Alice looked at Roja with a surprised look and said, "Roja, do you still know how to tie your hair?"

Roya nodded.

Then Alice said nothing more, returned to her original calm expression, and continued eating.

It's not a shocking thing for a boy to wear a cute braid.

So Alice was just surprised and did not continue to delve into this topic.

Seeing that Alice was silent and did not get the praise she wanted, Roja turned his attention to Esther.

Esther received the gaze and raised his eyes to look at Roja. Esther seemed to feel something. After receiving the signal from Roja, he pretended to be surprised and said: "Master, you are so amazing."

Alice, who was cooking:? ? ?

After receiving Esther's praise, Roja nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, the more he looked at Esther, the more pleasing he became. As his own contract elf, Esther was able to initially understand his thoughts.

After the group finished eating, Alice hurried out.

Judging from the worried look on the other party's face, it seems that there may be trouble in the coming days.

After taking Esther for a walk around the academy, Roya did not go directly to Claire, but came to the library to read the books again.

The college has a large collection of books, and its coverage is quite wide. Reading books will help Roja understand the world.

But this time, what Roja wanted to know was what happened between Aresia and Solomon.

However, most of the records in the classics sanctify Aresia, depicting the image of a selfless, patriotic and loving saint. The saint could not bear the suffering of the common people, so she pulled out the holy sword and embarked on the road to salvation.

Too divine, too perfect, and lacking in humanity.

In fact, the saint that Roja saw was by no means perfect. The saint with the same dazzling blond hair was not so selfless.

The content in the book lacked credibility. Luo Ya probably lost interest after reading it for a few times. Rather than being a biography of a character, this kind of thing is more like a story, the kind of story for children.

Roya's purpose in coming to the library was not entirely to read information about Aresia. Roya was indeed very interested in Aresia, but it was limited to this aspect.

After knowing that there was a high probability that he would not get much useful information from Aresia, Roja began to read the content about the elemental world of elves.

Just looking at it, I unexpectedly discovered something very interesting.

He saw two girls in the book.

The two girls, one on the left and one on the right, each occupy a page of the book.

The photo is gray and white. The girl on the left has a very delicate appearance. She is wearing a nun's costume. She holds a wooden knife in her right hand and carries it on her shoulder. Her posture is also very impressive.

The above profile is: Alessia Idoris

The title is also very simple, the saint of salvation.

Then the following is a eloquent description of the girl's life.

In her early years, she was a shepherdess in a small village. She pulled out the holy sword and embarked on a journey to defeat the devil. Later, her whereabouts were unknown, and she was called the saint of salvation by the world.

Well, although there is very little information, most of it is correct.

At least it's much better than the last book Roja saw.

Then Roja turned his attention to the next page. He was also very curious about who could be on the same page as the saint of salvation, and there were lines of small words written on it.

Grevas Shermax.

Roja blinked, not expecting to see Grevas' name here.

I looked at the photo and saw that it was a handsome woman wearing a formal suit with a very serious expression.

Yep, a serious old woman.

Roja cursed secretly, then looked at her deeds.

The winner of the Elf Sword Dance Festival makes a wish to never grow old.

Born in the Odessia Empire, he was once the chief of the twelve cavalry generals of the empire, a hero during the Rambal War, and the winner of the Elf Sword Dance Festival. The current president of Aresia Elf Academy.

She made a contract with the demon elf "Count" who was considered impossible to make a contract with, and was known as the "Twilight Witch". She was also hailed as the strongest elf envoy in the mainland.

Perhaps because of modern people, Gravas' name was introduced in great detail.

He glanced at it casually and closed the book.

Esther walked around the library, then returned to Roja, looked around, and suddenly asked out of curiosity: "Is the master a pervert?"

Although he told Esther many times before that he did not need to call his master, the other party still called him like this, so Luo Ya simply stopped caring about him and let Luo Ya call him casually.

But what Esther said now was not a question, but an affirmation. When Esther said this inexplicably, Roja felt very confused.

Esther pointed around and suddenly understood.

The eldest ladies glanced at Roja's position from time to time, and then quickly averted their eyes.

Roya said these were common occurrences and he was not surprised.

Roja said casually: "I guess it's the gossip coming from over there. The master is not a pervert, the master is the master. He is an upright, kind and elegant young man."

Aster nodded seriously, not paying attention to the playful meaning in Roya's language.

While the two were talking, a girl with brown hair and a delicate appearance walked up. Just when Luo Ya thought that the other party wanted to come over to find trouble, the other party first gave Ro Ya a slight salute, and then smiled and said: "That , Student Luo Ya, can you join our team?”

Roya thought for a moment and realized what the girl's invitation was about.

"Elf Sword Dance Festival?"

After understanding this, but looking at the girls behind the girl, Roja still smiled and rejected the girl.

"I already have a team, but I'm glad you invited me." Roja said to the girl with a smile.

The girl looked at the handsome face so close. She didn't know why, but her heart was beating fast. The girl turned her face away, not daring to look at Roja.

The faces of the other little girls also turned red all of a sudden, but compared to the elder sister in front who seemed to be the leader, they seemed much calmer.

She seems to feel that her behavior is a bit embarrassing. Although she is the eldest sister, she has lost her momentum in front of outsiders. The girl's face is a little uneasy.

The girl said to Luo Ya: "Okay, um, you are a junior, right? Do you want me to take you to understand the surrounding environment?"

Roya politely rejected the girl's offer to take him to visit the academy. After sending these troublemakers away, Esther kept watching. After the group of people walked away, Esther tugged on Roya's clothes.

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