Kitahara Hao responded softly.


Nakano Ichika subconsciously looked at the folded flyer at hand and reacted instantly.

Isn’t this the one the TV station uses to recruit people?

Unexpectedly, it was this thing that exposed the things I least wanted people to know...

Next time, remember to throw the finished flyer into the trash can.

Seeing her bowing her head in silence, Beihara Hao gave a kind reminder.

Being able to get so wrinkled and yet still not throw them away is a huge problem no matter how you look at it, right?

Kitahara-kun is truly a detective of the professional team...

Nakano Ichika leaned on the seat with his eyes dazed, and slowly covered his eyes with his arms.

As the vision in front of her became pitch black, she couldn't help but put on a fake smile on her face, and praised in a gentle voice: It's really amazing!

If it were the four idiots at home, she might be able to trick him in another way, but facing Kitahara Hajime - let's forget it.

Ichika Nakano had also watched the live broadcast on Nippon TV at home, so she naturally knew his reasoning ability.

This has nothing to do with being a criminal police officer, right?

Beihara Hao slightly raised his eyebrows and said.

Even if Mouri Kogoro is pulled over, he can still find the problem with the flyer.

Because it's so obvious.

...If only you were as easy to deceive as Satsuki. Nakano Ichika sighed sincerely.

But it's useless to say this, so it's better to think of a way to remedy it.

She didn't want her four sisters to know that she was becoming an actor, at least not now.

Thinking like this, Nakano Ichika slowly raised his arm, and his beautiful eyes gradually half-squinted while looking at the warm-colored light.

Do you want to directly ask Kitahara not to tell this matter?

...Would it be too rude?

Wuyue will be angry if she hears what you said.

Beihara Hao looked at her lifeless expression and couldn't help but shook his head.

No, you don't understand May. Nakano Ichika shook his head and said softly, As long as you use meat buns to attract her attention, it's easy to deceive her.

After all, the quintuplets have lived together for so many years, and they have already figured out each other's weaknesses.

Speaking of which, aren't you curious why I want to hide being an actor?

Nakano Ichika seemed to have remembered something. He held his cheek with his hand, tapped his white fingertips lightly on his red lips, and asked in a confused tone.

After knowing that someone deliberately concealed this matter, they should be curious to know the reason, right?

Originally, she had thought of a reason for her answer, but Kitahara Hao had no intention of asking the question.

There is still some curiosity, but if you don't want to tell me, there is no need to ask.

Kitahara Hao replied softly.

After all, even if you ask, you won't get any truth.

I see~ Nakano Ichika's lips curved slightly, and he nodded with satisfaction, Then I won't find reasons to fool you.

You are so honest.

By the way, how did you end up tonight?

After secretly cursing in his heart, Kitahara Hao lowered his head and glanced at the flyer, and asked curiously.


When the interview was mentioned, the smile on Nakano Ichika's face froze instantly. She slowly lowered her head and pursed her moist lips.

A trace of frustration flashed across his delicate face.

Although no answer was given, this action gave the answer.

It seems to have failed.

Beihara Hao slightly raised his eyebrows, but he was too sensible to ask further.

It will probably take another ten minutes to arrive at the Nakano family's apartment.

He looked at the road ahead illuminated by the headlights and couldn't help but think.

It seems that I have been sending others home tonight...

The main reason is that I overestimated my abilities and actually thought about directly running for the second female lead.

Listening to the soft music in his ears, Nakano Ichika slowly unfolded the flyer and whispered in a low voice: As expected, I still have to start with the supporting role first.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear a hint of reluctance in her voice.

Those roles should have been booked in advance, and - Kitahara Hao looked at her short pink hair and said with a chuckle, No matter your figure or appearance, it is very easy for you to become an actor. Bar.

Putting aside things like acting, Ichika Nakano still meets the requirements.

That's an idol you're talking about. What I want to be is an actor!

Nakano Ichika retorted dissatisfiedly.

Idols and actors are completely two different things, right?

One relies solely on his face, while the other relies on his acting skills - no matter how you think about it, they can't be linked together.

What's the difference?

Kitahara Hao looked at the heroine participating in the starring role on her flyer and said with a slightly raised corner of her mouth.

He seemed to have met the leading actor not long ago.

If I remember correctly, Okino Yoko was born as an idol.

...Yoko Okino?

Nakano Ichika blinked blankly, then she lowered her head and glanced at the flyer in her hand.

The leading actor above is Okino Yoko’s name

Of course she knew about the deeds of this popular star, who was indeed a girl group idol before, but——

Success like hers is pitiful.

Nakano Ichika sighed softly and responded weakly.

And her agent Yamagishi Ei is also very experienced. He selected most of the hit dramas for Okino Yoko.

Yamagishi Sakae?

Sound familiar?

Kitahara Hao thought about it for a while, and had a vague impression.

It seems that guy is still a suspect.

By the way, Kitahara-kun - Nakano Ichika suddenly remembered something, raised his eyes to look at him, and asked thoughtfully, You and Okino Yoko should know each other, right?

She remembered that Kitahara helped Okino Yoko solve a suicide case not long ago, and that incident even made the headlines in the newspapers.

Yoko Okino, I know her quite well, right?

Kitahara thought carefully and said hesitantly.

Why is it a question?.

137: Please, please don’t tell them!

Because I'm not sure.

Beitahara shrugged helplessly and explained.

Although they exchanged contact information with Okino Yoko last time, the two have not contacted each other once so far.

The relationship between the two is quite familiar, probably.

Do you need me to recommend something for you-?

Beitahara looked at the flyer in her hand and asked with a slight smile.

After all, he also helped Okino Yoko solve a suicide case and let her get rid of her identity as a suspect; it was just such a small request, she should not refuse the first/post, group 9. 80? 2ュ0 @5ヘ8?5♀6 Absolutely.

No need~

Nakano Ichika was stunned for a moment, then looked to the side unconsciously, and responded in a gradually longer tone.

She just asked curiously, but she didn't mean that at all.

Moreover, Kitahara Hajime is Nino's boyfriend, not her own.

Nakano Ichika held his chin, looking at the night scene outside the window with his blue eyes, thinking nonchalantly.


At this moment, a vibrating bell attracted both people's attention.

Kitahara took it out of his pocket and took a look at it. After seeing the caller ID, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise.

Is it Nino?

Looking at the smile at the corner of his mouth, Nakano Ichika asked with interest.

She remembered that Nino would usually call Kitahara and chat for a while before going to bed.

It's my home phone number. It should be Xiao Dora calling.

Kitahara Hao pressed the answer button and then turned the sound to hands-free mode.

Anyway, there were no outsiders present, so there was no need to be secretive when making phone calls.

Half, when will you go home?

As the connect button was pressed, Doraemon's voice came from the other side, accompanied by a soft cat meow.

I'll be home in about twenty minutes. Do you have anything to buy?

Kitahara Hao asked softly.

Usually when Doraemon calls him, he usually wants to buy something and doesn't care what time he comes home - after all, he is already an adult.

It's nothing, it's just that Xiaomi's cat food is almost finished... Doraemon paused slightly, and then said a little embarrassedly, Can you bring me some more Dorayaki by the way?


Beihara Hao was silent for a while, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

He bought a week's worth of cat food the night before, how could he finish it so quickly!

This is all an excuse to buy Dorayaki.

I'm going to help Dora-chan bring Dorayaki over in the afternoon!

A smirk appeared on the corner of Nakano Ichika's mouth, his cheek slowly moved closer to the phone, and he said in a brisk tone.

Eh! Ichika?

Doraemon's somewhat surprised voice came from the other side, and then he immediately shouted loudly: You obviously brought dango, not dorayaki!

Also, why is Ichika by Hagi's side?!

I just happened to meet you on the road, don't worry. Kitahara Hao glanced at the smiling girl next to him, and continued helplessly, When I go back, I will help you buy Dorayaki.

Thank you, I'll wait for you at home!

After getting the answer he wanted, Doraemon hung up the phone with satisfaction.

He didn't care at all why Nakano Ichika was by Kitahara Hajime's side.

And on the other side.

Dora-chan is really greedy. I just brought her dumplings this afternoon.

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