exercise, became even redder.

Claire yelled loudly, glared at Esther, and said to Esther: "What exclusivity? Roya is just teaching me sword dance. I have no other plans, that's it!"

After saying that, Claire turned her eyes to Roja. Roja's mouth twitched. He wanted to tell Claire that you seemed to have leaked something just now.

Esther didn't ask you at all, so your last sentence was completely self-destructive.

Esther keenly caught the loopholes in Claire's words, and her eyes gradually became evil.

A coldness flashed in Esther's eyes, and she said to Claire: "Other thoughts, do you really have thoughts about the master?"

Claire, who realized that she had leaked something, was stunned, and the panic expression on her face became even worse. She tried to defend herself: "Who would have a good impression of that pervert? Well, I do have a good impression, but it's all because of the Roja religion. Because of my sword skills, don’t think too much about it.”

The corner of Roya's mouth twitched. This kind of concealment really made Roja want to laugh.

Just looking at the other person's expression, he felt that if he laughed out loud, he would definitely be offended by the other person and become an outlet for him to vent his anger.

Luo Ya suppressed his laughter, looking funny as he wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

Esther finally said to Claire: "I don't care about you. In short, the master is mine."

As if swearing sovereignty, the girl reached out and hugged Roya's arm. Esther's behavior was undoubtedly irritating Claire.

Claire said angrily: "What belongs to you, Roja should belong to everyone."

Luo Ya complained secretly in his heart: I belong to myself.

Esther took a step forward, let go of Roya's arm, walked in front of Claire, looked at the girl with dazzling red hair in front of her, looked up at her, and coldly snorted: "I am Roya’s contract elf, what are you?”

Esther's language was so sharp that Claire didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Claire opened her mouth, her face turned red from holding back, but she couldn't speak.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was not good, Roja quickly came up to smooth things over, grabbed the slender hand facing Esther, and said to Esther: "Okay, okay, Esther, please stop making trouble."

Aster turned his attention to Roja.

Roya is not a fool. This time it seems that Esther is messing around, but in fact, Esther said these words because of other emotions.

To Roya, this emotion was more like a child having a tantrum, although Esther was no longer a child.

Roya pulled Esther aside and began to try to offer other conditions in exchange for Esther not to mess around this time.

"Well, Esther, can I take you shopping?"

Roja put his own chips on the line.

Esther's cold eyes flickered, but her tone remained cold as she refused: "No, I cannot allow the master to associate with an unscrupulous woman."


My contract elves have too many ideas about what to do.

Roya knocked Esther on the head and said angrily: "You girl, why didn't you know so much about you before?"

Esther covered her head and made a pained expression.

Let’s not complain about why the highest-ranking Sword Elf can withstand the violent output of the Demon King, but cannot withstand Roya’s moderate and moderate beatings, but Esther’s expression is indeed cute.

Esther raised his head again and stared at Roja. Although his tone was still cold, you could still feel the frustration in Esther's tone.

"Master, do you not like me?"

Luo Ya sighed and began to lure him slowly.

"The college has a lot of delicious food."

Roja once again increased his chips, trying to let Esther know that the promise he made was very precious.

Esther hesitated for a moment, lost in thought.

Roja rolled his eyes. The so-called master's weight in Esther's mind was roughly equal to that of food.

"The academy has a lot of nice clothes, right?"

Esther remained silent and did not speak.

Esther's silence was because of food. She was not interested in things like clothing.

Roja understood this and began to think about what kind of food was available in the academy.

So Roja directly reported a lot of delicacies that he thought were pretty good.

"Such as ice cream, chocolate, cakes, etc. Ice cream and cakes are delicious. Esther can eat as much as she wants."

Roya began to induce Esther with specific foods.

Esther's eyes became a little hesitant, and his expression became a little stiff.

She wanted to refuse forcefully, but recalling their appearance, Esther felt that it would be a pity to refuse.

Roya finally whispered to Esther: "Of course, I will always be with you, this is yours alone."

After saying that, Roya winked at Esther,

Roya's tone was a little doting. The boy's words and the April spring breeze blew on Esther's face. Esther's inner defenses were completely defeated by Roya. At the same time, Roya made love to Esther. Make a silencing gesture.

Facts have proved that only unique things are particularly precious.

Only by receiving treatment that others don't have, but being useful to herself, can she show how much Luo Ya values ​​her.

Esther didn't hesitate anymore, nodded, agreed, and then stood aside, his face regaining its original expression of no wave.

Although Esther's expression changed very little, Roya could clearly feel Esther's happy mood.

In fact, if we really want to compare Claire and Esther, Roya still has greater feelings for Esther than Claire.

If nothing else goes wrong, Esther may have to accompany him for a long time to come.

Although it is sad to say this, it is self-evident which of the two is more important.

Roja has never been a stingy master towards his own people. The reason why he did this was to take care of the sensitive and easily injured wild cat.

The conversation between Roya and Esther didn't last long. They both just muttered for a while before reaching this py deal.

Returning to the original position, Esther's eyes lingered on Claire's body intentionally or unintentionally, making Claire feel a little weird.

After finishing the rest of the story, Roja prepared to retreat directly with Esther.

This is an opportunity to improve himself and Esther, and it is also an opportunity to understand each other. Naturally, Roja will not give up.

When the time came in the afternoon, Roja took Esther to eat around the delicacies as agreed.

I don’t know if it was because I stayed in the sacrificial hall for too long, or if there was not so much food in the era when the saint lived. Under Roya’s dumbfounded gaze, Esther ate almost everything from the street to the end of the street. Read it again.

Looking at Esther's cheeks bulging, she looks very cute.

Roja reached out curiously and poked Esther's cheeks. Esther raised his eyes and looked at Roja. Roja looked back at Esther, not embarrassed at all.

Esther's left hand was holding Roja's right hand. Esther didn't know that this was the boy's bad taste. She looked at the sweet cone in her right hand, hesitated for a moment, picked up the cone, and said to Roja. : "Master, come down a little."

Roja was confused, but still leaned down as Esther asked.

Esther handed the cone to Roja's mouth and said to Roja: "Master, I'll feed you, ah."

Esther's delicate, doll-like face, combined with the girl's cold tone, made Roja want to laugh.

Looking at Esther's half-bitten cone and blinking, Roya took a bite directly without the slightest distaste. This bite was the other half that Esther had bitten before he came.

Roya is thick-skinned enough, and to a certain extent, he feels that Esther is more like a daughter at this time.

So it would be appropriate for an old father to go shopping with his daughter.

Roja felt that it was natural. As an elf, Esther would not feel anything special about these things.

But the interaction between Roya and Esther made the college students next to them blush.

Most of the elves who are students in the academy are between the ages of fourteen and seventeen or eighteen. Girls at this age always love to fantasize, and most of the things girls fantasize about are about love.

In addition, the academy usually does not control students, so some elves like to read miscellaneous things like romance.

By the way, there are also reading materials similar to romance novels in this world, although they are completely incomparable to those in the previous life.

And right now, the girl clearly belongs to the type being persecuted by the novel in front of her.

The girl's cheeks were red. Looking at the man and woman who had done such a thing in broad daylight, she pulled her companions beside her and said, "How could they do such a thing?"

The girl next to the girl nodded, indicating her agreement with her words.

The appearance of the two of them is not bad. Girls of this age can be summed up as pretty as long as they don't have freckles on their faces.

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