A blush slowly appeared on the girl's delicate face, and she nodded imperceptibly.

After that, Kitahara Hazuki sent the high school student named Nakano Nino back to the door of the apartment.

Before getting on the elevator, Nakano Nino also shyly asked Kitahara Hagi's name and exchanged LIE and email addresses, saying that he would thank her and give him a thank-you gift later.

Kitahara didn't think much and directly told her his name and contact information.

Anyway, these are not private things that cannot be discussed.

That's how the two met.

Until now, Kitabahara finally figured out what Nakano Nino said as a thank you gift that day - it was herself!

That's right, he is currently being attacked by Nino.

While thinking about this, Kitahara Hajime followed Nakano Nino's brisk pace and walked out of the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The two of them walked in tandem. Without the crowded environment of the Metropolitan Police Department, Kitahara Hao could observe the girl in front of him more carefully.

There is always a cheerful smile on her delicate face, and two long black swallowtail butterfly ribbons are hung on her long crimson hair, which flutters in the wind with her cheerful steps.

How about it? I changed my clothes just to see you today.

As if he noticed the gaze coming from the side, Nakano Nino turned around, tugged on his brown skirt with his hands, and said lightly with a proud smile on his face.

She is beautiful and looks good no matter what she wears.

Beihara Hao raised his eyebrows lightly and praised.

He was only looking at his face just now, and didn't notice Nakano Nino's clothes at all.


Nakano Nino unconsciously had a hint of joy on his face, and his light blue eyes narrowed slightly with joy.

It’s really easy to understand the psychological changes of this girl.

Seeing this scene, Kitahara Hao chuckled and shook his head.

Speaking of which, you came to see me today just to give me a lunch.

Kitahara Hajime sat on a bench near the street, while Nakano Nino sat aside, raising her beautiful legs in white knee-high socks, holding her cheek with one hand, and carefully watching the man beside her.

It's Valentine's Day. White Day is coming soon. I want to ask you to go to the aquarium together.

Nakano Nino blinked, suddenly remembering the purpose of his visit this time, and quickly took out two aquarium admission tickets from his satchel.

The date above happens to be tomorrow - which is White Day.

How about it? Do you have time tomorrow?

Nakano Nino handed one of the tickets in front of him and asked pretending to be casual.

White Valentine's Day...

Kitahara Hao glanced at the date above and unfortunately happened to be in time for work.

He glanced at Nakano Nino, who seemed to be trying to pretend to be casual, but had a vague sense of expectation on his face, then showed a smile and said:

I just have time. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning.

Then it's settled, pick me up at nine in the morning!

As Kitahara Hao's words fell, Nakano Nino nodded vigorously, as if he was afraid that the man would suddenly regret it.

After getting the answer he wanted, Nakano Nino didn't waste too much time. He walked happily and disappeared from Kitahara Hajime's sight.

After all, she still knew that Kitahara was at work.

When Kitahara opened the door to the search section, almost everyone in the office was envious and stared at him with jealous eyes.

He couldn't help but make the hairs on his hair stand up, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

You must know that most of the people in the search class are older singles who have no partners.

In addition, the girl who just came here is so beautiful, how can we not make people envious and jealous!

Despite these needle-like gazes, Kitahara Hajime walked to his seat with difficulty, and placed the bento prepared for him by Nakano Nino on the table.

After he sat down, those gazes slowly receded.

Just when Kitahara was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Chiba Kazunobu in front suddenly said in a surprised tone: Is this the girl who just gave you a lunch? It's really enviable!

Chiba Kazunobu, you are harming me!

Sensing the increasingly frightening gaze, Beihara Hao couldn't help but shudder.

007: Check-in reward: Horse Talisman!

As dusk approaches, a sea of ​​burning clouds hangs high in the sky.

Phew, it's finally time to get off work.

Walking out of the Metropolitan Police Department gate, Kitahara Hao said to himself somewhat thankfully.

Because of Chiba Kazunobu's words, he spent the whole afternoon under the jealous eyes of everyone in the search section.

Even my favorite fish cannot be touched.

If these older singles knew that Nakano Nino was only a freshman in high school, I don't know if you would still be envious.

I'm afraid not everyone will stay away.

After all, as a police officer, you know how to break the law and have sex with minors. If you are caught, it will start in three years.

Thinking about it this way, I am really brave!

Kitahara took out a purple lollipop from his pocket and threw it into his mouth, then slowly drove into his car and drove in the direction of Yoneka Town.

Ding dong——

A crisp ringtone rang from the cell phone.

Kitahara held the steering wheel with one hand and took out his mobile phone from his pocket with the other hand.

As the screen unlocks, seven messages from li come into view.

The latest one was sent by Nakano Nino, and it was a photo.

The content is a black coat with a light white lace skirt underneath, which is laid out and displayed on a somewhat wrinkled bed.

Nakano Nino: Ozuki, what do you think of this dress? Do you like it?

Looking at the news below, Kitahara Hao couldn't help but curl his lips.

It seems that Nino is very serious about tomorrow's date.

Kitahara Hajime: Well, it looks good. And if it were you, it wouldn't look bad no matter what you wear.

Just five seconds after the reply was sent, the status of the message changed from unread to read.

I can already imagine Nino standing in front of his phone, waiting for news.

Nakano Nino: That's too much to praise~ (shy), but you just like it.

Beihara Hao looked at the message and couldn't help but laugh.

It's really cute.

Returning to the contact interface, Kitahara Hao looked at the sources of the other five messages.

As expected, they were all sent by his editor.

Machida Enko: I have already told Kasumi Shiko-sensei, and she is very happy to meet you.

Machida Enko: Also, could you please reply to the question about manuscript storage?

Machida Enko: You're going to lose your ability to save manuscripts for me. Where was your previous speed of 30,000 words a day?!

Machida Enko: Kitahara, don't pretend you're not here!!

Machida Enko: (Crying), I only have two authors, you and Shiha-chan. Without one of you, I won't be able to survive in the Immortal River at all!

This guy--

Seeing the message from Machida Enko, Kitahara Haki helplessly bit the lollipop in his mouth.

Are the editors of the current library so pitiful?

But procrastinating like this is not the same thing.

After thinking for a while, he slowly typed a reply with one hand.

Kitahara Hajime: Sister Machida, there have been a lot of cases at the Metropolitan Police Department recently. I will start writing the rest of the content when I have time on the weekends.

After sending it, Machida Enko's reply was sent before Kitahara Hagi turned off the phone screen.

Machida Enko: Okay, it's a deal, I want the complete manuscript of your volume next Monday!

Why are you replying faster than Nakano Nino?

Beihara twitched his lips and decided to ignore her for now.

If we continue talking like this, there will be a car accident later.


I'm back.

Opening the door, Kitahara took off his black suit and hung it on the hanger next to the door. He was also holding a bag of kabayaki eel that he had just bought.

Little Dora, let's eat eel rice tonight—hey, where is the person?

Kitahara Hao walked into the living room, but did not find that familiar figure. He looked at other rooms in the corridor with some doubts.

Finally, I discovered that the light in the bathroom was on.

When Kitahara opened the bathroom door, he happened to see Doraemon blowing his pocket with a hair dryer.

Ah - you're back. Doraemon shook his pocket and put it against his belly.

Why did you remember to organize the props?

Kitahara Hao looked at the props piled in the bathtub and asked with some confusion.

Among the props, he also saw the reasoning hat he drew yesterday.

It's not like you always put something inexplicable in your pocket...

Doraemon threw the magnifying lamp into his pocket, then picked up the door and spoke.

I helped you organize all the useless check-in rewards in my pocket, and stored them in two areas with the props.

I don't want to draw those useless things...

Kitahara Hao said with a somewhat helpless expression.

There is no way, after all, after drawing, the rewards he gets will be automatically taken out or stored in the fourth-dimensional pocket.

For example, Sato-senpai's original black stockings can only be put into a fourth-dimensional pocket.

However, now that Little Dora has tidied up the space, it is quite good.

You won’t have to worry about finding props in the future.

You pack the props first, and I'll cook the rice. We'll have eel rice for dinner today.

Kitahara Hao lifted the eel in his hand and said with a smile.

Yeah, I know!


Speaking of which, it seems like you haven't clocked in today, right?

After dinner, Kitahara Ou was lying on the bed when he suddenly remembered this matter.

It seems I can only clock in at home.

Check in to your home.

Beitahara sat up halfway, rubbed the ends of his messy hair and said.

[Today’s check-in location: Kitahara Hajime’s room; Reward obtained: Horse Talisman]


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