Kitahara Hajime: Don't worry, I will tell Xiao Dora and let Sanjiu rest at home to recover.

Bang bang——

Just after sending the message, Kitahara Hao heard a light knock from the car window.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw Sato Miwako outside the car window. She raised the corner of her mouth and waved her little hand towards him.

Seeing this scene, Kitahara Hao raised his eyebrows slightly and reached out to open the passenger door.'s really cold outside.

After Miwako Sato sat in, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing her rescued look, Beihara Hao couldn't help but laugh.

what are you laughing at?

Miwako Sato looked at him dissatisfied and said.

I just didn't expect Miwako to have such a cute expression.

Kitahara Hao replied with a chuckle.


Miwako Sato reached out and poked his cheek, and said with half-closed eyes: Call me Sato-senpai when you're at work, and Miwako after get off work... You really know the difference!

If I call you Miwako in the office, I'm afraid I will be stared at jealously by those single uncles all day long.

Kitahara Hao shook his head and said.

No matter how you think about it, it's all Miwako's fault. She's so popular in the Metropolitan Police Department.

It's not like I want to be popular...

Sato Miwako raised the corners of her mouth and said with a smile that couldn't be suppressed on her face.

So, what does it smell like today?

She gently leaned her head on Beihara Hao's shoulder, raised her eyes to look at his side face, and asked softly.

Strawberry flavor, I remember you seem to like eating strawberry cake.

Kitahara Hao slowly lowered his head and answered with a smile.

Obviously already twenty——

Kitahara-kun, please don't say such inappropriate things at this time, okay?

Before he finished speaking, Sato Miwako pinched his mouth with her hands. She raised the corners of her mouth and whispered through gritted teeth.


Kitahara Hao nodded obediently.

That's right, the good atmosphere has been interrupted by you!

Sato Miwako nodded with satisfaction, then put her hands around his neck, and the distance between the two got closer and closer.


After one hour.

Then go home quickly, and remember to prepare strawberry flavor next time!

Miwako Sato closed the car door, and after finishing speaking, she strolled towards her red Mazda.

There was an orange lollipop in her mouth. As the tip of her tongue gently rolled, the sweetness of the orange slowly spread in her mouth.

... Really, you actually gave me an orange-flavored lollipop and said it was strawberry-flavored.

A helpless smile appeared on Miwako Sato's lips.

Just like a little kid.


Rice flower town.

2-chome 8th floor.

By the time Kitahara Hajime got home, it was already half past seven in the evening.

There was no way, he wasted too much time with Sato Miwako.

I'm back.

Kitahara Hao rubbed his swollen cheeks and walked into the entrance hall listlessly.

you are back?

Doraemon poked his head out of the living room, but when he saw Kitahara's appearance at this time, he was slightly stunned.

The originally fair cheek had become swollen, and even there were several strawberry marks on his neck.

It felt like going to a nightclub.

Half, you're like this...can't you be fooling around in a nightclub, right?

Doraemon hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but asked curiously.

How could I go to a place like that.

Kitahara Hao hung his coat on the hanger and said helplessly.

Miwako did all this to him.

I shouldn't have said anything about my age at that time!

Fortunately, Nino didn't come today, otherwise he might have to stay outside until seven o'clock.

Thinking of this, Beitahara Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm going to take a shower first, and what do you want to eat tonight?

After Kitahara changed his shoes, he walked slowly towards the refrigerator in the kitchen.

I want to eat Dorayaki!

Doraemon, who was following him, his eyes lit up and he answered quickly.

How can we have Dorayaki for dinner? Let's have Kabayaki saury tonight!

Kitahara took out a can of cold beer from the refrigerator, and then carefully looked at the remaining food inside.

There doesn't seem to be much food left.

It looks like I have to go out soon.

He couldn't help but think.

Then don't ask me specifically! Doraemon puffed up his mouth in dissatisfaction.

Alright, I'll buy some for you when I go out later.

Kitahara Hao took a sip of cold beer, touched its cat ears and said.

Speaking of which, do you want to use the lucky revolver you got last time?

After comforting little Doraemon, Kitahara Hao took a beer and walked to the bathroom while thinking.

It just so happens that I can use it once when I go out to buy something. I wonder what kind of good luck event I can get?

(It will be on the shelves tomorrow, please vote for me!).

053: The umbrella of love and Mao Lilan hiding from the rain!

It's really comfortable...

After taking a bath, Kitahara Hao put on a light white shirt, leaned on the soft sofa, and narrowed his brown eyes slightly.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. After dinner, it was already half past eight in the evening.

Now it's time to go shopping at the convenience store.

Kitahara Hao slowly stood up and rubbed his sore neck.

The dark strawberry mark on his neck is very conspicuous against the light white collar, and there is no intention of hiding it at all.

Remember to buy Dorayaki for me!

Doraemon, who was eating saury on the side, reminded him.

I can't forget it~, remember to take care of your home.

Kitahara Hao rubbed little Dora's head, then picked up the phone and walked towards the entrance.

After putting on a black coat hanging on a hanger, he unhurriedly opened the door and walked out.

The slightly cold evening breeze blew slowly, and a bright half-moon appeared in the originally gloomy sky, and the gentle moonlight fell on the streets.

It's better to give yourself a shot before going out.

Kitahara said to himself thoughtfully, and then took out the lucky revolver he got last time from his fourth-dimensional pocket.

This revolver shimmered with a metallic texture under the moonlight, and it looked no different from a real gun.

Kitahara opened the magazine and took a look at the remaining bullets.

Three red and one black.

In other words, you have a 3/4 probability of getting a good luck event.

Take a gamble!

If he drew black, he would probably stay at home tonight.

Thinking of this, Kitahara Hao picked up the Lucky Revolver, pointed the gun at his head, and directly pulled the trigger in his hand.


With a crisp gunshot, a ball bullet shot directly into his head.

Can't this thing remove the sound?

Kitahara Hao felt the buzzing in his ears and sighed helplessly.

Fortunately, he was using it in his own yard this time, otherwise he wouldn't know how many people's attention it would attract.

Let me see what the bullet was this time - red.

Kitahara opened the magazine of the revolver and nodded with satisfaction when he saw the black bullet inside.

Looks like I'm lucky today.

I don’t know what the lucky event will be this time.

With this thought in mind, Kitahara opened the door of the villa and walked towards the nearest convenience store.


Yoneka Town, 4-chome.

...Why is another store closing early?

Looking at the convenience store that had closed in front of him, Kitahara Hao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

This is already the third convenience store he has found, and the previous two were in the same situation.

I feel like I have some luck issues today.

Kitahara Hao shook his head, then opened the map on his phone and checked the next convenience store.

The nearest convenience store to him is on the street of 7-chome.

In other words, they are still separated by three streets.

It's really troublesome. I have to walk forward again.

Kitahara took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth and lit it.

As the smoke was gently exhaled, he also walked towards the seventh-chome convenience store.

He couldn't believe that all the convenience stores in Miwa Town were closed!

The distance to Seven-chome is not very far, and we arrived in just over ten minutes of walking.

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