As her cheeks were gently pulled, her pink lips were slightly opened, with a trace of crystal liquid at the corners of her mouth.

Inexplicably cute...

Kitahara Hao stretched out his fingers and wiped the corner of her mouth, and whispered with a smile: If you don't get up, Mr. Ebata will be here soon.

Mr. Ebata?

Hearing this familiar name, Nakano Nino's petite body trembled, and the confusion in his eyes gradually dissipated.

……what time is it now?

Rubbing his still sleepy eyes, Nakano Nino subconsciously took out his cell phone from his jacket pocket and took a look.

After seeing the eighteenth displayed on her cell phone, the girl couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s still early—Mr. Ebata won’t arrive until after seven o’clock anyway.

It's obviously still early.

Nakano Nino looked at the smiling Kitahara Hajime and puffed up his white cheeks in dissatisfaction.

Really, she thought she slept through the night.

If I don't wake you up, I'm afraid you will actually be able to sleep until Mr. Ebata comes over.

Kitahara Hao wiped the corners of her lips with his index finger, then gently pressed it on his thumb, and the crystal liquid was slowly stretched.

I didn't know you were still in pain when you were sleeping!

Before he could finish his words, the angry girl opened her pink mouth and bit him directly.


Nakano Nino bit his finger, glanced at him with half-closed eyes, and hummed, not knowing what he was talking about.

The tone sounded like he was complaining.

I was wrong!

Pulling his index finger out of her gradually loosening mouth, Beitahara looked at the tooth marks on his finger and raised his eyebrows slightly.

One thing to say, Nino's tiger teeth are quite sharp...

The bite is quite painful.

Don't do such inexplicable things...

Nakano Nino wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, then rested his little head on his chest, yawned slightly, and tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.


It will be dark if you continue to sleep like this.

Kitahara sat up halfway, stretched a little, then got up and got out of bed. He turned to the girl who was still lying on the bed and said, I'm going to prepare dinner. After you clean up, remember to go to the living room.


Nakano Nino responded lazily, then picked up the quilt on the side and tucked it under his legs.

You have no intention of getting up!

I don’t know why Ichika and the others didn’t come up to you.

Beitahara shook his head helplessly, and then walked towards the bedroom door.


Looking at the locked bedroom door, Kitahara's eyes twitched slightly.

Because I was afraid that Ichika and the others would come up, I could only lock the door from the inside.

Nakano Nino was lying on the bedside, her beautiful legs wearing white knee socks slowly shaking up and down, and said with a smile.

You are really well prepared.

Kitahara Hao unlocked the door and couldn't help laughing.

After all, I would be shy if they saw me.

Nakano Nino also sat by the bed, her little feet in white stockings lifted the slippers on the ground, and then she stood up energetically, with a slight smile on her lips.

Come on, let's go make dinner now!

Since she came to Kitahara's house for tutoring, the two of them have prepared dinner together every day.

We can't waste any more time this time, otherwise we have to wait until eight o'clock to have dinner.

Kitahara Hao looked at the girl walking over and reminded him with a chuckle.

Got it.

But before going down, let's do what we haven't done today!

Nakano Nino stood on his tiptoes and stretched out his hand to hold his collar. With a slight exertion of his fingers, the distance between the two gradually decreased.

Two pairs of bright eyes looked at each other. At this time, both of them could feel each other's breathing and the heat on their faces.

Not too long—ugh!

Before Kitahara Hao finished speaking, the girl blocked the rest of his words with her moist lips.

How can such a thing be controlled?

7 p.m.

The setting sun of the evening has been completely hidden in the clouds, and the twinkling stars dot the dark night.

Then I'll see you tomorrow, Kitahara-kun.

Nakano Ichika was sitting in the back seat of the car, with an interested smile on his face, and waved towards Kitahara Hajime.

By the way, remember to prepare safety in advance - uh uh!

What on earth are you talking about!

Before Ichika could finish speaking, Nakano Nino, with a red face, covered her mouth and pulled her back into the car.

Mr. Ebata is still here, aren't you afraid that he will report to his father?

See you tomorrow, Kitahara-san!

Nakano Yotsuba also waved his hand energetically.

Her current title has finally changed from Officer Kitahara to Brother Kitahara.

See you tomorrow, Yotsuba.

Kitahara Hao smiled and nodded.


Nakano Ichika wanted to say something, but the next moment she was pulled back by Nakano Nino.

She didn't dare to let Ichika talk nonsense now.

After all, Mr. Ebata is sitting in the driver's seat.

After waiting outside for a while, the black car slowly drove towards the far side of the street.

It's time to go back and have a good sleep.

Kitahara Hao looked at the deserted streets in the distance and muttered to himself.

After all, I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow.

I don’t know how Miwako is doing now...

Thinking of this, Kitahara Hao couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and clicked on the contact interface. He looked at Sato Miwako on it and raised his eyebrows slightly.

It’s not too late anyway, why don’t we go talk to her first?

Ding dong~

At this moment, a message notification suddenly popped up at the top.

It’s LINE from Nakano Ichika.

Beitahara opened it subconsciously, and when he saw the message she sent, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Nakano Ichika: Really, I said hello to you too, but in the end I only replied to Yotsuba. Also - remember to prepare safety measures~

Safety measures...

It seems that I really need to prepare.

Kitahara turned off the screen of his mobile phone and thought thoughtfully.

I don’t know if the convenience store nearby sells it?


On Tuesday, the weather was slightly cloudy.

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

It's going to rain again today.

After opening the car door and walking out, Beihara looked at the gloomy sea of ​​clouds on the horizon and murmured softly.

The weather in the past week seems to be bad, with light rain almost every once in a while.

After tightening his black suit slightly, Kitahara walked slowly towards the lobby of the Metropolitan Police Department.

It's only 8:40 now, still 20 minutes before work.

If Miwako hadn't called in the morning, he wouldn't have come so early.

Before we even lived together, I started calling him to urge him to go to work. After I started living together, I was afraid that I wouldn’t really drag him to work with me.

As soon as he entered the lobby, Kitahara Hao stopped at the elevator door.

Looking at the opened elevator door, he did not walk in directly. Instead, he looked at Miyamoto Yumi who was standing next to the elevator door.

He saw her standing next to him with a tangled expression, looking at him with a pair of dark brown eyes.

Obviously, the purpose of Miyamoto Yumi standing here is to wait for him.

Good morning, Yumi.

Kitahara Hao looked at the elevator door that was gradually closing, walked slowly to her side, and greeted her softly,

...You obviously called me senior when you asked for leave yesterday.

Miyamoto Yumi folded her hands around her chest and sighed softly.

So, Miwako was indeed with you yesterday morning!

Although it was a question, her tone was very determined.

After all, this guy... currently can only honestly call himself senpai in front of Miwako.

Together indeed.

Kitahara Hao nodded and said it directly without hiding anything.

You are so honest!

Miyamoto Yumi took a deep breath, reached out and held his wrist, and walked quickly to the stairs in the corner.

There is no one there now.

The corner of the stairs.

——You two did it, right!?

Standing in front of Kitahara Hajime, Miyamoto Yumi grabbed his tie with her hand, bit her lower lip tightly, and asked loudly: Five.

109: In short, I don’t want to let either of you go!

In the deserted corner of the stairs.

You two did it, right?!

Miyamoto Yumi tugged on his black tie, raised her toes high, and looked at him complicatedly with a pair of dark brown eyes.

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