“Select the first one”

【You truthfully told Fei Yingli what happened in school today, including Kasumigaoka Shiu’s invitation to you to form the service department, and the role you played in it after inviting you to join the service department.】

【Seeing you being so candid can’t help but deepen Fei Yingli’s inner sense of crisis, not for you, but for the three beautiful girls in the school club.】

【After all, Fei Yingli is already 25 years old, and those girls are youthful. Although their figure is not as good as hers now, what about the future?】

【Feeling the crisis, Fei Yingli got up from your arms, walked to the safe in the office, entered the password and fingerprint, and took out a black package from inside】

【She slowly opened the package, and you were shocked. You couldn’t help but look at Fei Yingli in surprise.】

【In the package, there are several sets of clothes folded, including nurse outfits, policewoman outfits, professional outfits and succubus outfits.】

【Fei Yingli came over with these clothes, blushing and said to you:”Chaojun, choose one!”】

【”Tonight, Yingli will completely bloom for you~!”】

【Faced with such Yingli, what is your choice?】

【1. Choose one set first, and let Yingli try on the rest one by one tonight. (After selecting this option, you will receive the reward – True All-Weapon Mastery)】

【True · Full Weapon Proficiency: Produced by the system, as the name suggests, when the host holds a sword in his hand, he is the Sword Saint; when the host holds a gun in his hand, he is the Gun Saint; even if you hold a brick, you will be the Brick Saint! Names such as Sword Master will have special effects on the host.】

【2. Reject Yingli and explain your inner feelings. (After selecting this option, you will receive a reward – passive talent: I have made up my mind)】

【Passive talent·I have made up my mind: This is a passive talent. When the host decides to do something, no matter it is anything, the probability of success is increased, and it also has special effects·I have made up my mind: Today, although I die, I will Feel at ease! (Self-destruction effect, any target can be selected to die together in the simulation. It can be used once in each simulated life.)】

Looking at the options on the barrage, Li Feichao admitted that he was lustful, but he also really liked Fei Yingli. He never thought that Fei Yingli or future heroines would stay like this in this way. Live him.

He will not let go of any woman he likes, but he will never let his own woman do this.

To put it harshly, it’s like a dog praying to itself

“Choose the second one!”

【You took these clothes and threw them on the desk, then stepped forward and hugged Fei Yingli and said:”Yingli, seeing you like this, I am not happy at all, but very sad. Could it be that in your heart, I feel sorry for you?” Do you only have ‘work’?”]

Upon hearing Li Feichao’s words, Fei Yingli was shocked, then hugged Li Feichao tightly and sobbed:”No….no! Chaojun!”

“I’m just… just too afraid of losing you! After all, you come into contact with some young and beautiful girls every day”

“Even some girls’ figures are not inferior to mine, I’m afraid! I am scared!”

“So, I can only…This is the only way…”

After hearing this, Li Feichao patted Concubine Yingli on the shoulder and said softly:”Yingli! No matter what happens in the future, or what Yingli thinks of me, I will tell Yingli now”

“you! Concubine Yingli! It is a part of me, Li Feichao, that I will never let go of forever!”

“If anyone wants to take Yingli away from me! Then there is only one possibility”

“That means stepping on my dead body!”

Fei Yingli, who heard what Li Feichao said, hurriedly covered his mouth and said:”No! Don’t say that! I have received Chaojun’s kindness!”

“It’s my fault! I shouldn’t be imagining things! I just…I’m really afraid of losing Chaojun!”

“I won’t think that way anymore! real!

After hearing Fei Yingli’s assurance, Li Feichao smiled and said,”That’s right!” Yingli, I hope these clothes are the spice of mutual affection between us, rather than Yingli praying for me to change my mind!”

“After all, my heart for Yingli has never changed from beginning to end! Why do you have to change your mind?

Li Feichao said with a bad smile:”Did Yingli forget how I got you in the first place?” I will do whatever it takes to get you, and accordingly, I will do whatever it takes to keep you!”

“this! This is my determination for Yingli!”

“So, Yingli, really don’t do those messy things, you are like poison to me!”

“And it’s the kind that is hopeless!”

“Just put your heart in Yingli’s belly. If one day I don’t like Yingli, it may only be my death!”

“There is no second possibility!”

“kindness! I won’t think about it anymore! Fei Yingli wiped the tears on her face, showed a happy smile, and said:”I was the one who got into trouble before.””

“I will never do this again”

“I will get rid of all those clothes later!”

“kindness? You misunderstood, Yingli.”Looking at Yingli’s confused eyes, Li Feichao said:”These clothes themselves are just like that, but if they are worn on Yingli, they will be very attractive to me!”

“As I just said, these clothes can be the spice of life for Yingli and I. I am a man, so of course I like these.”

“It’s just that it’s based on our mutual affinity and the little fun between lovers.”

“Rather than like Yingli just did, you understand? Yingli!”

“I’m not stupid! Just now I just got off the top of my head! Fei Yingli’s face turned red and she said,”Moreover, Chaojun is not allowed to mention my performance just now in the future!””

“Otherwise, people will ignore you~!”

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