【18 years old: I don’t know how much wisdom Gurefia has learned from human books, but you find that Gurefia has learned a lot of that knowledge in the human world during this year.】

【After she learned that you were just her adopted brother two years ago and that her family also supported her, she directly regarded herself as her fiancée in front of you. She would often pull you along when bathing and ask you to rub her back. She said this I can also help you, killing two birds with one stone.】

【Although she has grown up now, due to her age, you didn’t think about what to do. You just rubbed her back normally, but Gulefia was not satisfied with the result.】

【Although her current figure cannot be compared with Gabriel’s, according to what she has read in books and inquired about this year, you can help her speed up her growth.】

【So, she asks you to help her every time. She said that with your help, one day her figure can be like Gabriel’s and make you fascinated.】

【You did not agree and told her that her current worries were completely unnecessary. No matter what her figure will be in the future, you will treat her as your treasure, and you have temporarily dismissed this topic.】

【19 years old: In two years, Gulefia has learned a lot of knowledge. She was not around when you and Gabriel traveled around the world, and when she was a child, you took her to travel to the world and she was also invited by Gabriel. so she wants to go on a trip with you】

【You, Gurefia and Gabriel started traveling around the world】

【20 years old: You came to a seaside city, where the four seasons are like spring and the scenery is charming. Just like before, the three of you settled in this city temporarily.】

【You bought land near the beach and transformed it into your temporary home.】

【You go shopping in this city from time to time, and when you come back, you laugh and play on the beach, play volleyball, swim, surf, sunbathe, etc.】

【21 years old: Your strength has broken through again, but because you don’t have a suitable opponent, you don’t know how strong you are now. The only thing that is certain is that if you fight against the top players from before, then you can Kill them anytime】

【Grafia and Gabriel were fighting each other. When it came to why Gabriel was with you in the first place, Grafia had laughed at Gabriel for so long without any movement, but now Gabriel didn’t care at all and could be with you. It would be great if you have the crystallization of love, but if you don’t have it now, don’t worry. After all, it’s still a long time.】

【Gabriel said that as long as he is with you, it will be fine. Looking at the gentle smile on Gabriel’s face, Gulefiya felt helpless as if she had punched cotton, but Gabriel’s words made her feel helpless. It immediately made Gurefiya furious.】

【Gabriel still kept a gentle smile on her face. She just looked at Gurefia and said:”Fia-chan, although Mo Jun and I have not yet had a love affair, we are together basically every day! A love affair. It’s also a matter of time!”】

【When Gulefiya heard this, her whole face turned red. She didn’t understand. Before, maybe you thought she was still young and didn’t understand anything, so you didn’t take her down, but now she clearly understands everything. , and your figure is getting more and more curvy, but you still haven’t reached the last step with her. This comparison can’t help but make her a little angry.】

【Angrily, she couldn’t help but secretly said in her heart,”What’s going on with my brother!” Do I have to use strong ones? ‘, Gulefiya, who had thought about this in her mind, was suddenly startled, and then thought about whether it was because she kept calling you brother, that’s why you didn’t…】

【But she knows that you know that you are just sworn brothers and sisters. She doesn’t think too much about it. She just decides to call you Mo Jun from now on, and then try to find you tonight to see if it’s because of the title.】

【Then the topic between the two of them became, who of them will fall in love with you first? Gulefia said to Gabriel that she might already know the problem, and she will definitely capture you tonight! Asking Gabriel not to disturb her and you tonight, Gabriel nodded and said he would wait and see.】

【In the evening, you were taking a bath in the hot spring after a day of fun, but today Gabriel said in advance that he was ready for the bath, and then went back to the room.】

【You didn’t know why, but it didn’t mean anything, so you didn’t ask any questions. You just closed your eyes and soaked in the hot springs to enjoy it.】

【At this time, Gulefia came to you and sat directly on you. You opened your eyes and looked at her, wanting to see what trouble she was going to do to you today.】

【Gulefiya’s face turned red, she looked at you and said,”Mo…Mr. Mo! Is it because I have always called you brother before that you didn’t go to the last step with me? ?”】

【You were stunned after hearing this, then smiled dumbly, straightened up, hugged Gurefia, and said,”Why would Gurefiya think so?”】

【”I didn’t go to the last step with Gurifia. It’s just that Gurefia is still young. I have always considered Gurefia to be my fiancée. There is no other messy reason. Don’t think too much about it. It’s just that you still have it. Just small”】

【Hearing your words, Gulefiya feels better. Of course she knows that you care about her body. However, she is now a high-level demon, so she is not as fragile as you think.】

【She said it bluntly, saying that she would capture you tonight, and held you tightly in her arms. Your eyes were dark, and you could only hear her angrily humming in your ear:”Who is too young! I I have grown up now!”]

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